
Book 1: Chapter 22

“Well, you're going to get to go to France. That's so exciting!" I say as cheerfully as I can once we're alone.

Kas smiles at me but it doesn't reach her eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure I will be more excited as the date gets closer. Right now, it makes me nervous and sad, I guess.”

“Kas, I know it is kind of weird timing, but what do you think about moving into my apartment instead of staying in the suite? I mean, if you want to stay in the suite that's fine too. I just thought, you know, maybe you would be more comfortable... here?”

I rub the back of my neck as she looks at me, contemplating my request.

“Sooo... we would sleep in the same bed? You wouldn't sleep on the sofa anymore like you do in my suite?" She asks tentatively.

"She's gonna say no! You fucked up, dummy!" Saint howls.

“Shut up, Saint!”

“Whatever makes you comfortable, Baby. If you want me to sleep in the bed, I promise I won't try anything. I want everything to be at your pace. If you want me to sleep on the sofa, I c
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goodnovel comment avatar
Carolyn Chatfield
Great story, I am enjoying this book a lot . Love the characters but not Ryan so much.
goodnovel comment avatar
Ryan is up to no good! Just tell him.
goodnovel comment avatar
Ok I’ve just completed both books and started back to re-read them (because I LOVE them) so why is it telling me to pay to unlock a chapter that I’ve already read?!?!?!

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