
Guarding The CEO’s Heart
Guarding The CEO’s Heart
Author: Writer Moon

1-The Masked Man

(Lily’s POV)

“The fuck Lily I set you up with the hottest man in town but you rejected him” said my friend Beatrice with irritation while I shrugged my shoulders at her antics.

“I already told you I am not interested in that man so stop bugging me” I said while rolling my eyes.

“You are such a bore” she said and I ignored her while sipping my coffee, working on my new design.

“Beatrice not everyone can fuck around like you”  said Alessia making Beatrice scoff. At least someone is making sense here.

“But he sure is hot” Alessia completed and I frowned palming my face.

“Then you guys should fuck him together but please leave me out of it,” I said glaring at the two and they giggled at me.

“When are you leaving for Russia” Beatrice asked me and I replied with “tomorrow”.

I was leaving the UK and moving to Russia instead for the extension of my business. Although I was already quite successful in my work, I still wanted to grow it more.

“I hope you find someone there,” Beatrice said while smirking and I shook my head.

“Sure I hope you also find someone to fuck today” I said teasing her instead and stood up to leave.

Beatrice was my childhood friend and we had been together since I remember. I rely a lot on her but she is a big-time sex addict and is always setting me up on dates with various men.

Whereas Alessia was our college friend and we three have bonded together quite well. Alessia has also been dating my elder brother for three years now and I was quite happy with their relationship as Alessia is handling my brother well.

I entered my company stepping down my car and my employees greeted me on the way to my office.

I sat on my desk which had my name engraved on the designation plate with a CEO written on it.

I am a fashion designer and my company is the leading fashion brand in the UK. While I have already achieved what everyone wants in life I still feel somewhat incomplete.

“Ma’am we have a meeting with Mr.Giovanni in the next 30 minutes after which you need to complete all the pending work here as we have to leave tomorrow” my assistant said and I nodded my head while looking at the files.

“Didn’t Giovanni cancel the meeting tomorrow ?” I asked to which he said, “Yes ma’am but then he got to know you will be leaving so he insisted on a meeting today”.

This bastard thinks I am an easy person and he can schedule the time according to his wishes.

“Cancel the meeting and tell him to wait for the next three months, I am not in the mood to see his face,” I said coldly and stood up after getting a nod from him.

“I will complete the pending work from home,” I said and left from there to my house.

I arrived at my new home in Russia and the caretaker of the house introduced herself, “Hello Ma’am I am your househelp Aria”, I warmly smiled at her and entered my room.

All the major stuff was already settled in my house, I just need to organize my workplace a little and I am good to go.

We have bought a company office here and the work will start the day after tomorrow as we still have to set up our office there.

I first went to take a relaxing bath and changed into a more comfortable pair of loungewear I had. I put on some business podcasts and started listening to them while organizing my room accordingly.

I am a major cleanliness freak with OCD and this was something that irritated me a lot growing up. If I see a single thing misplaced in my surroundings I get frustrated as hell.

Not to mention my anger issues and short-tempered behavior which is the reason I just talk less or else my tongue speaks on its own when I get angered.

The next day I thought to take a tour around as I was free for the day and keep my sketchbook with me throughout.

“Please take a seat ma’am” the waiter said and guided me to a more peaceful corner of the cafe like I wanted.

I sat down and had something to eat while answering some important emails.

Well, you need to always fill your stomach so that you can work well is what they say but in my case, if I am hungry then I just burst out on the person right in front of me.

My employees are well aware of the fact that is why when I enter my office the first thing I do is eat something then only I proceed with my work.

I moved out of the cafe and reached a public park, I sat down and started sketching to relieve my stress. It always works wonders just like therapy.

It had been quite some time now and I had almost finished sketching. Just when I stood up to leave, I felt a tug at my trousers and I looked down, being taken by surprise.

There was a tiny puppy who was biting down my trouser fabric and stretching it in his direction. I smiled and took him in my arms.

While he was busy eating my face I heard a voice from behind, “Nikolai come here(Russian)”.I froze hearing the deep and manly voice, the Russian accent dripping from his tone.

I turned around and was met with a man who was towering over me while he took the dog from my arms. He had worn a simple polo T-shirt and beige trousers along with a black hat and he looked so hot.

But there was a problem, he had worn a mask.

“I am sorry Nikolai disturbed you” the man said and I swayed my hand indicating it was nothing.

“Were you sketching?” He noticed my sketchbook on my other hand, “Yes, kind of”.

“Then do you have time? I'll appreciate a sketch of Nikolai and he will love it too” he said and normally I would have turned it down but his voice made me say a ‘Yes’ even before thinking.

I sat down on the chair and he stood in front of me while I drew them both. Nikolai for him and him for me. I had finished the puppy’s sketch a long time ago and was secretly drawing him.

“Done,” I said and tore the paper to hand it over to him.

“You are quite skilled” he complimented and I smiled a little, just a small one just to show that I was not the least bit bothered by him.

On the contrary to what I wanted to present myself as, my insides were throbbing and my heart was racing. I closed the book and managed to sketch him without him finding out.

As he was admiring my sketch work of his dog, Nikolai again jumped and ran off.

“Sorry I need to catch that little guy” he said and excused himself while I stared at his retreating figure.

Will I be able to see him around again? 

My phone rang and that was when I came out of my thoughts. I attended the call and proceeded to go back home.

“I will surely love to see him around again,” I said as I drove away in my car.

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