


I hated Mondays. They were the most stressful and demanding day of the week, and today just had to be the board of directors' meeting. 

"...we dominated the market not only in this city but several other cities surpassing last year's sales over the past quarter," I concluded, and the board members, started clapping, smiling, and nodding to me

"A 15% increase in revenue compared to last year this same period is wild, Leah. I am glad we made the right choice choosing you." The chairman said with a wink.

He looked more pleased than everyone in the room as he stood up clapping. I felt satisfied with the result of my hard work. I made a promise when I was chosen not to mess up and make sure the Chairman was not disappointed in me, even though I doubt he would ever be.

After the meeting, the Chairman approached me with a warm smile as I gathered the documents before me. I returned the smile, turning to face him. 

"Should we have lunch together, Mrs. COO?" he teased, and I chuckled, shaking my head.

"I'd love to, Mr. Chairman, but I made plans for lunch with a friend today." 

He feigned hurt, placing his hand over his heart. "Do I now need to make an appointment to have lunch with my daughter?"

"Stop being dramatic, Dad." I laughed, stepping forward to hug him.

He returned the hug, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Let's have lunch together tomorrow, okay?"

"Not tomorrow, honey."

"Why?" I pulled back, with a furrowed brow.

"There is someone I need to meet tomorrow." He sighed, his expression turning serious.

"What of Friday night?"

"Yeah, cool with me. Should I invite Mom and Ivy?" 

He rubbed his forehead, contemplating his reply.

"As long as she comes willingly."

A family dinner, something we haven't had for a long time, although one of my sisters wouldn't make it since she stays in another city. That was something I was looking forward to.

I drove to the cafe nearest to the company where I and Sam always had lunch whenever she had something to do near the company.

"Bitch! Over here!" Sam screamed, waving her hand excitedly as I walked into the cafe.

"Shhh," I hushed her as I walked quietly towards the table, the eyes of annoyed customers on us.

"Fuck them," she said, standing up to peek at my cheeks and I returned the gesture.

"I have missed you," I said softly as I pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Me too." She cried.

"Why did you have to get married and abandon me?" She whined.

Sam is a friend I met in high school. We have been inseparable since then.

"Were you expecting me to get stuck with you forever? Go find yourself a man to marry," I joked.

"Hell no! I plan on staying single for a long, long time."

"Suit yourself," I said, as the waitress came over to take our orders.

"So what's new in your life? Is your sex life still BORING?" She stressed the last part.

"Oh, I and Liam talked about it, and we are trying new things." I lied.

She narrowed her eyes, not convinced by my lies.

"What new things?" She asked, her voice low.

The waitress came back with our orders and placed them on the table.

"Can we not talk about this now?" I pleaded.

She stared at me concerned for a moment and nodded, and I was thankful. I didn't want to think or talk about what happened last night at that moment.

I came back from work feeling tired and the last person I wanted to see was Liam's mother. 

Fuck! Why is she still here? 

"Good evening, Mother," I greeted as I walked past the sitting room.

She responded with a sharp hiss, not bothering to look up. I ignored her, glad she was being indifferent and not welcoming me with harsh words like she always does.

I went up to my room and ran the water for a hot bath. After my bath, I stepped out, wrapping myself in a towel. 

Liam was entering the room as I was coming out of the bathroom. Our eyes met, and he looked away. He contemplated whether to walk away or come in for a moment before closing the door and walking in. The room felt awfully quiet.

"Hey," I said, breaking the silence.

"Hey," he replied. "I am sorry for overreacting last night. I shouldn't have said all that." 

"Yeah, I wasn't very understanding, so I am sorry too." I apologized with a smile.

He smiled back and walked towards me. "Let's not fight again, hmm?" He leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on my lips. 

It felt like things were okay, but they weren't. We can't keep apologising and acting like the problem was solved while it is still there, ready to rare its ugly face at any moment.

"We still need to talk about..." I started when I pulled back slightly, only to be met with a frown on his face.

Shit! This won't end well.

"I thought we just resolved this?" he said irritated.

Don't say anything,  Leah!

"Apologizing isn't going to solve it. We need to talk, Liam," I insisted.

His face twisted with anger. "Sex, right? That is what all this is about. Get on the bed and spread your legs let me fuck you!"

I felt a sharp pain in my chest at his crude remark. I am getting tired of this. If this is going to lead to a fight every fucking time then let's not talk about it again.

"Yeah, all I have to do is get on the bed and spread my legs. Is not like you would get aroused from it so why should I?" I snapped, storming away to the closet to find something to wear.

Fuck! I ruined it again.

When I came back to the room, he was lying on the bed in his boxers. I had thought he wouldn't sleep here after what happened. I climbed into my side of the bed and turned my back to him. I felt him scoot closer to me and hug me from behind without saying anything.

The next morning, we didn't spare each other a word, but he peeked my forehead before leaving for work.

I had just finished a sale's inspection at one of our departmental stores and was heading to my office when I tan into the CEO, Mr. Martinez. 

"Mrs. Walsh," he greeted.

"Good morning Mr. Martinez,"

"You are a little late today. That's not like you." He pointed out.

"Morning sale's inspection." I replied, my eyes darting behind him where a man too imposing to ignore stood, and I felt a jolt course through me as my eyes met the black eyes of the stranger I met at the parking lot yesterday.

His dark eyes held a mischievous glint as a slow, dangerous smile crept across his lips and a shiver danced over my skin.

"I really admire your dedication." Mr. Martinez said, and I looked away from the stranger.

Mr. Martinez's gaze shifted to the stranger, whose eyes never stopped drilling holes into my body.

"Ah, this is Leah Walsh, our chief operating officer, and this is Aiden Kingston, the chairman's visitor." He introduced.

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