


I sat in my living room, drinking from my glass cup, feeling very happy. My mom and brother walked into my house and my mom asked excitedly, "Did you really do it? I'm so proud of you."

I smiled, "Of course, Mom. There's nothing I set my mind to that I cannot achieve."

"So where's the little brat?" My brother, Stone asked.

"Hey!" My mother slapped his arm and said, "Be nice, she's your niece and my granddaughter."

I scoffed, "Come on, Mom. We all know daughters are useless, you are the only useful woman in the world."

My mom smiled, "Well when you put it like that, how can I argue?"

"Wasn't that why you had only sons? And never gave birth to a girl?" Stone asked her.

She nodded, "Yeah if I'd given birth to only girls, your dad would not have left his miserable wife for me. Where's the little girl anyways?"

"She's sleeping on my bed, she's still unconscious from what I did to her. Where's dad?" I asked my mom. "Wasn't he supposed to be a part of this meeting?"

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Comments (10)
goodnovel comment avatar
Hmmm, this is really serious, this valor of a guy is really mad... I hope he doesn't succeed with his evil plans.
goodnovel comment avatar
Richard Freeman
pls be sensible for once Collins, don't fall into valor's trap, he's only trying to use you. next chapter plss
goodnovel comment avatar
Renee Walker
such evil plans from one person.....poor Shayla was deceived....... serves her right after all she still cheated on hazel but I know Valor is beneath Hazel and his evil plans won't play out well for him... hazel defeated him before and he will do it again

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