
Two Hundred and eleven


Everyone gathered at the dining table. Menus such as suckling goat, roast pork, grilled chicken, salad and others were already available on the table. Hendrick sat at the end, while his guests, Hailey, Louis and Kevin sat in the other chairs. It was a long enough table for four people.

"How about the food? You like it, don't you? Protein is good for your health, young people like Kevin need more protein to look fit." Hendrick pointed at Kevin who was silent, not even touching his food. "Don't waste this freedom on poor health, Kevin."

Louis sighed, he stopped cutting the meat on his plate. His sad eyes with wrinkled lines scanned the surroundings. Kevin's face looked sour, while Hailey looked more relaxed there. His wife could even chop the steak without caring about her surroundings.

"You were right, Mr. Hendrick. Hendrick." Hailey nodded in agreement. She looked at Hendrick at the end of the table, then added. "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been able to see my son here and have dinner with him. You're really good."

"I have many informants in prison, it won't be hard for me." Hendrick raised his wine glass in the air, he looked at everyone with a smile. "Let's drink a toast to Kevin's freedom."

Hailey raised her glass first, while Louis and Kevin did nothing. "Cheers!"

Only Hailey and Hendrick were laughing in the room. The sumptuous meal served by the owner of the house was nothing more than an unreal treat. Louis spent a lot of money to free his son, to please his wife. But deep in the man's heart, Louis knew that what he had done was a mistake. He played the law, and Hendrick manipulated him for personal gain.

The dinner finished with a sense of satisfaction for Hendrick. He prepared to send his guests home. But before that, he walked over to Kevin, he looked at him with a meaningful gaze, then he said, "You'd better put your freedom to good use, young man. You don't want your father's money to run out because of your bad behavior, do you?"

The sarcastic tone made Kevin even less interested in talking to Hendrick. Meanwhile, Hailey responded very casually. She waved her hand in the air, then replied, "You can rest assured, we will educate our son better. This is a valuable lesson for us. We'll-" "We'll go now."

Louis' voice made Hailey hang her words in the air, the sentence in her mouth unfinished. She looked at Louis, her face turning annoyed. But Louis smiled a little and put his arm around his wife's waist as he said, "It's too late, it's time for us to go back. Thank you for this celebration, Hendrick."

Hendrick gave a short chuckle and shoved both hands into his pants pockets, "No problem. Call me if you need anything."

But Louis didn't respond to Hendrick's words and quickly went to the car, Hailey and Kevin following behind. They left Hendrick's mansion which no one even knew about, especially Nicholas.

"What did you do earlier, Hailey?" Louis' voice sounded heavy, he didn't look at his wife at all.

While Kevin who sat at the back just watched. He realized that his father was angry with his mother, but Kevin couldn't comment.

"What do you mean?" Hailey folded her arms across her chest when they reached the turn, she shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly and continued, "It's a celebration for Kevin. We're celebrating Kevin's freedom from prison. What's wrong with that?"

Hendrick let out a long breath. He tried to divert his emotions by looking around at the scenery he was passing. But the anger was still building in his chest. "We lost a lot of money just to get Kevin out."

"I'd rather lose money than suffer the embarrassment in front of my friends if they find out our only son is in jail!"

Kevin grinned. Even after he committed a criminal act, Hailey still defended him. Kevin had a big head. But he was still curious when Louis finally spoke up.

"I want us to educate Kevin properly. If he's wrong, let him be punished, Hailey!"

Louis' raised voice irritated Hailey. She stared intently at her husband and suppressed every word he was saying. "Look, Louis, you should be happy that our son is here with us. Don't you feel sorry for him having to live in prison? It's cold, it's dark, there are a lot of bad people in there." Louis shook his head in disbelief. Hailey's husband was reluctant to turn his head as if he didn't want to argue with Hailey anymore. But Hailey didn't want to lose the argument. Pointing at Kevin who was sitting behind them, she continued. "Our son just had an accident. It was an accident, not a purposeful incident you know! Kevin shouldn't be sentenced to jail like that. He was also a victim, he got injured too, Louis!"

Louis was getting fed up. He slammed on the brakes under his feet and looked at his wife seriously. "But it's not the first time for Kevin, Hailey!" The man looked at Kevin who was now also returning his gaze. "Tell your mom that you're really sorry and won't do it again! This makes me so angry."

Louis' frustration grew as the car sped through the city streets. Kevin shifted uncomfortably in the back seat, caught between his parents' rising tension. The air in the car was thick with unspoken words.

Hailey broke the silence, her voice sharp, "Louis, why don't you think about what other people are saying? People will judge us, our actions, everything will be judged by how we raise our son. Kevin is our son, and we should support him, not abandon him when he needs us most."

Louis clenched his jaw, trying to remain calm. "Supporting doesn't mean excusing criminal behavior, Hailey. He must face the consequences of his actions! This is a lesson that should change you."

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