
004~ TO FLEE


"Leah," the stranger repeated, my name as if tasting it. There was something about the way he said my name, like a secret whispered in the dark.

"Please call me Aiden," he said, extending his hand for a handshake.

I stared down at his large hand that could easily hold two of mine, hesitating before looking up at him again.

What harm could taking his hand do?

I forced my hand into his, and they felt rough and strong against mine. He gripped it firmly and slowly. While holding my gaze, he lifted my hand to his lips. He placed a soft kiss on the back of my hand, the warmth of his breath caressing my skin, sending sparks up my arm like a live wire. A gasp escaped my lips as I pulled my hand away from his.

A low rumble escaped his lips, and I was certain he was aware of the effect he was having on me.

This was dangerous.

"Nice meeting you, Leah." He said, his eyes shifting to my hair.

"Your hair looks more beautiful when you let it down,"

He reached out a hand, and before I could react, he removed the hair band, holding my hair up in a ponytail, and it tumbled down my back.

"Beautiful," he murmured against my skin as he leaned in, inhaling my hair like he did at the parking lot.

"You are beautiful," he repeated, and I felt the heat creep up my neck when his nose grazed the sensitive skin of my neck.

He leaned back, amusement in his eyes, as he made to tuck my hair behind my ear, and I took a step back.

"That's a bad habit, Mr. Kingston," I said, not hiding my irritation. "Not keeping your hands to yourself."

"Mhm, I will try to... next time, even if it will be difficult." His eyes trailed down my body, and I felt like he was stripping me off my dress.

This is madness!

"See you around, Leah," he said, a seductive smile gracing his lips.

How I want to smack that smile of his handsome face!

"Mr. Martinez, shall we?" He said, turning to Mr. Martinez, whose presence I had almost forgotten.

"Ah, yes, the chairman must be waiting," Mr. Martinez replied, and they walked away, leaving me standing in the hallway, angry at myself more than I should with him.

I collapsed into my chair when I reached my office.

"That bastard!" I muttered under my breath.

He made me uncomfortable. I didn't like the way he looked at me. The way he thought it was okay to just touch me whenever he wanted or sniff my hair. That pervet!

Who sniffs the hair of a woman they just met?

I combed through my hair with my fingers.

I like your hair...

Your hair looks more beautiful when you let it down.


I opened the drawer and took out another hair tie, and tied my hair up.

Lunch break, even though I didn't have an appetite, I still dragged myself out of my office to go find something to eat. I passed the chairman's office on my way to the elevator and recalled him saying he won't be available for lunch today as he would be meeting a visitor.

"Come to think of it, Mr. Martinez said something about that jerk being the chairman's visitor,"

I stood waiting for the elevator when someone whispered from behind me, startling me, "Did you tie it up again?".

As I turned to face the voice I recognized, my hair fell down my back as he removed my hair tie again!

"The fuck is wrong with you!" I yelled.

Why the fuck is he still here? Shouldn't he be having lunch with the chairman?

He chuckled, that low rumble that I hated because it sent unwelcomed shiver down my body. I hate this.

"Looks like I am keeping this one too," he said, twirling the hair tie between his fingers, then bringing it to his nose to inhale it.

"Ah, that intoxicating scent of yours."

This creep!

The elevator opened and he walked in, while I stood outside not moving a muscle.

He raised an eyebrow. Like hell I wanted to be in an elevator alone with him! If he can't keep his hands to himself when other people around imagine what he would do to me when we were all alone in an enclosed space. I wasn't taking any chances.

"I, uh, forgot something at the office." I blurted, turning on my heels to escape, when he grabbed my wrist and yanked me into the elevator.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" I screamed, panic clawing at my throat as the elevator doors shut close.

"You get more interesting with each encounter, doll," he smiled, his arm snaking around my waist and pulling me against his hard, warm body.

My body responded to the warmth pressed against me, and I have never felt angry and ashamed of my body as I was at that moment.

"Relax, I won't bite...yet,"

"Let go off me!"

"I don't want to,"

I panicked, we were alone in the elevator and it would take five more minutes before we get to the ground floor. I tried pushing against him but he was stronger.

"What do you want from me?"

I knew the answer. There was no way I didn't realize it from the way he looked at me, like a prey.

He tilted my chin up forcing me to meet his dark eyes that held a hunger that scared me.

"Isn't it obvious doll?"he brushed his thumb roughly against my lips.

"Your body. Every fucking part of your sexy body."

"Fuck you!"

"We will get to that part, doll."

I bit down on my lips, angry.

"I am a married woman."

He paused, surprised.

There was no way he would keep acting like this if he knew I was married. Was I encouraging him with the way my body reacted to him? If I had told him I was married earlier would he have left me the first time we met. Then again there was no opportunity to do that.

"Tell me Leah," he said, a twisted grin forming on his lips as his hand slid down my neck, sending goosebumps over my skin. He wrapped it around my neck, as his face tilted closer, his breath, warm and minty.

"Why does a married woman react this way to another man's touch?"

"You..." I gritted, clenching my fists.

He was right. I was shamelessly letting him do whatever he wanted while I was married.

"Shhh, even now, your lips are begging for a kiss."

I pressed my lips together and turned my face away when he leaned in to kiss me.

"Next time." He murmured against my ear, then bit it.

"I will be kissing those lips."

I knew he meant every word he said. This was his way of telling me to avoid him at all cost.

He took a step back and strengthened his suit as the elevator doors opened.

"I am looking forward to our next meeting, doll." He said as he walked away from the elevator.

I staggered back, leaning against the wall. The elevator felt smaller and hot.

Why? Why did I let him?

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