
Adeline’s reveal


The embossed invitation felt slick with a kind pressure in my hand.

The designer hosting the event was a top name in the industry, the kind of person every trendy woman like Sasha, my girlfriend, worshipped. Sasha had been raving about the jewelry for weeks, especially the new piece Adie Luxe was set to unveil. Personally, I couldn't care less about jewelry or fashion. When the invitation arrived, I wanted to skip it entirely, but Sasha wouldn’t hear of it.

“Xander, you don’t understand,” she had said for the hundredth time, practically bouncing with excitement. “Adie Luxe is releasing a new piece! We have to go. I need to see the face behind the brand. Everyone’s talking about it. This is the biggest event of the season! Did you know their last piece sold for half a million at auction? That’s how influential they are. Just imagine seeing their work up close!”

I nodded absentmindedly, her words blending into the background. I didn't share her enthusiasm for jewelry or fashion. But Sasha was relentless, yapping on and on.

“They have always ahead of the curve, setting trends, not following them. And the craftsmanship! Each piece is like a work of art. Do you remember the necklace they designed last year? It was featured in every top fashion magazine. Oh, and the rumor is this new piece will have some kind of rare gem that no one’s ever used before. I can’t believe we’re actually going to see it. And to think, they started just a few years ago and now they're the talk of the town. Can you imagine the connections we could make tonight?” She paused, and then continued, “Adie Luxe is amazing! I can’t believe we’re seeing them in person. Did you know they had been featured in Vogue? They came out of nowhere and now they're dominating the industry. I can’t wait to see the new piece they're unveiling. It’s going to be groundbreaking, I just know it!”

I couldn’t get a word in, nor did I particularly want to. Jewelry wasn’t my thing. But seeing Sasha so animated, so desperate to attend, I couldn’t refuse her.

“Alright, alright,” I finally conceded. “We’ll go. Just promise you’ll enjoy it enough for the both of us.”

“Oh, I will!” she said, her eyes gleaming. “This is going to be the event of the year, Xander. You won’t regret it.”

The dinner party was in full swing, clinking glasses, and murmurs. The designer had truly outdone themselves, with every detail carefully planned to exude luxury. I moved through the room, making polite small talk.

As I moved around the event, I couldn’t help but overhear snippets of conversation from the ladies. They seemed very much like Sasha. Why was everyone so smitten by this “Adie Luxe's” work?

“I can’t wait to see the face behind Adie Luxe and the new jewelry,” one woman said to her companion. “It’s so funny how no one has seen the face of the brand.”

“I know, right?” the other person replied. “I have no idea why they’ve been so secretive. Who could he or she possibly be?” The lady groaned. “Maybe some celebrity who wanted to prove they could make her barand thrive without their fandom? Kylie Sprouce? Something tells me she's the one.”

The first woman chuckled. “Oh, well, I can’t wait to see them in person. Who knows what they are? He? She? They? Them? And that new jewelry she’s unveiling tonight? I’ve heard it’s going to be absolutely gobsmacking!”

These women were utterly engrossed in. I wondered why they were so fascinated, why the mere mention of the name and work evoked such excitement.

Just as I was about to excuse myself to the balcony for some air, the lights dimmed slightly, drawing everyone's attention to the stage. A hush fell over the crowd, and the announcer took the microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen," she began, her voice commanding the room, "thank you for joining us tonight. It is my distinct pleasure to introduce someone who has redefined elegance and innovation in our industry. Please welcome the visionary behind Adie Luxe, Ms. Adeline."

Murmurs swept through the audience, and my grip tightened on the glass in my hand. The name replayed in my mind, triggering a flood of memories. Adeline. Could it be…?

Then they walked onto the stage.


“It's a woman!” Someone exclaimed.

“Adeline Armstrong!” A voice called.

A collective gasp filled the hall. I felt my heart skip a beat. “What?” I muttered under my breath, unable to process what I had just heard.

“No way! She's Michael Armstrong's daughter!” one woman exclaimed, her voice full of shock.

The first woman shook her head, clearly baffled. “I have no idea. This is unbelievable. I mean, how could no one have known?”

“Maybe she wanted to succeed on her own terms,” her friend suggested. “Not rely on her family’s name. It makes sense if you think about it. She’s built this incredible brand all by herself.”

“I still can’t believe it,” another woman interjected. “The Armstrongs are so well-known. Michael Armstrong, as in the big CEO's daughter! How did she manage to stay under the radar?”

The room seemed to hold its breath as she moved with an effortless grace, her eyes scanning the crowd before settling somewhere above us, unfazed by the attention. She was dazzling, more radiant than I remembered, and carrying herself with a confidence that made it impossible to look away.

