
The Accident

Hearing those words struck me. My grip on the doorknob fell.

"A plaything?" I whispered to myself, the words hit hard. The realization that I might be nothing more than a mere object of temporary desire to Colin shook me to the core, shattering the fragile illusion of love and commitment that I had held onto.

"How is she foolish?" David questioned.

Colin's response, cold and devoid of remorse, struck like a thunderbolt, each word showing his true feelings,I was ignorant about.

"She is just my sex toy," he declared callously, his words dripping. "She thinks I love her, but she is worth nothing to me, not even my time, she forced this relationship, I never asked her out, it all on her. I played along and proposed to her because I want her more for the time being."


I'm Selena Kings the only daughter of the Kings group, I never mentioned my social status and Family wealth to Colin. And never did I expect him to talk about me like that.

The conversation continued from inside, a female voice suddenly spoke causing my heart to skip a beat. "Oh, Colin, it's best you know better now, how can you even stope so low to date a girl like that. That aside, but after so many years, Colin, you are more handsome than before," the voice said with a tone that brought back memories I wished to forget.

I couldn't resist the urge to move closer to the door, pressing my ear against it to catch every word. The familiarity of the voice sent a shiver down my spine, and then it hit me - it was Colin's ex-girlfriend, Page. The same Page who abruptly left for England during our college days, leaving Colin heartbroken.

I remembered vividly the day I had mustered the courage to confess my feelings to Colin after learning about his newly single status following Page's departure. We started dating, and everything seemed perfect until that one fateful day when I answered Colin's phone and heard Page's voice on the other end, delivering her reasons for leaving in a tone that stirred up old wounds.

“Colin it's me Page, I know you are angry because of the breakup and my leaving to England but I had no choice"

As the memories flooded back, I clenched my fists in frustration. It had been years since that incident, and now she was back again, reappearing in our lives like a ghost from the past.

Tears welled up in my eyes as David, Colin's best buddy, dropped another bombshell. "Page is back, and it's time for you to break up with Selena," he announced casually, his words breaking walls within me.

Feeling devastation and betrayed, I couldn't help but blurt out, "So I was just a replacement?" The pain in my voice was obvious as I struggled to make sense of the situation unfolding before me.

As if my heartache wasn't enough, David added salt to the wound with his next question. "By the way, why hasn't she sent you the file here yet?, don't tell me she is getting dressed up to make you fall for her more" His tone obvious with mockery, and I felt so embarrassed.

Confusion and hurt clouded my thoughts as I stood outside the closed door, grappling with the realization that I had unwittingly become the subject of their cruel jokes. The urge to confront Colin and demand answers surged within me, but self-doubt held me back. I hesitated, torn between the desire to seek the truth and the fear of facing further humiliation.

I stood there, silently battling my emotions, unsure of what to do next.

Feeling shattered and betrayed, I made the difficult decision to walk away. With a heavy heart, I turned around and exited Zeal restaurant, the rain pouring down on me, blending with my tears.

Each step I took towards my car felt like a monumental effort, my emotions crushing me. As I sat inside the car, the walls I had built around my heart crumbled, and I found myself confronting a truth I had been avoiding.

I retrieved the pregnancy test from my bag and broke down in sobs, the echoes of my anguish mingling with the patter of raindrops on the car roof. The reality of my situation hit me like a ton of bricks.

After what seemed like an eternity of tears and heartache, I wiped away my tears and composed myself. It was time to face the harsh truth and make a decision that would alter the course of my life.

I knew what I had to do next. The plan was clear in my mind - I needed to gather my strength, pack my belongings, and Breakup with Colin.

The rain hammered down relentlessly as I sped away, the roar of the engine drowned out. Memories of Colin and me swirled in my mind, each one a sharp pain in my already wounded heart. Tears blurred my vision.

"Why make me your plaything when you can just tell me to leave? Why break my heart like this, Colin, why?" I screamed into the tempest, the words torn from my anguished soul. my feelings suffocate me as I drove through the downpour, my grip on the wheel tightening.

Suddenly, a shrill sound pierced through the chaos, jolting me from my turmoil. I glanced up at my windshield, only to realize that the rain had covered my view. Frantically, I reached for the screen-wiping tool in my car, but before I could clear my windshield, it was too late.

The deafening impact of the collision with my car made my world spun out of control. My car was violently struck by a trailer, it suddenly somersault in the air before crashing back to the ground. Pain seared through my head and stomach, a metallic taste of blood filling my mouth.

In the haze of agony and fading consciousness, one thought pierced through the chaos - it was all Colin's fault. As darkness crept in at the edges of my vision, I made a silent vow to myself. "If I'm given another chance to live, I will never fall in love with Colin Rogers." And with that solemn declaration, the world faded to black.

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