
Consumed By Darkness
Consumed By Darkness
Author: Azure Quill



"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Liam said to his mom as he leaned down to hug her.

"Do I need permission to visit my son?" His mother joked while running her hands through his back.

I stood behind them waiting patiently for the mother and son to finish their greetings. It would be better if they continued without her noticing my presence. I hated it when she visited. She never stopped reminding me that I haven't given her a grandchild. She forgot that it takes a man and a woman to have a child. If Liam doesn't want a child then how was I going to have a child, immaculate conception?

"You know that is not what I meant, mother."

"Welcome, mother." I smiled cheerfully when they broke their sweet embrace.

She turned to me not hiding her disgust with my presence. Two year ago when I was still dating Liam she always cherished me, acting like she would be the best mother-in-law in the world. Who knew not having a child would make her change her attitude towards me quickly? Or she never liked me from the beginning.

"Of course you are here, Leah." She rolled her eyes.

If anyone should be angry it is me. Why does she always show up unannounced and act like I am the uninvited guest? 

"That's funny mother, where else would I be if not in my husband's house?" I replied trying my best not to match her tone but I failed.

Calm down, Leah.

"Did you see the way she talked to me, Liam? Is this the way she should be talking to me?" She said pointing at me furiously.

Fuck her!

"For christ sake, mother can you two not fight everytime you come over." Liam scolded softly while facing his mother.

She took a step back, her hand on her chest as she starred at him shocked and he sighed, rubbing his forehead. I rolled my eyes knowing what was coming next. I hated that I was still standing here, in a place where I wasn't needed.

"Are you raising your voice at me because of her?" She cried.

My mother-in-law was an award winner in emotional blackmail.

"I am going upstairs" I announced, turning away from them, already fed up with her.

"Is that how you treat your mother-in-law, you arrogant girl? You think you are all that cause you came from a wealthy family?" She shouted behind me.

"It is okay mother."

"Let me be. You keep tolerating her that is why she behaves that way even when she is barren! A woman who can't have her own children shouldn't be this arrogant!"

I stopped, my fist clenched as tears welled in my eyes. Even though she has said it so many times. Even though I told myself that I was immune to her harsh words. Even though I expected them, it still hurts every time she said them. 

"Don't talk to Leah like that mother, she isn't barren. How many times do I have to tell you that I don't need a child right now? I am the one who doesn't need a child!"

"Of course you would defend her. Women like her who grew up in a wealthy family where they are spoilt and allowed to do as they please never make good wives! She must have slept with a lot of men and damaged her womb with the amount of abortion she..."

"Enough mother! I am trying to show you some respect but you are seriously crossing the line here. How could you say that about my wife? If you wouldn't behave I don't see a reason for you to be here." Liam scolded.


"And you should apologise to Leah, mother your words were too harsh."

"Why should I apologise to her? All I did was say the truth." She defended.

I blinked back the tears that threatened to fall.

Not today, Satan. Not today.

"I won't be joining you two for dinner. Goodnight, mother I hope my presence would make you uncomfortable enough to leave tomorrow morning." I smiled and walked away.

I hope for the sake of my sanity that she wasn't planning on staying longer.

When Liam returned to the room, I was standing by the window staring at the darkness. I heard him walk to the bed, then towards me. 

"You will catch a cold if you leave the window open." He said, placing a blanket over my shoulders before closing the window.

I turned and made to walk towards the bed when he grabbed my arm, and turned me to face him.

"I am sorry about my mother. I know she can be annoying and her words a bit harsh."

"It wasn't a bit harsh, Liam. Her words were very harsh. It is as if she studies new ways to torment me before showing up here, UNIVITED. Whenever I think I have heard enough, she surprises me."

"I am trying my best for you, Liam, but I can't keep doing this. Your mother isn't helping at all, and I am tired of pretending it doesn't hurt."

"I understand. I have talked to her and if she doesn't behave during her visit this time I won't let her come visit again I promise." He said, cupping my face.

There was no need to talk to her. How long has she been acting this way? How long has he talked to her about her behaviour? I had already given up on hoping she would change. It is better that she stays aware from our home until she can put up with her BARREN daughter-in-law.

"Hmm," I hummed as he leaned down to kiss me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back with the same hunger he kissed me. The blanket around my shoulders slipped down as we walked towards the bed and fell on it. I took off my nightgown as he took off his t-shirt. His lips brushed against my skin and a moan escaped my lips. He kissed my stomach, then my breast and back to my lips.

"I am ready." I breathed.

In as much as I loved the way he was kissing me, that was not where I wanted his attention, and I was too horny and wet for foreplay.

I reached for his pants, and he held my hand. I looked up at him with a questioning look.

"I can't get it up." He said, feeling guilty.

I held back from asking, 'Again?' 

"Maybe you are the one in need of foreplay," I chuckled.

"Let me help you," I offered, reaching for his pants again but he avoided me.

He sighed and got off me, sitting down at the edge of the bed. I laid down on the bed watching the ceiling as I bit my lips, telling myself it was okay.

"I am tired, Leah. I will make it up to you next time, I promise." He kissed my hand.

You are always tired.

"I don't know what to do again, Liam. I have tried what I can to spice things up, but it never works. If you can’t react to my naked body, what would you react to?" I asked softly.

"For Christ's sake, Leah, you know how this week has been for me. Are you going to join my mother in pressuring me to have a child?" He stood up from the bed angrily, running his fingers through his hair.

"I am not asking for a child, Liam. You said you didn't want a child right now, and I agreed to it. Couples don't have sex just because they want to have children. I just want us..." I said sitting up.

"It has been long since we had sex. You are always busy or too tired, and when you try to touch me, you never seem to be able to get it up."

"Are you implying that I have a problem?"

"Liam! You know that is not what I meant." 

I got down from the bed and I tried to touch him but he flinched and recoiled from my touch. I felt hurt by his action. Like I was hit by something. I didn't like the way he was looking at me, like he was hurt by my words. I don't want us to fight. I was always the one who suffered whenever we ended up fighting.

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