


I stared at the TV screen in horror. The videos and pictures flashing before my eyes seemed unreal.

Adeline, dancing seductively in her underwear, her naked pictures in hotels. It was a nightmare.

"CEO of AD Jewelry, Adeline, exposed as a fraud," one headline screamed. "Her real source of income: sugar daddies," another blared. I felt like I couldn't breathe.

Beside me, Adeline crumpled to the floor in shock. She didn't cry or scream. She just stared at the screen quietly, as if the life had been sucked out of her.

"Adeline," I said softly, kneeling beside her. "Come on, get up."

She didn't respond. Her eyes were fixed on the TV, unblinking. I switched off the television and gently took her hand and helped her to her feet. She was like a zombie, moving without really seeing or feeling anything.

"Stay here tonight," I said. "We'll handle this tomorrow."

She nodded slowly, still not looking at me. I led her to the guest room and sat her on the bed. She just stared at the f
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