


I got home late in the evening, feeling exhausted. The day had been long and stressful. As I walked up the driveway, I noticed the house was unusually quiet.

The lights were on, but there was an eerie stillness. I pushed open the front door and stepped inside.

“Xander!” I heard my mom’s voice before I saw her. She came running from the living room, her face filled with a mix of anger and concern.

“Have you seen the news?” she asked, breathless. “Adeline is all over the news. I told you she was terrible and not good for you.”

I sighed, already feeling a headache coming on. “Mom, I…”

“No, Xander, you need to listen,” she interrupted, her voice rising. “This girl, this Adeline, she’s been nothing but trouble. You should have known better.

Sasha is perfect for our family. She’s respectful, kind, and from a good background.”

“Mom, can we just talk about this next time.”

“She’s always been there for you, Xander,” she continued, ignoring me.

“Unlike Adeline, who’s only brou
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