
I have just begun

Eleonora was assigned to serve Pablo DeLuna, Leo's oldest uncle. He lived in the other mansion that was opposite the maid's quarters. His breakfast was placed in a tray and handed to her, but before she could make it out of the kitchen, madam Gigi entered, looking worried.

“Drop that and follow me.” She ordered. 

“What? But I'm supposed to serve..”

“Are you deaf!? Just do as I say!” Madam Gigi fired. Eleonora had no other choice but to leave the food behind and follow her. 

They walked into the main mansion and met Anna-Marie sitting in the living room and sipping wine. Eleonora gulped when she was made to stand before the mistress, Anna-Marie's aura was that powerful.

“Is she the one?” Anna-Marie asked madam Gigi who simply gave a nod. Eleonora was not able to keep her eyes on the mistress, but Anna-Marie could not take her eyes off her. 

She seemed to be in disbelief, her tongue failing her at that moment. She stared at Eleonora, unable to wrap her head around the fact that she was the most beautiful being she had set her eyes on.

Not only was she endowed, her facial features could only be compared to that of a goddess. This made her blood boil as she developed an instant dislike for Eleonora. 

“What is your name?” 

“E.. Eleonora, mistress.” Eleonora's voice was soft and tender, she sounded like a saint.

“I see. So you are Leo's new mistress. I hope you know who I am.” 

Eleonora slowly nodded, “The boss's sister.” 

Her utterance did nothing but make Anna-Marie mad. There was nothing in the world that she hated more than being called Leo's sister. So what if they were raised together? It doesn't and will never change the fact that they were not related by blood. 

“Say that again, and I'll have your tongue ripped out of your mouth!” She fired and Eleonora flinched, squeezing her palms in fear. 

“I'm sorry.” She mumbled. 

Anna-Marie got to her feet, taking slow and daunting steps towards her. When she was close enough, she leaned in to whisper into her ear, “I am the only one that Leo wants.” 

Eleonora did not understand what she meant by that, but she didn't dare to ask.

“I am his and he is mine, you are nothing but a sex toy. Don't ever get the idea into your head that you can do whatever you want or get close to Leo, because I'll make sure you end up like his previous dolls!” 

Eleonora blinked in confusion. 

“Mistress, you can be rest assured that I have no intention of being close to the boss. I am aware of my position in his life, so you do not have to be so insecure.” 

Madam Gigi gasped from where she was standing, hiding her face away. She could only imagine what Anna-Marie would do next.

“You have a sharp tongue, don't you!?” Anna-Marie flared up, her eyes shooting daggers at Eleonora who was still oblivious of what she had done wrong.

“Now I will show you exactly what happens when you choose to mess with me!” She roared and called for the guards. 

She ordered them to take Eleonora out to the harsh lands— a large area of the land that was next to the training ground where offenders were usually punished. 

Eleonora was dragged to the harsh lands by the guards, she fought to free herself from their grip, but they were too strong for her to wriggle her way out. Her heart raced inside her chest as she thought about what her punishment would be.

“I'm sorry mistress! Please spare me!” She cried out but her cries fell on deaf ears as Anna-Marie was bent on teaching her a lesson. 

Eleonora was tossed into the field and was tied up. A wire was used to wrap her up from her head to her toes like a bag of tomatoes. She was left lying on the prickly grass while Anna-Marie sat back on the porch to watch, sipping her juice.

The harsh rays of the sun pierced Eleonora's skin, she begged and pleaded to be set free, Anna-Marie enjoyed every bit of it.

Two hours later, Eleonora was still lying under the sun, dehydrated, hungry and forced to endure the pain. Tears poured out of her eyes, afraid for her own life. It was obvious that no one was going to help her, Anna-Marie wouldn't let that happen.

“The boss is headed this way!” 

Anna-Marie smirked in satisfaction at that announcement. She just couldn't wait to tell Leonardo about how his new doll disrespected her. She knew Leo held her in high regard, and she was going to take advantage of it.

“What's going on here?” Leo's voice came, and she sprang to her feet immediately. He stared at her and then at Eleonora, who was lying helplessly on the field. As usual, there was no telling what he was feeling, he was completely blank.

“Look, that flimsy thing insulted me!” Anna-Marie bit her lip, trying to play victim. 

“Release her.” Leo ordered the guards who immediately ran to help Eleonora out of the position that she was in. 

Anna-Marie glared at Leo, wondering why he acted that way. 

“What are you doing Leo? You're undermining my authority in front of the servants.” She pointed out but he let out a scoff before his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

“She was supposed to take uncle's food to him, did you know that? Uncle missed his meal and his medicines, did you know that?” He fired, his countenance remaining calm. Anna-Marie gulped and her face dropped, she knew she'd messed up. 

“I.. I..” she was still trying to find her tongue when Eleonora was brought to stand next to Leonardo. 

She was weak and burnt up, her eyes barely open and her knees unable to keep her up straight. One of the guards had to hold her, or she would have fallen.

“And who gave you the permission to punish her?” Leo asked, clenching his fists as soon as he saw Eleonora's condition. 

“I told you, she insulted me so I..”

“So fucking what? Enjoying the same benefits that I did when we were kids does not elevate your status, Anna.” He fired and she struggled to fight back her tears, her heart shattering in pain.

“Don't place yourself higher than you are meant to be, or the fall will be fatal. You'll be punished for costing uncle his breakfast.”

“Come with me, to my room.” He said and made to move when Anna-Marie started following. He turned around and she halted as well, blinking at him. 

“Not you.. her.” He looked at Eleonora. “Bring her to my room.” He instructed the guards and quickly walked away. 

The two guards that were holding Eleonora quickly led her away, following Leo to his room while Anna-Marie stood there, seething and drowning in the embarrassment that Leo had just given her. 

Eleonora— she wasn't going to get away with this.

Back in Leo's chamber, Eleonora had refused to sit on the bed as Leo instructed. Tears were flowing down her cheeks and she countlessly wished him death in her mind. She couldn't help but wonder how anyone could be as callous as he was.

After what Anna-Marie made her go through, he still brought her to his room to sleep with her? Did he not care if she died in his arms? On his bed? 

“Stubbornness will not get you anywhere Eleonora.” Leo lit a cigar and popped it into his mouth. He was standing shirtless by the open window, his fingers combing through his wet hair.

“P.. please.. Please don't do anything to me tonight. I.. I can't even walk.” She dared to speak, hoping that his heart would be softened. 

Leo did not spare her a look, he walked to the cabinet and pulled out a box which he placed on the bed before glancing at her.

“Come here, I will attend to your wounds.” 

Eleonora almost lost her balance when she heard that. Her eyes were bulging out of their sockets as she stood there in shock.

“You.. you really want to treat me?” She asked, a soft smile making its way to her lips. 

Leo stared at her blankly, the cloud of smoke from his cigar, surrounding him. “You need to be in good shape, because I have only just begun with you.” 

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