
2- Gifts and ignorance

(Lily’s POV)

It’s nearly been a month since I started my life here and it was going just as planned.

Aria was a good person and did her work without being a nuisance in my life. The office work was going great and I had already cracked two most important deals.

Our designs were appreciated here and the response was better than we expected.

Everything was on track leaving two things, my insomnia and that man I met at the park.

I could not sleep properly and this was a problem I had managed to keep up with since my college days. But now I was also thinking about a handsome freak who was invading my dreams, whispering to me in his deep voice.

It felt so real that I sometimes thought he was right next to me but then I woke up to reality and got disappointed.

I went to visit there again and again but he was never there. After some attempts, I understood that I would not meet him again in his life.

“Yes?” I answered my call, " Ma'am there is a problem. We have received a package by your name but the sender’s name is not mentioned”.

“So? Just throw it away then,” I said in an indifferent tone and hung up.

After a while when I was done with designing and planning out some sketches, I heard a doorbell and went to open my front door.

I unlocked the door and saw no one was there but just some letter placed at the footsteps of the door. A gush of wind blew and I secured the letter in my grip before it flew away.

I again made sure that no one was there after which I locked the door and sat on the couch opening the letter.

“ I sent you a gift sweetheart but you ignored it, don’t worry I can send you a million more, just make sure you open the next one.

 Avaya Lyubov (your love)”

The hell?? What is this new drama?

This was nothing new for me since I am a billionaire and single at that. People try to trap me in this nonsense love talk and obsessive behavior.

I tore apart the letter and threw it in the garbage, just where it belonged and continued my usual work.

The next day I received yet another package and just like the other one, I again threw it away as there was another note.

This continued for a week and this crazy obsessed guy was sending me letters every day with a new package.

I did not even bother to look at its contents and threw them away. Yes, I am a heartless person but that is better than being trapped in these ridiculous things.

I was getting ready in a black bodycon dress till my ankles and wore black high heels along with minimal jewelry.

I ascended the stairs and got inside my Mercedes while still checking my emails.

Today was the success party for our company and I was hosting it so I needed to get there on time. I had my assistant look over the preparations.

I entered and the cameras started flashing, I could barely look up straight and somehow managed to avoid them.

Who calls them every time, must be that fucking Josh.

“Good evening, Miss Rivera”  a man greeted me and I forwarded my hand to him while replying, “Good evening to you as well”.

“Congratulations on the success of our company, you sure are hardworking,” he said and I fake-smiled at him.

This bastard owns some brand and we had collaborated with him but I despise him to the core. He is nothing but a drunkard loser who just fucks around and does nothing of the job he is assigned.

The time we collaborated he was flirting with almost every female staff I had on that project and honestly, he managed to get on my nerves just every time I saw him.

You need to control your anger Lily, it can be fatal for him.

I was somehow managing to present myself as a sweet person but then I excused myself when I could not control his mule talk.

I went to sit at the mini-bar there and sipped some juices, I avoid drinking alcohol as I have a low tolerance and also I do not enjoy drinking anyway so it works in my favor.

“hey darling you free? (Russian)” someone asked and I ignored him as I heard his flirty tone.

He does not know who I am or else he would have not said that to me for sure, so I'll leave him this time.

“Get lost from here(Russian )” I said in a bored tone.

“Oh, a feisty one(Russian )” he said and proceeded to touch my shoulder but before he could I slapped him hard and got up from there.

“Don’t fucking test my patience and stay put with your hands in your pants coz that’s all you can do” I said with anger.

“Ma’am, what’s the matter?” My assistant asked and I said, “ Whoever this person is, make sure he is fired if he is from our company and if from another company, tell them to keep him out of my sight for further work”.

I stepped down from my car and went inside my house while my head hurt with pain like someone hammered my head.

Was it the drink, someone must have acted up.

I instantly dropped on my bed and went to sleep after checking the security of my house.

Currently, I am having my dinner by myself, alone just as I like it. I have always been the alone type and it is quite peaceful in your own company.

I went to my terrace and sat down on the feathery soft couch while I opened my sketchbook and started gazing at the man whom I met at the park.

He sure is hung up in my head.

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