

Before she went back home, she bought six cans of beer in a convenience store nearby. She could still feel her chest tightening for Clyde and not for herself. Not feeling inclined to cook, she also bought food for herself.

After changing into clean clothes, she called her grandmother to check on her. She would call every day to talk to the old woman and to the person that she was with. She still wasn't used to being far away from her grandmother that was why it was inevitable that she'd miss her always. After talking to her grandmother, she sat in the middle of her bed before starting to drink the beer that she just bought. She also just bought food that she could pair with the drink. She didn't want to eat some rice because she wasn't even hungry in the first place.

She opened the can of beer and didn't even hesitate to drink from it. She grimaced soon after.

It was so bitter!

She drank once more and chose not to breathe until she was able to drink half of it already. The more she drank the beer, the more she was able to tolerate its taste. She also ate the peanuts that she bought alongside it as it was the usual snack that she would often see whenever people would go out to drink.

She was quick to drink the beer that she bought, especially when they were still cold as there wasn't any refrigerator around where she could possibly put them in. People said that those wouldn't taste good if they weren't cold.

Whenever she finished drinking, she would just be staring at the wall of her room absentmindedly. She didn't even think that she'd be able to finish three cans of beer already. She felt as if her body was lighter as if she was floating a little. However, she stood because her bladder seemed to be full already.

When she felt a little better, she played a mainstream song she would often hear. However, she chose not to sit anymore. She got the fourth can of beer before swaying her body alongside the music, her arms were up in the air. Her eyes were also closed as there was a wide smile plastered across her face.

Soon after, she opened her eyes when she thought of something to do. She took her cell phone before putting it on the table as the video camera of it was up.

She was even giggling as she stared at herself while she fixed the angle of the phone to make sure that she would be on screen properly.

Even when she wasn't really a great dancer, she exerted all of the efforts that she could exert as she danced.

Was she drunk already? She stopped to ask herself that question but was quick to giggle once more before continuing to dance. She took the beer before chugging the contents of it.

She was enjoying the moment when there was a loud knock on her door. She guessed that it was one of the boarders who was probably annoyed by the noise. She chose not to mind that person, and just continued dancing, enjoying the moment. She had already finished the fifth can of beer when she felt tired. It was like her eyes could no longer open. That was why even when she was already so dizzy, she still made sure to take the trash off her bed before lying face down on it.

However, upon remembering her phone that was probably still taking a video, she had no choice but to stand to get the phone. Her other eye was still closed as she stopped the video. She could even barely keep her eyes open as she was pressing on her phone.

She looked at the screen and saw that there was already no video in there. Satisfied, she placed her phone on the table before lying face down once more.

Natasha slowly opened her eyes while the noises that she was hearing still hadn't stopped. She noticed that she was already sleeping on her stomach so she was quick to lie on her back. She groaned when she felt her head throbbing. She was about to close her eyes once again when she heard her phone ring. She jerked up to get her phone that was ringing on the table.

"Hello?" Her voice was still groggy when she answered the call.

Her hand massaged her temple as she could feel her head throbbing.

"Where are you?!"

She swiftly put the phone away from her ear when she heard the pitchy voice of the girl from the other line.

Her forehead was creased when she stared at the screen of her cellphone, and when she saw that it was Zara who was calling, she quickly looked at the time. Her heart immediately raced when she saw that it was already nine in the morning!

"Nutty! Nutty! Don't you dare hang up on me!" She heard the loud voice of Zara once more.

"I- I'm sorry, Miss Zara, but I'm already on my way. I didn't..."

"Be here within thirty minutes!" she screamed at her before ending the call.

Her eardrums would really be damaged because of the girl's shouts.

Upon remembering what time it was already, she dropped the phone on the bed before standing quickly. She grabbed the towel before heading towards the bathroom. She was able to take a shower in five minutes.

She was quick to change into her working clothes before brushing her teeth. When she looked at the mirror, she realized that she hadn't brushed her hair yet. She even spent time just taming her locks because of how long they were. Settling with the hair polish, she put them all in her hair before quickly brushing them. She didn't bother tying her hair because Zara was already sending her several texts in a row.

