

Beep. Beep. Beep.

My eyes fluttered open, the incessant beeping of machines filled the sterile hospital room. A sharp, searing pain shot through my head “Ahhh”, eliciting a gut-wrenching scream that escaped my lips before I could stop it.

Amidst the haze of agony, I mustered the strength to slowly survey my surroundings, my gaze landing on a figure by my side. A warm, familiar hand on mine.

"Sweetie, you're finally awake!" I heard my mom's voice, I lifted my gaze to meet her eyes, only to be met with a sight that shook me to the core. Her usually composed demeanor was replaced by disheveled appearance, her tear-streaked face changing her glowing face.

With a heavy heart, she spoke softly, her words laden with pain and hope. "Don't be sad, Sweetie. You will have the baby next time."

I got shocked by her words immediately I placed my hand on my stomach, searching for the life that should have been growing inside me. "My baby?" I uttered in a trembling voice.

"Mom, what happened to my baby?" I implored, fear gripping my soul as I braced myself for what she has to say. I awaited her response.

With tears streaming down her face, my mom spoke, her voice quivering.

"You lost the baby, Selena. It was a choice between saving you or the tiny life inside you, and as a mother, I couldn't bear to watch my grown-up daughter slip away. I asked them to save you instead," she explained.

The realization hit me like a sledgehammer, the pain of lossing my unborn ft so unbearable . "So I lost my baby?" I repeated the words in a painful echo. Tears flowed unchecked down my cheeks, mingling with the anguish that consumed me.

"I just found out recently that I was going to be a mother mom, and now... I lost the baby too?" I choked out the words, the words tearing at my very core. Despite the physical pain that wracked my body, it was the loss of the life that I had only just begun to dream of that pierced me the most, leaving an indelible mark on my shattered heart.

The devastating reality of losing my baby shattered my world. As tears fell down my cheeks, the sound of my mother's anguish-filled sobs haunt grief that pierced my soul.

Witnessing my mother crumble to the ground suddenly made my close my eyes painfully in sorrow and shame. The sight of her, a pillar of strength now reduced to a sobbing figure on the floor.

Amidst the overwhelming tide of emotions, a new wave of agony crashed over me, engulfing me in a searing blaze of pain. It was as if every fiber of my being was being consumed by flames,I felt so hot Inside of me. A sudden pain all over my body, a torment that left me paralyzed and gasping for air, I just couldn't breathe. Before I could comprehend the full extent of the agony, a violent cough wracked my body, and I coughed out blood spilling from my lips, staining the stark white hospital sheets.

In that harrowing moment, as I felt the grip of death tighten its hold on me, my mother's desperate cry for help pierced through the haze of pain. With a last burst of strength, she raced out of the room, her anguished plea for a doctor fading into the distance.

“Doctor, Doctor, Doctor” I could hear her cry.

The world around me dimmed. "I can't die like this... Why would I lose everything because I chose to love? I wish I never met Colin... I curse the day I met him... I wish…..I ….. Wish….."



I saw a blank white surface and heard conversations as I slowly opened my eyes.

Gradually, my focus shifted downward, and I felt the cool touch of an oxygen mask covering my nose and mouth.

Turning my head slightly, I caught sight of familiar figures by my bedside - my mother and my best friend Lisa. Before I could gather my bearings, Lisa's voice cut through the air like a thunderclap. "She's back from coma!" she exclaimed with unrestrained joy, before she dashed out to fetch a nurse.

With gentle hands, the nurse removed the oxygen mask, her concerned gaze fixed on me. "Are you okay?" she inquired. I managed a nod in response, my mind still reeling from the surreal experience of waking up with my body stiff.

As I struggled to sit up, my mother and Lisa provided support, helping me into a more upright position. Questions swirled in my mind, and the first one that escaped my lips was directed at the two familiar faces before me. "Why are you both here?" I queried.

"Colin was too insistent not to come and see you." The mention of the name triggered a flicker of suspicion in me, and I furrowed my brow, pressing for more information. "Colin?" I repeated, I couldn't picture a person with that name.

"Who's Colin?".

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