

Reluctantly, Eleonora followed behind the tall, armed man who was leading her once again to the monster's abode. Her body was already screaming in horror of what was to come, her legs were shaking and her palms sweaty. 

She wanted to turn around and run, as fast as she could but there were guards at every turn, she wouldn't make it out of the mansion before she would be shot dead.

They arrived at the door and the guard left the way for her to enter. She gulped down hard before pushing the open and walking in, her entire body shivering from fear. 

Unlike before, there was a lot of light in the room, revealing most of the things she did not see on her first visit. But Leonardo was nowhere to be seen, and she couldn't hear the shower either. 

She stood by the door like a lost puppy, staring at all the components that made up the room. A sign above the bed caught her attention, it was more of a symbol. A horse with a sword driven through its head, that was the sign.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to recall where she had seen that symbol before. She bit her lip when the memory refused to surface, but she could swear that she had seen that symbol somewhere before. 

She was jolted out of her thoughts when she heard a door creak open behind her. She turned quickly only to find Leonardo walking out of an inner room with another man. They were chattering until they saw her, then they both went silent.

“Is she the one?” The nerdy looking man asked Leonardo who gave a short nod.

“She's gorgeous. Instead of a slave, she should be your concubine.” He teased, letting out a light chuckle but Leo glared at him and he stopped laughing.

His name was Nicholas DeLuna, Leo's cousin and right hand man. He was the only person that Leo trusts, the only person he ever let in on all his secrets. Nicholas loved to call them best friends, but Leo was never the touchy feely type.

“You may leave now Nicholas, I'll call you back when I need you.” Leo said and Nicholas obeyed, winking at Eleonora on his way out. 

His presence made Eleonora feel relieved, but as soon as he left, the fear of what was about to happen settled on her again. 

She watched as Leo walked over to his bed and opened the drawer beside it. He pulled out a small container which contained some pills and swallowed two. 

Eleonora wondered what sickness he had that made him take drugs. She also noticed how hyper he was until he took those drugs, he quickly calmed down, his intimidating aura returning. 

“Don't just stand there, you know what to do.” His voice came, a bit cracked this time around. She swallowed the lump in her throat as her hands shakily went up to unbutton her dress. 

Before long, her dress had dropped down to her ankles, leaving her bare in front of her torturer yet again. She wore nothing underneath, because she couldn't find any undergarments in her closet. 

She stepped out of the clothes and slowly made her way over to the bed, her legs almost failing her as she stumbled a few times. She was quick to regain composure and finally stood in front of the hungry looking man.

“Nicholas isn't wrong about you being gorgeous.. I guess the poor lighting a few hours ago deprived me of seeing how truly beautiful you are.” He grinned and her cheeks flushed.

She scolded herself internally for actually blushing at his compliments. It was no news that she found him attractive, but his words shouldn't have any effect on her, especially when she knew how he was about to treat her.

“Don't get ahead of yourself, I have absolutely no interest in you. All I find beautiful are those.” He pointed to her boobs, completely destroying the confidence she gathered a few seconds ago.

“I am not a loyal man Eleonora, but for these, I'm willing to be stuck on you.” He gently held her boobs in his hands, soft groans escaping his lips. 

There he goes again! Messing with her head with his mixed signals. She couldn't help but get shy, her heart still thumping in her chest. Her eyes darted to the drawer where he keeps the torture tools, a flash of the last time making her jerk.

“So fucking perfect.” He groaned in a low tone, massaging her mounds carefully, concentrating on each one. As his thumb and index finger pinched the right nipple, his lips engulfed the other, pressing down on it. He released her nipple with a loud smack, letting it bounce out if his mouth.

“Look how red..” he continued, salivating over her boobs. 

Watching him do that turned her on in ways that she could have never imagined. She fought against her own body but lost, her feet curled up as she struggled not to moan.

“I could suck them all day.” He sighed and took the nipple in his mouth again, allowing his tongue to graze the hardened nipple. His other hand caressed her right breast, causing goosebumps to cover her skin.

He released her again with another loud smack, and dug in again, harder than the last time. As he swirled his tongue around her areola and nipple, low, throaty grunts escaped from him, forcing her to snap her head back in pure pleasure.

This was part of his torture and she knew it. He would turn her on so badly and then break her apart later. 

“Come on Eleonora, I want to hear you moan.” He started to suck her like a child would suck its mother's nipple, biting her in-between. He took his hand off her breast and moved further down to her entrance, feeling the heat emanating from there. 

With the tip of his finger, he explored her entrance, feeling and savouring her wetness, enjoying her shaky but desperate legs.

“Moan for me..” he demanded, his tone commanding but seductive. She bit her lip, ashamed of herself for wanting to submit to this man. She crazily wanted to feel his hand up her wet kitty, exploring her walls and massaging her needy clit.

“Fuck..” she groaned as soon as his fingers went up her pussy. Her walls tightened around his two fingers as he began to thrust in and out of her, ever so gentle.

“Come on..” 

“Oh..” a soft moan escaped her lips. 

“That's it.” He grinned and returned his mouth to her nipple, sucking her out with pure passion, his grunts matching the rhythm of hid thrusts.

“Oh.. oooh!” She started to moan louder, her eyes clapping shut as her back arched. How was he doing this to her? How did he make all her fears disappear in the blink of an eye?

“Music to my ears.. don't stop.” He ordered, increasing his pace as he bit her nipple softly. Her moans filled the room and his ears, making him release a sly grin.

“Tell me, what do you want? What do you want right now?” He whispered, rolling his tongue from her nipple, all the way up to her neck. Her knees shivered.

Without shame, she opened her mouth to speak;

“I want you Leonardo, I want all of you in me.” 

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