
Author: Josie Hart


My name is Genevieve Martin or Genie for short, and I'm what you would refer to as a Witch. Others have been known to call us by other names such as sorceresses, enchantresses, hags, and she-devils - the list goes on and on. Honestly, if I was to list all of them it would never end.

But the term "Witch" actually comes from the word "Wicca" meaning Wise One.

Another misconception is that we all fly around on brooms; not true! We do use them, but only to sweep the area before we perform a healing ceremony and to clean our houses like any normal person who likes to practice cleanliness. We do not own black cats and we do not turn into bats! The things that non-magic folk believe are unbelievable, thanks to the internet and Chinese whispers, we are constantly being misconstrued. But then again, technically we are a myth and aren't supposed to exist, and to non-magic folk, it's safe that it stays that way. After all, what we don't know, can't hurt us.

Now more about me, I am a Witch through my bloodline. I am a descendant of Elizabeth Howe, who was hanged as a Witch on the 19th of July 1692 during the Salem Witch Trials. The sad part about it is she was a Witch, but a White Witch who just wanted to live happily raising her six children. 

The shocking part? The youngest ever person accused of being a Witch was Dorothy Good - at 4 years old! Now, I can confirm that she was in fact not a Witch, just a child who was finding her way and doing what any normal child would during a tantrum! But apparently, due to the ignorance of her accusers, she was possessed - absolutely ridiculous!

Another interesting fact - male Witches prefer to be called Warlocks and not Wizards. At no point have they ever worn long cloaks with pointy hats or had long beards. Our kind is dotted all over the world and we make a point to fit in as much as we can.

We also have Covens, but it's to each Witch or Warlock as to whether they wish to be a part of one. It isn't a cult and you can leave whenever you feel like it - they are simply there to offer support and further training if needed. 

Warlocks do not come into their powers until they turn 16 and we Witches discover ours when we turn 18. I've never understood this as surely teenage females are more mature than teenage boys so we should come into our powers at the same time. Each individual will have their own unique powers and just because our parents display certain powers doesn't mean we will inherit the same ones. 

Confused yet? Well, there is plenty more to come...

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