She wore her pair of glasses already before wearing her shoes and going out of the room.

She rode a cab just so she could reach her office faster. After handing the taxi fare, she quickly ran towards the building. She was even catching her breath the moment her hands stopped the elevator doors from closing. She allowed herself to catch her breath first before getting in completely. Her eyes were fixed on the floor as she was breathing heavily. When her breathing was already steadying, she went inside the elevator.

"Good morning, Tash! Late?" greeted the person inside the elevator.

She was surprised as she raised her head to look at the face of the guy. She saw the face of Kyle that looked as if he was teasing her.

"G-good morning, Sir. I'm sorry if I'm late. It was just because..." She didn't know what reason she would say.

He smirked before looking away.

"How's the hangover?" She even saw how he bit his lower lip to stop himself from laughing.

Why did the guy seem very amused that she was late? And how did he know that she was having a hangover?

Curiosity and confusion were plastered across her eyes as she stared at him. Instead of answering her, he looked at her untied hair.

"Remind me to take a picture of your wild curly hair," he said with a huge smile on his face.

She grabbed hold of her hair, feeling conscious of what he just said. That was when the elevator rang and opened. Even before the guy stepped out, he said something else.

"I didn't know you're a very good dancer." He even turned to look at her with his sparkling eyes as if there was something that he was remembering.

Her forehead creased with what he said, and just followed the guy with his eyes. He was already walking away when the door closed. That was when she realized that she hadn't pressed the floor where she was heading to. She pressed a number before taking out her phone.

Coincidentally, she received a message.

Great dance moves! Why didn't you ask me? You would have got a dance partner.

At first, she was confused because she couldn't understand what Kyle meant by that. It also looked as if he sent the text when he went out of the elevator.

She looked at the previous message in their message thread and immediately covered her mouth before letting out a loud gasp.

She sent the guy a video last night!

That was why Kyle guessed that she was having a hangover, and he kidded about her dancing.

She really just sent him the video where she was drunk and she was dancing. Her head was moving around and she was even raising her hand that was holding the beer.

You're really crazy, Tasyang!

She quickly placed her phone inside her bag just to cover her face using her two hands as she was stomping inside the elevator out of shame. She no longer cared if there was a CCTV camera in there. She felt like her face was swollen because of the shame that she was feeling inside her chest.

She hadn't noticed the ringing of the elevator and the opening of the door. She was still stomping. She just stopped when she heard someone talk.

"Are you okay, Miss Policarpio?"

Shit! Was it Clyde's voice? She felt like not wanting to take her hands off her face.

"Natasha?" he called her by her name when she still hadn't said anything.

She could no longer do anything, but take her hands from her face. She could already feel the shame crawling all over her body, making her face grow redder.

In front of her was Clyde while Claire was clinging onto his arm, disbelief was plastered right across her face as she stared at her. There were also two old men with whom she was thinking to be their clients.

"G-good morning! My feet are just a little sore," she reasoned out.

She saw the worry in Clyde's face quickly disappeared.

Oh my! She immediately forgot about the feeling of shame in her chest upon thinking that the guy was worried about her.

She fixed her posture before going out of the elevator completely so they could go in. She even waited for them all to be inside before the elevator closed.

Without really thinking, she even waved in a subtle manner towards them. The two clients looked at each other before waving back at her awkwardly, confusion was plastered right across their faces. Clyde, on the other hand, smiled a little while Claire rolled her eyes before the doors closed completely.

Her phone rang once again as she was standing in front of the elevator.

How many beers did you drink last night, Task? Are you brokenhearted?

That message was from Kyle once more. The shame that she felt after remembering the shameful video that she just sent last night when she was utterly under the influence of alcohol.

I'm asking you to just delete the video...Please.

That was her reply to Kyle. It wasn't long when the guy sent her a message.

Hmm... I'll think about it.

That was the only reply of the guy. She was about to send a reply when her phone rang before seeing that it was Zara who was calling.

Omg! She's dead! She just forgot the terror lady. She was almost sprinting and didn't even have the courage to answer Zara's call. 

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