
Insatiable beast

Laying in a pool of her own sweat, Eleonora wondered what her life had become. Had she been brought only to satisfy the awkward cravings of this heartless man? She knew that life was tough on her before, but this is a whole new level of pain which she wasn't sure she could bear.

The door opened slightly, a little light sipping into the dark room. She was naked and wet, a very embarassing situation which she didn't want to be found in. 

She watched as a familiar figure entered the room, walking towards the bed. Her eyes softened when she saw that it was madam Gigi, then, all the tears she had been holding back started to trickle down her red cheeks.

“It's alright my dear, come on.” Madam Gigi said softly as she carefully took off the bindings and handcuffs. Once freed, Eleonora hugged herself, trying to cover her shame, but nothing could wipe away the mark that has been left on her. 

“Let's leave. We have to go before he gets back.” Madam Gigi said, helping her down from the bed. She supported her as she couldn't walk properly, then covered her immediately with a towel.

“I can't go out there like this, everyone will see my shame.” Eleonora sniffed.

“No one is outside, come on.” Madam Gigi gently pulled her along despite get resistance. They silently made their way through the hallway, ultimately going outside and back into the other building. Madam Gigi led her to her room and told her to take a bath.

“Once you're done with your bath, change your clothes and your food will be brought to you. You have to replenish your energy.” She instructed and left the room.

Eleonora stood under the shower in the bathroom, letting the water penetrate her skin, trying to wash away the mark that Leonardo had left on her. The memories haunted her, she kept getting flashes everytime she blinked, she couldn't stop thinking about it. Her screams, begging him to stop, filled her eardrums, until she ended up screaming under the shower and falling to her knees. 

She grabbed her hair, pulling it harshly, scratching her body like she wanted to get rid of her skin, her fingernails ended up giving her bruises, but she didn't care. She had lost her dignity, her relevance and her innocence, nothing would hurt her more.

After spending an hour in the bathroom, she finally turned off the shower and tied the towel around her waist before making her way out. She was startled by the presence of a lady in her room, almost losing her balance.

“Who are you?” She questioned, staring at the beautiful lady in a maid's uniform. She was a ginger, with freckles all over her face, Eleonora thought they made her even prettier.

“My name is Elizabeth.” She beamed, but the glint in her eyes quickly dispersed when she saw the terrible state Eleonora was in.

“Madam Gigi instructed me to bring your food.” She said and then slowly shook her head in pity. “I don't even wish for my enemies to face the fate that you are forced to put up with.” She muttered, looking sad. Eleonora turned away, moving to grab some clothes from the closet.

“Are you okay?” Elizabeth questioned. Her question did nothing but enrage an already bitter Eleonora. 

“Are you daft or you just want to mock me?” Eleonora snapped, turning around to face her again. 

“Oh my.. please don't be upset. I was only trying to look out for you, believe me, your condition worries me.” 

“Why do you care?” Eleonora asked with an eye roll. For all she knew, everyone there was in on this cruel fate being metted out to her. She did nothing to deserve it, she has never hurt anyone.

“Because I know you're not getting out of it anytime soon.” 

Elizabeth's response made Eleonora's heart sink. It shouldn't have surprised her that this was going to be her life until her last breath, but for some reason, it left an empty feeling in her.

“Who is that man? Why is he doing this to me?” She sniffed. 

“Leonardo DeLuna, the most dangerous man in Italy.” Elizabeth started, giving herself chills as soon as she mentioned his name.

“He owns the biggest underground business in the country, but out in the real world, he is a business tycoon. His wealth is inherited, so is his illicit business. He's the boss of the Italian Mafia, controlling wealth beyond your imagination.” Elizabeth continued and Eleonora found herself listening with rapt attention.

“He is a man of few words, but when he opens his mouth to speak, kingdoms suffer. Trust me Nora, he is a dangerous man who you don't want to mess with.” 

“Oh my.. the mafia?” Eleonora gasped at the shocking revelation. How on earth did she get entangled with the mafia?

“His last sex slave committed suicide due to her inability to keep up with his demands, and that was over three years ago.” Elizabeth scoffed. 

“I'm afraid he'll drive you to the same date.” 

“No.. no..” Eleonora shivered from fear, the thoughts of what happened that night crossing her mind again. If Leonardo continues that way, he was surely going to kill her even before she got the chance to contemplate suicide.

“I can't do this.. I can't..” she gasped for breath, sweat running down her face and thighs, she was panicking, her vision becoming blurry. 

“Eleonora! Nora!” Elizabeth rushed to her, holding her firmly. She helped her sit on the bed, and then gently dabbed the sweat on her face.

“Calm down Nora,” she rubbed her back.

“How am I supposed to calm down after everything you've just told me? You just told me that I'm going to die.” 

“I'm sorry if I made things worse for you. Listen, just don't step on his toes, do as you're told and you'll have a better chance at survival.” Elizabeth stood up and dusted her gown.

“I will be leaving for my duty post now. When you're done eating, get dressed and come downstairs, madam Gigi will assign your duties to you.” She said and smiled at Eleonora shortly before walking out of the room.

Although she was hungry, Eleonora's appetite vanished after everything Elizabeth said. Was Leonardo really such a beast that his last slave had to kill herself to get away from him? 

She thought she had seen it all with what happened that night, but it seemed like there was worse to come. 

Hesitantly, she took a few bites of the food and proceeded to wear her special uniform. After that, she carried the plates out and took them downstairs to the kitchen where madam Gigi was speaking to a few other girls.

“Oh great, you're here.” 

“How do you feel now?” Madam Gigi asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

“Not any different.” She answered and the woman sighed.

“I wish I could help, I really wish. But for now, my job is to tell you what to do so you are on cleaning duty. You will make sure that this kitchen is kept neat every day and you'll also be assigned to clean the main mansion once in a while.”

Eleonora nodded her head in understanding, her fingers interlocked in front of her. 

“Remember,” madam Gigi leaned in to whisper to her. “You must always be obedient, it is the only way to guarantee your safety here. By that, I mean that you must answer the boss whenever he calls. Understood?” 

“Yes madam.” She nodded again. 

“Good, get to work then.” Madam Gigi left the kitchen and Eleonora was left to stand there awkwardly, all eyes darting to her direction. They whispered inaudibly amongst themselves, making her feel like an outcast.

Her eyes searched for Elizabeth but she was nowhere to be found. She had no other choice but to get to work, the events of the night still cemented in her memory.


Eleonora almost dropped the glass bowl in her hand when she heard her name. She turned only to find one of Leonardo's guards in front of her. She was the only one in the kitchen, it was already past midnight and she was trying to pack up the dishes she washed. 

“Y-yes?” She stuttered, gulping down in fear.

“The boss has called for you.” 

Her eyes were almost popping out of their sockets, she couldn't believe her ears. What sort of an insatiable beast was he!?

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