
Forbidden Love
Forbidden Love
Author: Alina

1. Returning Home

Author's POV

The plane landed in America in Washington city while inside there were a lot of people in the airport. Some say bye while some are welcoming their loved ones. 

"Oh god, why is this so fucking heavy?." A girl around 23 was trying to pick up her luggage in her hands but her facial expressions were telling how fed up she was right now.

After a lot of hard work she was able to take her luggage out. She put the bags on the floor looking around as she is out of the airport by now. She took off her glasses as her eyes found something that snatched the smile from her face. She looked at the waiting area as there were so many people waiting for their loved ones. She blinked her eyes several times before plastering a smile on her face yet again. 

"No need to get emotional Emily, you have yourself to company so yeah welcome back to America." She tried to lighten up her mood.

Emily’s POV

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 

"Welcome back!" I stepped back with a sudden shout and then looked around.I was shocked as well as happy. My friends!

"You? How do you guys know I landed today?." They all hugged me in a group.

"Well, What do you think you can hide from us? " Ava said. 

"No dude you know I wasn't hiding, it's just I was... Leave this and tell me how are you all? Leo, Carl it been so long since I have seen you." I said. 

"Yeah it's more than a year." Carl said. The trio were my seniors in America. 

Well, my name you all know me but still... I am Emily, I am American but I was just 10 when I was thrown into a boarding school in Canada with... Well, that's a long story I will discuss later. I just turned 23, 2 months ago. I have completed my graduation with BBA as I always had an interest in business things so yeah. After 11 years I am back in America and instead of my parents oh again my mistake instead of my father as I lost my mother when I was 10, my friends are here to welcome me. They were my seniors in university, actually college as well. They came back last year after their graduation and I came today. 

"I think it's enough of I miss you and all let's go home and spend some time together because dude I am really hungry."

Yeah you guessed it right none other than the joker of our group… Leo itself. 

"Yeah, I was worried why you haven't said anything yet but... Anyways let's go." I said while he smiled sheepishly.


It's evening time and I am arguing with my friends as they are trying to convince me to not go... Where? My dad's home.

"Guys I said I will come back within an hour. I just wanna see if he is okay or not."

"Emily he doesn't even care about you why do you want to hurt yourself seeing him with his wife and fucking son?." Carl asked.

"Carl, I know you are worried for me but trust me I know what I am doing and I know he won't care about me, he never looked back at me in these 11 years but still he is my dad, fucking blood father I can't change the feelings inside me." 

"Emily, think again because Kartik is right, we know you, we know you will get hurt seeing him happy in his life without you. Look, we are not your enemies-." Ava said.

"I know, I know you can't see me sad or broken that is why you are concerned but guys please try to understand me as well. I can't change my feelings and you know if I want something I will get it by hook or by crook I can't keep patience until I get it." I tried to explain.

"Fine you go, Emily, I will handle them." It was Leo, I hugged him. 

"Only you understand me Leo, thank you."

"But leo-." 

“Carl let her go." I hugged him again before leaving the room.

Author's POV

"What the hell man? You are acting like you don't know her, she will break down damn it." Carl shouted in anger.

“Carl, I know you are worried for her but at this moment you have to keep away your feelings. Just because she will get hurt doesn't change the relationship between her and her father and you both have to understand this, she has the right to what she is asking so yeah dude chill and calm down, I know you love her and you care for her more than us but you have to understand her as well or else she will never love you back."  

"Fuck!" Carl banged the wall harshly, controlling his anger.

While on the other hand, Emily reached her home.

Back to Emily’s POV

I came out of the cab while my eyes were filled with tears. 11 years! 11 fucking years have passed and today I am here. Today I will see my father after 11 years. I know he doesn't care about me, he doesn't need me but I do! I still do. I don't know why, I hate him but still I want to see him. I was entering the gate when someone bumped into me.

"Watch out." He said. He was in a hurry while he was holding a football in his hands. 

"Seriously dude? You should watch out. You are running while your eyes are stuck at your back" I shouted. 

"Oh shut up I am not in the mood to argue as I am getting late." 

"Fuck off then." He glared at me but before he could say something his phone ranged while he left.

I took a deep breath before entering the gate. I rang the bell. After a few seconds, the door was opened by... Nancy! She has grown so old. She was my caretaker, I don't believe she is still here. I smiled. She won't be able to recognize me as I was completely changed in childhood. I was healthy.


"Uhm... I... I want to meet Dad." 

"Excuse me? Can I know... Wait... Emily?." I smiled seeing the smile on her face.I nodded and she hugged me within a second.

"Oh, my dear child I missed you so much, Why did you never come back huh?." I broke the hug. 

"Don't ask, please... Where is Dad?." I asked to enter the house.

"In" her expressions showed how uneasy she is to talk about it.

She also knows his hate for me I guess. I left towards his room. I just hope that bitch is not there, who? Her wife and my stepmother. I knocked on the door and entered the room but I was shocked to see the view in front of me.

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