My heart stopped as the truth sank in. This was the Adeline. The same woman I had once called my wife. The same woman I had ruthlessly divorced, now standing before me with a new identity, a new life. How was this possible? My mind raced with questions, none of which I could answer.

The applause was thunderous, but it felt distant, almost surreal. I was rooted to the spot, my mind fuzzy. Adeline''s eyes briefly met mine, and I tried to look for something, anything. Recognition, perharps? But there was none. Nothing. she turned her attention back to the audience, a serene smile on her lips.

How had she transformed so completely, so beautifully? My jaw dropped as I watched her, the woman I had let slip through my fingers now shining brighter than ever.

The applause was thunderous as Adeline walked the stage.

Next to me, Sarah seethed with jealousy. She continued to huff, and roll her eyes when any subtle pleasant comment was made about Adeline's new piece. She had always outshined Adeline, but tonight, it was clear who the true star was. I could feel Sarah's eyes darting between Adeline and me, trying to gauge my reaction.

But I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Adeline. How could the woman I had left behind become so poised, so elegant? It didn’t seem possible. My heart pounded as I watched her, trying to reconcile the confident woman on stage with the one I had once known. The memories of our time together flooded back.

I remembered the way I had dismissed her, the coldness with which I had ended our marriage. How I had never appreciated her efforts, how I never even bothered to eat the meals she lovingly prepared. My heart sank as I recalled the look in her eyes when I told her it was over, the pain I had caused her. I had been a fool to let her go.

She was breathtaking, and I couldn’t believe how much she had transformed. Part of me felt a deep pang of regret, a realization of what I had lost. I wished I could turn back time, undo the mistakes that had driven us apart.

I barely acknowledged Sarah's comment, too engrossed in the sight of Adeline. She had always been beautiful, but now there was a confidence and grace that took my breath away. I wondered how different things could have been if I had appreciated her more when we were together.


After the shock of Adeline’s reveal, the mood in the room was calmer, but it didn't last for long.

“And now, without further ado, it is my honor to present the latest masterpiece from Adie Luxe,” the designer announced, gesturing towards a covered display.

A staff member stepped forward and dramatically pulled the cloth away, revealing a breathtaking piece of jewelry. The room erupted in gasps and exclamations of awe.

The women went in twos and threes to admire the necklace.

“Oh my God!” someone screamed. “It’s stunning!”

“It’s even more beautiful than I imagined,” another voice gushed. “Look at those details!”

Women were practically pushing and shoving.

I nudged Sasha gently. “Don’t you want to check it out?”

She crossed her arms, her face twisted. “I don’t. It’s probably so mid,” she said.

I raised an eyebrow, surprised by her response. “Really? You’ve been talking about this all week.”

Sasha scoffed, her eyes narrowing as she watched the other women fawn over the jewelry. “It’s just a bunch of hype. I bet it’s not even that impressive up close.”

Ignoring her, I looked back towards the crowd, where people were still marveling at the piece. “Did you see the cut on that diamond?” one woman exclaimed. “It’s flawless!”

“And the design!” another agreed. “Adie Luxe really outdid herself this time.”

Sasha huffed beside me, clearly irritated.

I glanced at her. It was obvious her jealousy was clouding her judgment. “Come on, Sasha. You know it’s more than that. Look at their reactions.”

She rolled her eyes, refusing to engage further. “Whatever, Xander. If you’re so interested, go ahead. I’m staying right here.”

I sighed, deciding not to push her any further. Instead, I turned my attention back to the stage, where Adeline stood, focusing instead on her.

Finally, I saw an opportunity to meet her. It was my table's turn to go up close to see the necklace.

I took a deep breath and started walking toward her.

Sarah, realizing what I was doing, raised her voice. “Xander, you can't be serious.” But I didn’t heed her. I was drawn to Adeline, compelled to reconnect, even if just for a moment.

I reached her and cleared my throat. I paid more attention to her than the jewelry I was supposed to be admiring.

“Hi, Adeline,” I said, my voice trembling slightly. “You look so good. You- I mean, your jewelry, is a masterpiece.”

I couldn't stop myself from continuing. “You’re doing so well. I have to say I’m impressed. Really, it’s incredible what you’ve achieved. This piece, it’s just…wow. I mean, I always knew you were talented, but this is beyond anything I could have imagined. You’ve really outdone yourself.”

She turned to face me, her expression composed and unreadable. “Hello, sir,” she said, her tone polite but distant. “Do I know you?”

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