
Her Return-Her Revenge
Her Return-Her Revenge
Author: Megti

A Plaything

"Congratulations, Miss Selena Kings," Dr. Andrew announced with a warm smile as he reviewed the test results. "You are six weeks pregnant."

"Six weeks pregnant?" I repeated in shock, my heart racing as I tried to process the news. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, Miss Kings, you are six weeks pregnant," he confirmed gently, with a smile on his face.

The shock from the news hit me. I had known deep down that the possibility existed, considering my intimate relationship with Colin, but the reality of it still caught me off guard.

Dr. Andrew continued, his voice calm and supportive, "Remember to come for regular checkups for your baby's safety. If I may asks Is the father of the baby here with you? Please ask him to come in as well."

I shook my head slowly, "He's busy with work and couldn't make it today."

Dr Andrew’s expression softened as he sighed. "I see. Well, make sure you get plenty of rest," he advised.

After nodding in acknowledgement, I accepted the test results from Dr. Andrew, clutching them tightly in my hand as I walk out of the hospital. I felt so happy although I was shocked at first, well this is a good news with a smile on my face, I rubbed my invisible baby bump already feeling a connection with the baby growing inside of me.

As I stepped outside into the warm afternoon sun, I reached into my bag and retrieved my cell phone, my fingers trembling slightly with excitement. It was time to share the life-changing news with Colin, my fiancé, the love of my life.

Colin Rogers and I had been inseparable since our college days at Boston Hills, where our love story had blossomed over five beautiful years. His recent proposal to Marry me had filled me with happiness and hope for our future together, and I knew that our wedding day was not far off.

Reflecting back on the day we first met in college, a smile tugged at the corners of my lips. It was a moment etched in my memory forever – the day I stumbled and fell down a flight of stairs, only to awaken in the school hospital with Colin by my side, his concerned gaze never leaving me. The mere sight of him had ignited a spark within me, his eyes, the way he talked and asked about how I felt from the injuries I had substained made my heart skipped thousands beats in seconds.

Determined to express my feelings for him after fantasizing about him for days, I mustered the courage to confess my feelings to Colin, and to my delight, he had reciprocated my affection, telling me he felt the same way, that was one of the happiest day of my life.

Coming back from my reverie, I tapped on my phone to call Colin and share the life-changing news, to my surprise a text message notification suddenly popped up on the screen, catching my attention before I could hit the dial button. Curious, I opened the message, my heart sinking a little at the words that appeared before me:

"Deliver my Game project files to Zeal restaurant room 501 now. Make it snappy, no delay." From Colin.

I couldn't help but feel disappointed at the curt tone of the message. Even though I'm used to Colin's cold tone I couldn't care less because Colin's character has always been like this, cold and powerful. That doesn't mean he doesn't love me, he does.

Colin Rogers, my fiancé, is an App developer who had pursued a degree in Computer Science during our college years.

Upon receiving Colin's message, I felt a little sad he didn't even asked about my day, he just went straight to the point. "Anyways,It's for the best. I should tell him the news face to face before handing over the files.” I said to myself. On a second joyful thoughts I can't wait to see the happy look that will be on Colin's face after I have shared the good news. I thought to myself.

Arriving home, I swiftly located the documents Colin had requested and placed them securely in my bag, ready to deliver them to Zeal restaurant. Just as I was about to step out of the door, a sudden realization hit me – the heavy rain pouring down outside.

"Why now, when Colin needs this?" I muttered to myself, feeling a twinge of frustration at the timing of the downpour. Despite the adverse weather conditions, I needed to get these to Colin.

After a brief moment of hesitation either to wait more longer or go despite the rain, I made a decision. I grabbed my keys, refusing to let the rain deter me from my mission. The thought of sharing the incredible news with Colin in person, and seeing his reaction firsthand, makes me so happy and impatient, Colin is always busy, although we live together, he hardly express his emotions But his eyes always shows how he feels, and I can't wait to see those eyes blinks and sparkle on hearing this news.

Stepping out into the pouring rain, I dashed to my car, the droplets splattering against the windows as I drove towards Zeal restaurant, my heart racing with nerves and anticipation. The windshield wipers clears the rain droplet on my windshield for my easy view.

As I drove through the slick streets, the image of Colin's face lighting up with joy at the news of our future together filled my mind, pushing me forward through the raining storm.

Within less than an hour, I pulled into the parking lot of Zeal restaurant, the rain relentless in its downpour. The main building seemed a distant trek from where I parked, but undeterred, I unfold my umbrella and set off towards my destination.

As I made my way through the parking lot, the wind howled fiercely, battering my umbrella until it succumbed, leaving me drenched despite my attempt at protecting myself from the rain. Arriving at the restaurant entrance, I couldn't help but feel defeated by the storm's onslaught, my once-dry clothes now clinging uncomfortably to my skin, fully wet.

Spotting a waitress nearby, I hurried over, to find room 501 where Colin awaited. "Excuse me, could you please direct me to VIP room 501?" I asked.

The waitress regarded me with surprise and mild disdain before responding, "Follow me," her tone clipped as she led the way through the bustling restaurant towards the room.

Upon reaching the door marked 501, she gestured towards it, her expression unreadable. "Here it is," she stated curtly before turning to leave.

"Thank you," I offered with a grateful smile, acknowledging her assistance despite her aloof behavior. Steeling myself for the moment, I raised my hand to push open the door when snippets of conversation from within caught my attention, causing me to pause.

"Are you getting married, Colin?" I heard a familiar voice inquire from inside the room. It was David, Colin's best buddy.

"Don't be ridiculous, David," Colin's voice cut through, his tone dismissive and cold. "Selena is just a plaything to me. I'm not marrying that foolish woman, not now, Not Ever!."

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