
His pleasure

Eleonora's face turned pale after hearing those words. She stood still, her feet seemingly planted to the ground as she tried to make sense of the entire situation. 

She was supposed to be working as a maid, so why was this unnaturally hot man asking her to take off her clothes? She doesn't recognize him, she thought she would be meeting the man who bought her from the organization.

“I don't understand sir.” She spoke up, still clueless about what was happening.

The shirtless man said nothing. Instead, he got up from where he was, taking slow strides towards the scared girl. He stopped right in front of her, towering above her as she was forced to lift her chin to look at him. The expression on his face was blank, making it difficult to read. 

His hazel brown eyes stared down at her, holding a firm iciness that made shivers run down her spine. His demeanor was cold and unwelcoming, his lips twitching in underlying anger. She could immediately read that he was not happy, causing her to take a few steps back, her breathing getting heavy.

He grabbed her wrist all of a sudden, pulling her even closer, she started to pant, releasing silent gasps. His grip was firm and strong as his other hand grazed her body in the most gentle way possible. She found herself slowly submitting and becoming weak in the knees. 

Eleonora was still confused, but at the same time, her body was failing her by forcing her to succumb to the sexy stranger's touches. His hand suddenly grabbed a huge chunk of her butt, giving it a gentle squeeze. She let out a gasp and forced her way out of his grip, staring at him with wide eyes.

“What are you doing? Leave me alone!” She cried out, covering her body like she was naked, her eyes dimming in fear. 

“What nonsense!” He yelled out, shocked that she would speak to him that way. 

“It's obvious that you do not know the caliber of the man standing in front of you. I am Leonardo DeLuna, and I do not tolerate disobedience.” His voice held a command, one which asserted the dominance that he held.

“I.. I didn't sign up for this please.. I wasn't told that I would be doing something like this!” Eleonora sniffed, “I was told I would be a maid.” 

Leonardo marched towards her once again, his strides quick and intimidating. She let out a squeal when his strong hand grabbed her wrist again, this time around, tossing her into the bed with ease. She screamed, more tears streaming down her cheeks. 

“You are here to do what I want you to do. I own you, you are mine.” He said with a low growl before dashing towards her again. He pinned her to the bed, holding her wrists above her head as he slowly brought his lips to her ear, his breath tickling her.

“Please.. please..” she sniffed, shutting her eyes tightly as Leo's warm body came in contact with hers. 

“I'd keep my mouth shut if I were you. My anger is something you don't want to face.” 

Eleonora started to realize that her life had taken an entirely different turn. She had been sold not only as a maid, but as a sex slave to the cold man above her. This realization forced her heart to sink into her stomach as she wondered what would become of her from here on out.

She remained silent, tears pouring out of her eyes as Leo continued to explore her body. His hand went up her thigh, giving it a gentle pinch. She reacted by wincing, but that didn't stop him from moving up further, reaching for her under garments and tearing them off.

Eleonora gasped again, cold shivers running down her spine. He stared at her, her discomfort at that moment meaning nothing to him. He went ahead to reach for her boobs, massaging left one with his hand, a soft groan escaping his lips. 

Eleonora bit her lip as she tried not to feel any pleasure, but it was difficult. His touches were not only gentle, but sensational. She couldn't help but get chills, her wetness running down her butt. 

Again, Leo tore her dress without mercy, making her boucy boobs come into view. He salivated over how perfect they looked and did not waste another moment before taking her nipple in his mouth. 

“Mmmmh.” She unknowingly released a sigh, shutting her eyes and arching her back as the feeling of having his tongue roll around her nipple hit her immediately. 

What was he doing with her? He was messing with her head and she couldn't do anything about it.. not that she even wanted to. As he feasted on her cherry red nipples, his free hand once again snuck up her thighs, giving her the most gentle caresses, before moving up again, coming in contact with her labia. 

She bit down on her lip at the sudden contact, her back slightly arching as the thought of what was about to happen filled her head. She was so aroused by this stranger, even though she was supposed to be terrified of him.

“You're so fucking wet, you want me, don't you?” His lips stretched into a grin as he briefly lifted his mouth from her nipple. She stared back at him without saying a word and trying to hide her arousal.

Leonardo withdrew his hand and sniffed it, causing Eleonora's cheeks to heat up in embarrassment. He smiled after taking a good sniff and lowered his head to kiss her areola.

“You smell so nice.” His voice came out husky, triggering every single nerve in her. She shuddered, her eyes glued to the sexy man on top of her. 

Leonardo, once again took his hand to her entrance, gently flicking on her throbbing clit with his tongue teasing both of her nipples one after the other. Eleonora wriggled underneath him, tempted to tell him to fuck her already. She was ashamed of herself for enjoying what was happening.

Teasing her even further, Leonardo took his hand out and gave her right nipple a little pinch, letting out low grunts. When he moved slightly on her, Eleonora could feel his manhood poking her through his pants, her eyes widened. 

The grin on Leonardo's face widened, turning somewhat wicked and that scared her. She watched as he opened his drawer, pulling out two straps and a handcuff. She gasped, fidgeting in fear as he brought them closer.

“What are you gonna do with those?” 

Her question seemed to piss Leo off because he threw her a dirty glare that was meant to shut her up. 

“You will have to be taught all the rules, because I will not be lenient with you the next time you try to speak without being told to.” He said to her, his face colder than ice. Eleonora's face dropped, she became silent, only watching his movement.

Leo put the handcuffs on her, leaving her hands above her head while he strapped her legs to each side of the bed, allowing for easy access into her wet pussy. He grinned, like a scientist admiring his creation, then he began to unbuckle his belt. 

Eleonora's heart thumped in her chest, her eyes glued to his groin as she awaited the reveal. The bulge on his pants was quite big, she could already imagine its size when let out. 

And just as she thought, it was enormous. She gulped when he took his boxers off, his veiny cock bouncing to life. The lust in her eyes was evident and she became even wetter, awaiting his insertion.

“Do you want this in you?” He asked, leaning over to get another taste of her boobs. She let out a tiny moan.

“I asked you a question.” 

“Yes.” She answered hesitantly. 

Leonardo smiled again before suddenly shoving a gag in her mouth, violently pushing it into her mouth until she was stuffed. She was shocked and struggled to get it off but nothing worked as she was already tied up. Fear was evident in her eyes, her brain trying to figure out what was going on. Why was he treating her like an animal?

Without another word, he plunged into her wet pussy violently, making sure his entire length was inside her although it was hurting her. Tears filled Eleonora's eyes, she yelled internally, the veins on her neck becoming visible. 

Leo couldn't care less about her pain. As soon as his whole length was inside her, he began to roughly move in and out of her, ramming against her walls like he was on a mission to kill her. He grabbed her boobs but not as gently as he did before. This time around, he pulled them like he wanted them off her body, pinching her nipples as harshly as he could. 

Eleonora struggled as tears rolled down her cheeks, the pain was unbearable, her pussy walls were on fire as Leo forced his giant dick into her tiny hole. She moved around in a bid to free herself but the more she struggled, the harder Leo was on her. 

He pulled his cock out, cumming all over her boobs, then he started all over again, not giving her a chance to recover. Eleonora's eyes shut tightly, as she cried bitterly, but Leo did not have mercy. He held onto her thighs as he continued to slam in and out of her. He did not stop until he cummed again, releasing all of his cum on her body. 

Eleonora hiccuped in tears, feeling disgusted and terrified. This wasn't what she expected at all, and the man behind it all didn't look remorseful in any way.

She stared hatefully at him as he stepped down from the bed, but he simply smirked. 

“This is how I like my pleasure, so you have to get used to it.” 

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