

She was already in front of Clyde's office when she stopped in her tracks. Now, what reason would she tell him as to why she was there? She was already standing there for a few minutes now, her two hands were holding the can of coke when she heard footsteps. She turned towards the direction of the sound of the footsteps.

She saw Kyle who was staring at her with a confused expression on his face, probably wondering why she was just standing there. She already knew that he wasn't Clyde because she was already used to differentiating the two guys from each other as they didn't look exactly identical. She already knew the subtle differences in their faces. The majority of the time, Kyle would only wear a shirt or polo that he would pair with a pair of pants. He would only be wearing a coat and tie when there were clients.

Natasha quickly looked away before dropping her gaze to look at the can of soft drinks that she was holding. The guy stopped beside her.

"Why are you just standing there? Is Clyde talking to a client inside?" he asked.

She could no longer do anything but just stare at the guy. That was when she noticed that he was holding a bouquet of flowers. It was her turn to be confused. Was he courting anyone at that particular time?

Kyle followed her eyes and was about to say something when the door of the office suddenly opened. The both of them turned their heads at the same time towards the direction of the door.

"K-kyle?" Claire seemed surprised as she stared at the guy.

Natasha slowly turned her head to look at Kyle, and she saw how blank his expression was. It seemed like there was a magnet that was making them look at each other while she was just looking at them.

Wait a minute...

Why was Claire's reaction towards Kyle still the same? I smell something fishy!

She cleared her throat to get their reaction, and to stop whatever it was that was going on between the both of them.

"Claire, I didn't know you're here." It was Kyle's turn to talk.

Claire's composure came back soon after before giving Kyle a small smile.

"Yeah, I just got back from London," she even said before her eyes stopped at the flowers that the guy was holding.

"I see," Kyle replied in a formal manner.

It was Natasha who was feeling the tension between the both of them.

"Are you in a serious relationship with a girl right now?" Claire asked with a smile on her face that looked forced. 

Kyle chuckled before looking at what he was holding.

"Nah, this is for Clyde. I saw the pitiful flower on his vase. It was so lifeless and lonely as it was alone." Kyle chuckled.

What?! The flower that she gave Clyde was pitiful?!

She was quick to glare at the guy because of what he said. Her eyes were starting to narrow as she looked at him. Unfortunately, they didn't even bother giving her attention.

"I saw it too. In fact, I threw it away already. It was so disgusting. Who would even place that withered flower there? It gave me the creeps," Claire said in an overacting manner. She even hugged herself as if she was really creeped out.

Her attention switched towards the girl as the expression on her face was unfathomable.

It seemed like the two had joined forces to make fun of her! Why did Claire throw the flower? It looked like her love potion number two hadn't been a success. Not yet.

"Anyway, Clyde is not here yet but he will be back in an hour." Claire's gaze towards Kyle was intense and unfaltering.

Oh, don't tell me she was only making Clyde as a rebound? If she was still head over heels for Kyle, why couldn't they be together instead? Why choose Clyde? Her love would be miserable.

"I'll come back later. I'll just go to my office, Claire. Nice seeing you here," Kyle said his goodbye and was about to turn his back when Claire grabbed his arm.

She automatically raised her eyebrows upon seeing what the girl just did.

And they even had the guts to commit a sin in front of her! She really needed to get her love back even before he'd get hurt as it was very obvious that Claire and Kyle still loved each other.

"Wait, Kyle..." stopped Claire.

She remained standing near the two as if she was watching a scene from a movie.

Ashamed, Claire let go of Kyle's arm when his gaze stopped at her hand that was touching him. 

"Ahm, I'll get the flowers. I'll place them in the vase," Claire said before letting out an awkward smile.

"Sure," Kyle said briefly before handing the flowers to the girl.

When Claire finally got it, she even put them close to her nose before smelling them. Her eyes were even closed as she did that.


Why did it seem like the girl was acting as if the flowers were for her?

Her grip around the can of coke was tight as she stared at Claire. She even felt like she was already deforming one side of the can because of how tightly she was gripping it.

Her jaw dropped when she got to look at Kyle's reaction because of what the girl did. He also froze, and she even noticed how his eyes glided to every feature of the girl's face as if there was still a feeling of love and attachment left.

It really looked like Clyde needed to be woken up from the illusion of the girl who didn't actually love him!

Claire slowly opened her eyes before giving Kyle a sweet smile.

"I suddenly remembered... you always give me flowers before when we..."

Kyle cleared his throat, which stopped Claire from saying what she was about to say.

"I need to go, Claire. I have a meeting with Mr. Gutierrez a few minutes from now. See you when I see you," Kyle was quick to say his goodbye, walking away even before Claire got to open her mouth to reply.

The two of them were left in front of Clyde's office.

When Kyle was no longer in sight, that was when the girl finally gave her attention.

"Yes?" Her eyebrows were raised as she asked that question.

She swallowed the lump on her throat before answering.

"M-Miss Zara is asking me to g-give this. She said that Clyde might be stressed...I-I mean Sir Clyde might be stressed," she was stuttering as she said that before handing the coke in front of the girl's face.

'I'm sorry, Miss Zara, and it seems like I'll be making you an alibi once more,' she apologized inside her head.

There wasn't any hint of emotion on her face as she stared at the can that she wanted to give Clyde.

"Drink it yourself...or better throw it away," she said with a blank expression on her face before turning her back.

She only faced her when she closed the door of the office in front of her face.

Why did it seem like every person there likes throwing things as if they had no value? Her poor flower even became a victim.

There was no longer any point; it was already unsuccessful. What she could do was to try the next pages of her grandmother's book.

She let out a sigh before turning her back to leave. She was annoyed as she opened the can of coke before chugging it.

It would've been better if it were a can of beer instead. She thought that it'd feel really good being drunk even when she hadn't even tasted any alcoholic beverages yet.

She'd drink until she got drunk later once she got home. Her heart was utterly broken because of Clyde.

I'll be the one who'll drink for you instead, my love. I hope I can finally make you fall in love with me because it looks like Claire is still head over heels for your twin.

Just choose me, Clyde...

I'm the one who is destined to be with you. I felt that deep inside my heart.

She chugged the content that was left in the can before walking away from there completely. 

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