


I went to my room, took a quick bath, and returned downstairs.

"Come here, Dear. "

"Ma, I'm okay. This bruise is nothing compared to the previous bruises I got." I sat beside her on the couch, and she held my hand.

"Did Harold and the others treat you well while I'm away? They didn't bully you? "

"They are good to me. They are kind people, dear. "

"That's good. Don't worry. One day, I'll ensure my family will regret abandoning me."

"Okay, let me see your knees. It might be infected if you ignore it, even if it is only a minor wound. " I smiled and showed her my knees. She cleaned it with alcohol while blowing to my cut to lessen the sting. I promised you, Ma, I would give you a better life after I graduated. I thought and touched her head. She looked at me smiling, and I smiled in return.

"Miss Cassandra, do you want to meet everyone working in the mansion?" Harold asked after Mom tended my wounded knees.

"Okay. "

" I'll call them. " Harold left us and returned after a few minutes with ten people behind him.

"Miss Cassandra, they are the workers here. These are Lina, Sarah, and Carol. They are the ones who maintain the cleanliness of the mansion."

"Hello." They are young, maybe older a few years than me. "

"All three of them take an online class whenever they have free time, and Sir Alexander paid for it. "

"These are Mario, Leo, and Aries. " They are caring for the garden, the swimming pool, and cleaning the cars. And Carl and Henry are the guards. "

"Hello, Miss Cassandra. "I smiled and nodded in response.

"This is Dan, the head chef in the house. You already met him last night, Andrea, his assistant, and his wife. Sarah is their daughter, and Aries is their son.

"Hello, I'm glad to meet all of you. Can we please treat each other like family? Can you all stop calling me miss? I felt uncomfortable."

"That's what sir Alexander want, Miss."

"But Harold, I'm just like all of you. Okay, call me Miss if Sir Alexander is around. If he's not, remove the Miss. How was that?"

"Okay, then. " Harold smiled. I grinned.

"And Harold, can you assign something for me to do on Saturday and Sunday? I want to help. "

"Okay, you can help around if you are free. "

"Okay, thank you. "

"Sir Alexander." I whispered when my phone rang." They all excused themselves, and I waved at them and answered the phone.

"Hello, Sir Alexander?"

"I told you to call me by my name."

"I feel awkward."

"Try to get used to it. Please. "


"Okay, how's your first night in the mansion? Did you sleep well? "

"Yes, I have the best sleep of my life. Maybe because of my soft bed. "

"Good. "

"But isn't it too much? Ten workers are in the mansion, not including Billy and Jack." Mama and I can do all the household chores. We don't need them. I can ride the bus. I'm not used to having people doing things for me."

"If you want, I can fire them, but they also need a job."

"Can you give them another job? I can do everything here inside the house. If there's a maid, what should I do then?"

"I will fire them then but couldn't give them another job. Tell Harold that I fire them all. "

"No! You can't fire them. What will happen to them if they don't have a job."

Then let them work there. You are free to do whatever you want. If you feel bored, you can help them if you wish. Go to the place you want. You can use the allowance I give you.

"About the allowance, you don't need to give me that. I can find a job. You already give me a home to stay in and save me from my family. It's already too much. "

"I don't want you to work. I'll provide everything you and your Mom need.


"No, but, angel. I have no one to share my money anyway, and I chose to share it with you."

"My name is Cassandra and not Angel."

"But you are my angel. " I pursed my lips.

"I want you to be happy, Angel, and by the way, I have a gift delivered for you. Happy birthday, Angel." My eyes instantly brimmed with tears. He was the first person to remember my birthday. Even I, as well as Mama, forgot it, maybe because of what happened. Mama was the only one who greeted me during my birthday.

"Thank you so much, Sir Alexander."

"What did I tell you? "

"Thank you so much, Alex. "

"Sounds great. Stop crying. I don't want to hear you cry. I need to go, angel. Feel at home, and if you need anything, ask Harold.

"Okay, and thank you so much."

"You are welcome, and Happy birthday once again. Bye, angel."

"Bye, Alex, thank you." I wiped my tears after we hung up. I couldn't believe that the misfortune I thought brought good luck into my life."

"Dear, it's time to eat. " Mama said and led me to the dining area

"Happy birthday!!!

My eyes widened, and my tears streamed down my face again. In front of me is a table full of different dishes and cakes. On the wall is a big poster saying "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGEL" with a picture of me smiling.

I slumped on the floor, bawling. It is the first time someone has prepared something for my birthday. Mama tried to do it before, but my father got mad and threw all the food she cooked, and now these people, I don't know, did all these things for me.

Mama pulled me up and hugged me tightly. I cried for a few minutes and felt overwhelmed by everything they did for me.

"Thank you so much," I said between hiccups. Harold came to me and patted my back.

"You are welcome, Miss Cassandra. Come blow the candle." He guided me to the table and lifted the cake in front of me with a lighted candle.

"Make a wish." I closed my eyes and prayed to God and Mama Anara for my safety. Then, I blew the candle, and confetti showered at me. This time, I smiled—a genuine and happy smile I had never done for a long time.

I shrieked when Harold took a handful of cake and wiped it all over my face. I stood frozen in my place for a few seconds, and when I regained myself, I took the whole cake from his hold and slapped it on his face. Everyone burst into laughter. Even Mama joined us.

After our little play, we eat dinner with Harold glaring at me, but I only laugh because the cake still covers his face.

Our laughter halted when the doorbell at the gate sounded. Billy rushed to the intercom to ask who was at the gate. "

"Okay, you can come in now. "I heard Billy said and pressed the remote to open the gate.

"Who was that? " Mom asked.

"Delivery man, " Billy replied, smiling. In a few minutes, we heard a car approaching. Then, it stopped in front of the mansion. Billy opened the door, and I saw a man step out of the vehicle.

"Delivery for Miss Revira." The man said. I rushed to the door, and the other followed.

"For me?" I asked, surprised.

"If you are Miss Cassandra Rivera, then yes." He said, smiling."

"Yes, it's me. "

Wait for a while, Ma'am. I'll take your items from the car. Can you sign this while I do it?

"Okay, I took the paper and signed it. After a few minutes, he returned, pushing a trolley with three boxes.

"Can you bring it inside?" Harold said. The man picked up the boxes, and Harold guided them into a room near the living room, motioning me to follow. I didn't know about this room.

The room is big but only has one round table in the middle, and on one side is a line of drawers. This room is for what? I thought, looking at the plain white walls and ceiling, but there was one floor-to-ceiling glass window overlooking the garden outside.

The man placed the boxes on the floor and then left.

"These boxes are Sir Alexander's gift for you. Open it." Harold urged, smiling. I slowly went to the first box then opened it, and my eyes widened.

Inside are different pencils, pens, watercolors, oil pastels, crayons, and inks. I moved to the other box, and inside were various sketchbooks, brushes, and palettes. The last box is two foldable easels. I have no words to say.

He knows that I dream of becoming a painter and love to paint. It is my hobby, and it helps me forget how hard my life is.

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