
Chapter 31

"My king, the chosen one is on her way back to the heaven realm," one of Velion's dark guards reported to him while he's having a sip of his red wine.

An evil smirk formed in his lips.

"Did she really think that it would be too easy for her to go back?" He let out an evil laugh. "Sorry to disappoint you my dear chosen one, but you would have to experience hell first!" Velion's laughter echoed his chambers and the dark guard shivered in fear just by hearing his evil laughter.

"What are your plans my Lord?" the guard asked nervously.

"Send the dark troops to the portal. Let us prepare a warm welcome for Aphrodite's dearest daughter. Something that will make her regret being the chosen one in the first place!" Velion ordered.

"Yes my Lord! I will do it right away!" the guard answered before he hurriedly left to gather the dark forces.

"Zeus, my dear old friend sorry but I have to disappoint you! Farewell to your so-called chosen one!" Then he started laughing like a mad man.


"This is the portal to the immortal realm," Hermes explained when they appeared in front of an old acacia tree. The leaves of the tree withered and it's body was covered with gold dust.

"Wow! It looks like the trees I've read in some fantasy books. The one with pixies flying around it!" Diane exclaimed that made everyone chuckle.

"You're too occupied with those books that you already brought everything you read to life," Lyndon teased her that made her mad.

"Says the one who read erotic books," Diane said while sticking out her tongue on him. Everyone burst into laughter because of her while Lyndon's cheeks turned red.

"Mortals are really amazing," Hermes said with a chuckle.

"What are immortals like uncle Hermes?" Princess Ana Mae asked her with full curiosity.

"Well, immortals are kinda like mortals as well. But we Gods don't have time to joke or play around. We carry big responsibilities on our shoulders so we obviously have to take everything seriously."

Princess Ana Mae felt a pang of sadness for him. Gods really have no time to express how they truly feel. They have to be tough and strong for the sake of their mission and reputation.

"Your highness you have to open the portal now," Leanna told Hermes.

"You're right. But you have to be prepared. A big trouble awaits us behind this portal," Hermes warned them and they all nodded in response.

Hermes touched the tree and chanted a spell. Then, a few seconds later a hollow appeared on the tree's body. The hollow grew bigger that it almost covered the whole tree.

"Me and Leanna will go in first, then you have to follow," he instructed. Everyone nodded in response.

He and Leanna stepped forward and in just a blink of an eye the hollow swallowed them.

"Oh my gosh!" Diane screamed in surprise.

"What now, are you afraid?" Lyndon asked her with a smirk.

"Dream on you jerk! I was just surprised!" she told him while raising her brow.

"You're so sweet guys," Ana Mae teased them. The two stared at each other with disgust.

"So eewww!" Diane blurted out that made Lyndon look at her angrily.

"You know what guys, we better hurry before uncle Hermes scold us all," Ana Mae said trying to hide her laughter.

Together, the three of them entered the portal and in a split second they found themselves standing in the middle of an enchanted garden. Flowers were of different colors and shining like stars. The trees were covered with small lights coming from the pixies flying around them.

"Wow!" the three of them said in unison. They were amazed of how beautiful and magical the enchanted garden is.

"Welcome to the Flora realm your highnesses. The home of flower fairies, pixies and magical flowers," Leanna said to them with a smile. She and Hermes were standing behind them.

"Wow! This place is amazing!" Diane said with amusement while jumping like a kid.

They all laughed hard with her childishness. But their laughter was interrupted by a loud explosion. One of the trees exploded causing the pixies to be in panick.

The whole place was covered with dark smoke and Hermes already know what's going on.

"What happened?" Diane asked while holding Ana Mae's hand.

"We have to prepare. The dark forces are here," Hermes warned them.

"HAHAHAHA, welcome to the immortal world princess of love!" A dangerous voice echoed the whole place. They all feel goosebumps except for Leana and Hermes.

A few seconds later the dark smoke disappeared revealing a group of people wearing black cloaks.

"Arrghhh!" The dark men started to attack using their swords while Hermes created a barrier to protect Ana Mae and her mortal friends.

Leanna created a bow and arrow from her water power. She started shooting the enemies with it ,while Hermes killed them with his golden sword.

Princess Ana Mae and her friends were amazed of how amazing their fighting skills are.

"Wow! I did not realise that Leanna has water power," Princess Ana Mae said in disbelief. She grew up with Leanna beside her, and she never thought that she could be as powerful and brave as she is right now.

"Your servant is amazing," Diane said while her eyes were fixed on Leanna who's killing the dark forces without showing a hint of mercy.

"I did not know she's that powerful."

"Really? Do you think she's also a Goddess?" Lyndon asked her.

"I don't know either," was the only thing Ana Mae could say.

After successfully killing all their enemies, Hermes broke the barrier and it was Ana Mae's turn to ask Leanna about her true identity.

"Wow Leanna you're amazing. Are you a God?" Leanna chuckled with her question.

"Yes Leanna ,are you a God?" Diane asked as well.

Hermes stared at Leanna as if telling her to tell them the truth.

She heaved a deep sigh before she started explaining.

"I am not a Goddess, but I am a water immortal," she started.

"You're a mermaid?" Diane asked which made her laugh.

"No! Water immortals are not just about mermaids. I'm actually a water fairy," she answered which made them all even more amazed with her.

"Then, why did you disguise yourself as Ana Mae's servant?" Lyndon asked her.

"Actually, I was sent by the Goddess Aphrodite to the mortal world to protect the princess."

"But I could clearly remember that we grew up together," Ana Mae curiously said.

"It's because Goddess Hera , the Goddess of childbirth used her powers for me to be born as a mortal," she explained making everything clear to everyone.

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