
The Strange Man

"Selena, do you recall sending me a recording?" Lisa asked.

"A recording?" I echoed, my mind struggling to grasp the significance of her words.

"Yes, before the accident, you sent me a recording. When I listened to it, you were driving at that moment," Lisa explained softly.

"Can I listen to it?" I requested, curiosity and dread swirling within me.

"Yes," Lisa replied, her fingers swiftly going through her phone to locate the recording I had sent her.

As the recording played, each word, each scream, each tear that echoed through felt like a dagger piercing through my heart. The feeling captured in the recording sent waves of pain and anguish coursing through my veins, stirring up a maelstrom of familiar feelings in me.

I listened in stunned silence, my hand instinctively reaching out to grasp my chest. The intensity of the recording, the palpable agony in my own voice, painted a vivid picture of a moment steeped in pain.

"That was Hell!" I gasped.

In another way I felt anger coursing through me as I listened to the recording, my hands trembling. "Such a man doesn't deserve to be loved by me," I seethed with bitterness. "I'll make sure I avoid him in the future and start anew."


Lisa POV

After a month-long stay in the hospital, Selena was finally discharged, and I decided to throw her a special discharge party to celebrate her recovery. Selena and I had been best friends since childhood, and I wanted to make sure she felt loved and supported as she transitioned back to normal life.

"Let's go out to enjoy the evening, Selena. You just got discharged," I suggested excitedly as we arrived home from the hospital.

"I would love that, the hospital has been suffocating!" Selena exclaimed.

We quickly got dressed and headed out to MX Bar/Club, where I had arranged a surprise discharge party for Selena. As we entered the venue, Selena's eyes widened in shock as she took in the sight of all our friends and loved ones who had gathered to celebrate her recovery.

"Hurray!" balloons popped and cheers filled the air as Selena stood there, overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support.

"Congratulations for surviving, Selena," some voices rang out, while others offered warm welcomes and well-wishes for her return.

Amidst the crowd, a familiar figure approached Selena with a soft smile. "Thanks for surviving, Selena," Jasper spoke with a touch of sincerity in his voice. Jasper had harbored feelings for Selena for six long years, ever since college days. However, he had never found the courage to confess his love to her, knowing that Selena was already in a relationship with Colin.

"Oh, Jasper!" Selena exclaimed with a radiant smile. As I observed the gentle gaze that Jasper directed towards Selena, a pang of realization struck me - how had Selena never known about his deep-seated feelings for her?

"Well, that aside, the party has just begun," I whispered to myself.

Selena POV

Meeting Jasper again after years, I couldn't help but notice how his face had matured, he was now more handsome than before with his striking appearance. "Can we sit over there?" Jasper's deep voice broke through my thoughts, gesturing towards a cozy spot at the bar.

I followed his gaze and then met his eyes with a nod. "Sure," I replied, a smile playing on my lips as we made our way to the stools and settled down.

"How has life been?" I inquired, eager to catch up with Jasper after all these years apart.

"It's been fine. I've been in London all these years, but now I'm back in Boston Hills. My main company is in London, but I have a branch here," Jasper explained.

"Your company?" I probed, intrigued by his mention of a business venture.

"Yes, I'm the CEO of ByteForge Technology," Jasper revealed, a glint of pride shining in his eyes.

"What? The famous tech company that got listed?" I exclaimed. I won't lie, I got impressed.

Jasper and I had a few drinks and talked and I felt so happy talking to him unlike before when we hardly talk, where conversation had been sparse. The Club came alive with dancing, and amidst the lively crowd, Jasper dropped his wine glass. with a gentle look in his eyes, he extended his hand towards me.

"Can I have this dance?" Jasper asked, his voice soft yet filled with warmth.

I met his gaze with a smile and replied, "Yes," reaching out my hand to meet his. Jasper grasped my hand, and together we made our way to the bustling dance floor. His hand settled on my waist, and I placed mine on his chest as we swayed to the music.

Amidst the swirl of movement and laughter, my eyes caught sight of a man in the distance. Unlike the others who danced around us, he stood still, his gaze fixed solely on me. Discomfort crept over me, and I quickly averted my eyes, focusing on the dance with Jasper, trying to shake off the unease that lingered from the stranger's unwavering stare.

As my eyes inadvertently locked with the man's once more, a wave of unease hit me as his expression darkened into one of anger. In a startling turn of events, he swiftly shed his suit jacket and walked onto the dance floor. Before I could fully comprehend the situation, he forcibly pulled Jasper away from me, shoving him aside, and draped his suit jacket over my shoulders before seizing my hand.

"Are you out of your mind, Selena? How dare you dance here?" he bellowed, his tone filled with fury. His words struck me like a bolt of lightning, leaving me stunned.

"Sir, please let go of me!" I pleaded, my discomfort growing by the second. Jasper, sensing the tension, intervened and tried to push the man away. However, the man stood his ground, refusing to back down. In a sudden, shocking move, he lunged towards Jasper, delivering a forceful blow that sent Jasper crashing to the ground.

Reacting swiftly, I rushed to Jasper's side, but before I could offer any help, the man grabbed my hand once more. Instinctively, I wrenched my hand free from his grip.

"That's enough, Selena! You've been out here for a month; it's time to come home with me," the man insisted, his cold tone,a command.

"Do I know you?" I retorted, a hint of scorn in my voice. "Who the fuck are you?"

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