
The mistress

“Now, I'm going to make this easy for us, just do as you're told, and I won't have to punish you.” Leo whispered softly into her ear, sending shivers down her spine. She gave a slow nod, briefly meeting his gaze.

“Good girl,” he grinned, letting go of her. “Get on the bed.” 


The sun had just risen, and Eleonora woke up to the sound of other maids running around downstairs. The clanking of stainless plates and clicking of ceramic ornaments irritated her sleep, forcing her to get out of bed.

She wondered what was going on, but the pain she was feeling dominated her thoughts. 

She could vividly remember what happened last night, she could still remember the satisfaction on Leo's face as he allowed his cum to pour all over her, decorating her boobs and face. 

Eleonora couldn't help but shudder, as if trying to shake the feeling off, but the embarrassment lingered above her head, refusing to be wiped off. She still couldn't believe that she gave him the permission to fuck her again after the first time.

“Why are you still in bed!?” Her door threw open and madam Gigi entered, her face red from anger. She was visibly stressed, probably from yelling at the maids since that morning. 

“Oh.. I..” Eleonora did not get to complete her statement when madam Gigi interrupted with a wave of her hand.

“I told you to set your alarm, you have to be up on time!” 

“I'm sorry,” she lowered her head. “I'll get ready now.” 

“Hurry up and go down to the kitchen, there's a lot to be done. The mistress is coming home today.” 

Madam Gigi left the room immediately, leaving Eleonora to wonder who ‘the mistress' was and why her arrival was so important. 

However, she got up and went into the bathroom. After a warm bath, she put her uniform on before going down to the kitchen to resume her duties. 

“Hi Nora!” Elizabeth chimed as soon as she spotted Eleonora from the other side of the kitchen. She trotted over to her and gave her a little hug.

“The heavens know, I was worried sick about you. How was your night with the boss?” She questioned, her gaze was intent and filled with concern, scanning Eleonora for any sign of scars.

“It was no different from the first time.” Eleonora bit her lip. She tried to shed a tear, although she wanted to fill up a bowl with her tears at that moment.

This wasn't what she thought the future would be for her. Coming to the agency was like a dream come true at that time, promises of a good life were made to her and she fell for them. Being an orphan, she had no one to turn to, so she wasn't left with any choice.

“I hate to say this, Eleonora but you have to get used to it, you have to survive.” Elizabeth sighed and her eyes widened for a second, like she had just recalled something.

“We should get to work. Madam Gigi must not see us standing around or we'll be punished.” 

“Right.” Eleonora agreed and they went ahead to help the other maids prepare breakfast.

“The mistress is returning, it can only mean one thing!” 

“I wish she could have stayed away a little longer.”

“Thinking about her makes my head hurt.” 

Eleonora listened to some of the maids talk about the mistress and again, she wondered who it could be. Perhaps, the boss's close relative? Well, whoever she was, she was obviously bad news and no one seemed to be looking forward to her arrival.

Just when they had finished making breakfast, Eleonora spotted a bunch of maids running to the window, each one falling over the other to get a glimpse of what was going on outside. 

Curious to find out what was going on, Eleonora went up to her room to get a better view from her window. 

A matte black Chevrolet Corvette Stingray had pulled into the driveway, stopping right in front of the mansion. The door swung open, and a young woman stepped out. 

She was stunning, one of the most beautiful women Eleonora had ever set her eyes on. She was wearing a sizzling, knee length red dress. It hugged her figure, accentuating her beautiful curves perfectly. Her curly, brown hair effortlessly bounced around as she moved, she embodied a powerful aura.

Eleonora was awe struck, “How can someone be so perfect?” She thought. And although she couldn't see her face properly, she believed that she was perfect. 

“Pretty, isn't she?” Elizabeth suddenly appeared beside Eleonora, causing her to flinch.

“Uh.. yeah.. who is she?” 

“That.. is Anna-Marie, she's the boss's sister. They're not related by blood though, she was raised with him.” Elizabeth answered.

“But don't you dare call her by her name, just stay out of her way or else, she'll make life miserable for you.” 


“Welcome ma'am,” madam Gigi bowed. “Your room is ready.” 

Madam Gigi had gone to the main mansion to welcome Anna-Marie, who did not look like she was impressed with anything. She looked around the spotless living room, her nose scrunching in disgust.

“Why is everything out of place?” She fired, her voice carrying venom. She glared at the old woman who was already sweating from the pressure.

“We put everything in place.” She whimpered.

“And who said you could talk!? Fucking get those useless maids and have them rearrange everything to my taste! If not, you'll have to answer to me and you know I don't play around.” 

“Yes ma'am.” Madam Gigi bowed her head again.

“That's by the way, is the boss home?”

“He is.” 

A smile spread across her lips instantly, “Very well. I will see him before I retire to my room.” She made her way up the stairs immediately, her hair bouncing behind her. 

Anna-Marie got to Leonardo's chamber and placed a soft knock on the door. She cleared her throat and adjusted her dress, exposing the cleavage a little bit. She maintained the smile on her face as she waited for Leo's response.

“Come in.” His order came from inside and she immediately pushed the door open, the scent of coffee and lavender penetrating her nose instantly.

“Hi Leo!” She beamed, throwing herself into his bed. 

Leonardo did not lift his face from his laptop. His face remained neutral, showing no emotions whatsoever. She had expected him to be excited about her return, especially because he had been away for three months. 

“Seriously? You're not even going to look at me?” She scoffed and he sighed before lifting his eyes. 

“Happy?” He asked and she bit her lip.

“Come on Leo. Is that all I get after being away for such a long time? I finally got my masters degree, the least you could do is hug me and congratulate me!” She whined, moving closer to him.

Leo snapped his head in her direction, his eyes perfectly conveying the information he had in his head— don't come any closer. Anna-Marie understood and kept her distance, she knew very well that he didn't like to be touched unless he said so.

“Congratulations.” He muttered. 

Disappointed, Anna-Marie made to get down from the bed when she spotted a piece of hair on the bed. It was a blonde strand of hair, but Leo had black hair. 

“Leo, who was on your bed last night?” She questioned, her voice holding a sense of anxiety. 

“What's it to you?” 

“Leo! Don't tell me that you got yourself another sex doll!” She yelled, her eyes red with anger. Leo was not in the least moved by her outburst.

“I told you, I don't like having them around, I can give you all the pleasure you need.” She bit her lip, trying not to cry. But her emotions got the best of her, and tears flowed freely down her cheeks.

“You know Anna, you know that I will never have anything to do with you.” 


“Because you're my fucking sister!” 

“We're not related!” 

“Please, I'm trying to work.” He turned away, choosing to ignore her. 

Hurt and angry, Anna-Marie left his room, heading to hers when she stopped and went downstairs instead. Madam Gigi was still there.

“You.. oldie,” she called out. 

“Yes ma'am.” 

“Go and get her, get Leo's new doll, bring her to me now.” 

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