
Mother Knows Best

I arrive at the kennels to find my mom deep in conversation with one of the dogs Rocky. I've warned her so many times that she needs to be careful talking to them when she's at work. All it takes is for one of the customers to walk in and they'd think she was nuts!

"Rocky - now you know you need to take a bath. You'll be going home later and you need to be all shiny like a new penny, no arguments".

Rocky barks then turns around in a circle and lies down in a huff. I don't need to be able to understand him to know he's defeated. "What brings you here sweetie?". Mum looks at me suspiciously. She knows when I show up unannounced that something is playing on my mind. She can read me like a book.

I reluctantly pull the note from my pocket and hand it over to her. As she reads it, I see the worry take over her face and she takes an age to reply. It almost feels like she's calculating in her head what to say to me, which isn't like her at all. My mom is and always has been very direct and transparent, especially with me. She's a true believer in honesty is always the best policy. "Mum? Are you ok?". Suddenly she blinks like she's been in a trance, but the worry is still etched on every inch of her face.

"When did you get this?". She asks concerned

"It came in the mail yesterday. I didn't see it until I got home from work, but I can't stop thinking about it. I thought if I showed it to you, you could offer me some advice?". I reply looking expectantly at her. "Mum, what's the matter? You look like the world has ended or something?".

Suddenly she blinks and forces a smile "No, honey, I'm fine. It's just a shock that's all - it isn't every day you receive a note like this".

"Ok.... What should I do about it?". I ask. I just need her to give me advice, but she's that dumbstruck I'd probably have an easier time getting information out of a convicted felon. She turns her back on me and heads into the kitchen. I can sense that she's delaying speaking to me, but why? Still giving me the silent treatment she makes us tea and then gestures for me to take a seat at the table. I feel like screaming I'm that impatient! How can a note provoke that much emotion from my Mum? It's not like Charlotte was her best friend.

After what seems like a lifetime she finally speaks "Genie, I have no idea why this note was sent to you, but you must be very careful. It's true that the Coven and I have had our suspicions about Charlotte's death and we've been quietly investigating it. I've reached out to other Covens for information but so far it's come up blank. Either they don't know anything, or they're too scared to talk to us. Whoever this person is, they obviously have more information, but the fact they haven't given it to you tells me that you need to be wary. How do we know that they aren't sending you on a wild goose chase or even worse, putting you in danger? Either way, they need to come forward and talk to us in confidence".

"I have no idea who they are, but the envelope was postmarked to Salem MA. So it has to be someone who lives here right?". When she doesn't reply I continue "Why do you look so scared? Is there something that you're not telling me? I'm a grown woman so anything you know, you need to tell me. It isn't your job to protect me anymore!".

"You're wrong Genie, from the moment you were born it was my job to protect you, and I'll do so until I take my last breath. You'll find out one day when you have your own children". Mum replied so lovingly. 

"Hiding things from me isn't protecting me though! Surely having all the facts puts me in a better position to watch my back? When you say I need to be wary, am I in danger too? Or are you just being paranoid because of what you think happened to Charlotte?".

"We don't know what happened to her darling. We just suspect that maybe she didn't die the way it was reported. It's hard to get any closer because the authorities are hardly going to let us near any of the crime scene information. Especially when they have no idea we even exist".

I wasn't going to let this go "You know more than you're telling me, and I won't let it go until you tell me what you know. You've always prided yourself on being open and honest, and right now you aren't. Please just tell me, for my own peace of mind?". 

Mum exhaled slowly and then looked me directly in the eye "Her Book Of Light going missing immediately peaked our suspicions, so we started asking questions but all the Police would confirm to her parents was that she had sustained a head wound, and the medical examiner concluded that she must have hit her head on a rock or something. Apparently, there wasn't enough evidence to rule it as anything other than an accidental drowning". Mum paused before continuing "We didn't leave it there, so I approached the medical examiner myself. To say his demeanor was suspicious was an understatement. He looked terrified when I started asking questions and abruptly asked me to leave his office and not come back. That's not normal behavior as far as I'm concerned. When I made contact a few days later, I was advised by his office that he had taken early retirement and could no longer be reached".

It was so much to take in - while I was grieving the loss of my friend, my mum, and her Coven was investigating her death. It had been 6 months since her death, and my mum had kept this from me since then "Why couldn't you have told me this in the beginning? I could've helped you? I wouldn't have interfered! She was my best friend?".

"I'm sorry, I didn't think you needed to know, and I didn't want to stir up anything until I had enough evidence". Mum looked at me imploringly.

"That wasn't your decision to make. I have a right to know! If I was a member of the Coven I bet you would've told me! I need to go home now. I need to digest everything you've told me, but do me a favor. Don't ever keep anything from me again. I have a right to know - as your daughter, as Charlotte's friend, and as a fellow Witch".

Before I said anything I might regret I left and headed home.

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