
Chapter 13;




    *Third Person's Pov*



           After visiting the snake hunter, Amira and her servant started preparing for their plan to secretly sneak inside Princess Ana Mae's room. And their first step is to look for the room keeper who has all the keys in the girl's dormitory.


           "Did you find her?" the princess whispered to her servant who have just entered their classroom. They were supposed to have a class but their professor was on a very important meeting so they have a lot of time to prepare for their scheme.  



             "Yes your highness! She's currently resting in the garden," Ashley answered. The princess stood up from her chair and they hurriedly left their room. 



            "We have to hurry, time is running very fast. The hunter will wait for you outside the woods this evening. We have to settle everything first before our guest arrives," she said in an evil tone.



            "Of course your highness! Everything will be settled, just trust me!" Ashley responded.



             After walking for several minutes, they finally reached the garden. They automatically saw the room keeper who's comfortably sitting on one of the benches.



            "Hey," Ashley said to get her attention. 


    The woman stared at her for a few minutes before she speaks, "What do you need?"



          "We need the keys to Princess Ana Mae's room," Princess Amira stated. The woman then turned to her and automatically pays her respect as soon as she realized that she's talking to a royalty.



                "You could ask her yourself, your highness. It's forbidden to give spare keys to anyone without the owners permission," the woman objected. The princess was pissed with her answer, so she grabbed the poor woman's wrist and made her look directly into her eyes.



             "Listen carefully woman! I am a princess and that rule you are talking about is not applicable to me. I am the rule itself!" she yelled. The woman trembled from fear and could not utter even a single word.


            "Give me the spare keys to my cousin's room and I'll give you some golds in exchange for it. I will just borrow it from you, I will return it as soon as I'm done with my plan. So nobody will notice that you gave it to me!" she added.



            The woman was in deep thoughts for a few minutes before she decided to give in to the princess's offer. She slowly took the keys from her bag and looked for the ones with the name Ana Mae Villashne engraved in it.



        "Here your highness," she said while giving the key to the evil princess. The princess is smiling from ear to ear.


         "Finally!" Then she grabbed the key from the room keeper's hands. "But remember this woman, you will nevee tell anyone about this. Whatever happens, you will keep your mouth shut! Or else you will be in big trouble," she warned before giving her the golds she promised. The woman slowly nodded her head as an answer. 



            When the night came, Ashley secretly sneaked out of the University by passing through the secret gate. She wore a black cloak to hide her identity and to cover her body from the cold night breeze.



            When she arrives at the entrance of the forest, the snake hunter was not there yet. She stood under a big tree while she nervously scan her surroundings.


          "Geez, this seems to be a life threatening mission for me," she whispered.  She could hear groans from wild animals and that made her legs to tremble in fear.







                 "Oh my! It's a wolf's voice!" she said nervously after hearing a howl probably coming from the middle of the woods. "I don't wish to be his dinner so God please help me! Tell that annoying snake hunter to hurry!" she prayed with tears in her eyes.





    She automatically turned around when she heard the hunter's voice.


           "Finally! After waiting and trembling here for so long, you came!" she said sarcastically. The hunter laughed and showed her the cage with the snake inside it. 



                "You got to be kidding me woman! Catching a venomous snake in such a short period of time is not easy. This snake is deadly, one mistake and it could end my life!" the hunter reasoned out.



             "Well, that's exactly the reason why you are receiving such a big compensation for it," she answered with a smirk.



        The hunter was pissed with her answer, "And do you think I could still spend that money if I'm dead?"



               "Whatever you say! Give me that snake so that I could leave this place immediately!" The hunter gave her the snake then she gave him his compensation for the job well done.



              "Why did you need that snake?" he asked while checking his money.


               "None of your business! But remember to keep everything a secret. You did not see me and Princess Amira, we did not talk and we never had a request from you! Did you understand?"



               "Of course, it will be our secret," the hunter promised.



           "Good! The princess is waiting for me so I have to leave now!"



               "Of course, go ahead woman!" The hunter returned to the woods while Ashley headed back to the university. She covered the snake's cage with her black cloak. She walks as fast as she could. 



           "Geez, why I'm not even allowed to use a carriage?" she complained while walking.  



           "Hey you!" A palace guard stopped her and that made her even more nervous.


         "What do you need?" she asked trying to hide her nervousness. She bowed down her head to hide her face.


          "Why are you walking around here in the middle of the night?" the guard asked.



           "Are you stupid? Of course I'm heading back to my home! I've been working in the field for several hours!" she excused while holding the snake's cage tightly in her hands. 

    The guard noticed that she's hiding something in her cloak, "What is that thing you're hiding?"



         Ashley's heart was beating so fast, she don't know what to do and say. She can't even move her lips to speak.


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