
Two Hundred and ten


Nicholas patted Peter on the shoulder, as if to say that it was no big deal and not a problem. He then looked at the nurse in front of him.

"There's something we'd like to ask you, it's about Mrs. Michelle Hathaway."

Nicholas introduced himself and explained their interest in understanding Mrs. Michelle's contribution to the hospital and her possible connection to the missing children. The nurse, after checking with the hospital administration, guided them to a conference room where they could discuss the matter in private.

As the detectives sat across from the hospital representatives, they learned that Mrs. Michelle's donation had indeed been used to build a pediatric ward. The hospital staff thanked her for her generosity, and emphasized the positive impact she had on the community.

Ben, the head of the hospital, was now sitting with the three detectives. Peter the junior was very enthusiastic, as this was his first experience with such a complex case at such a young age. The two detectives beside him were seniors, but Nicholas and Noel treated him well regardless of age.

"Mrs. Michelle was one of the biggest investors in this hospital. I was very sorry when I heard of the tragic death of Mrs. Michelle and her husband. Madame Michelle often visited the hospital, usually she would see the children, give the children snacks or toys as entertainment, then she would talk to me to discuss programs to help children who had no money."

"From your story, it seems that Madame Michelle is a very generous woman."

Ben nodded in agreement. He strongly agreed with the opinion that Madame Michelle was a very generous woman. "She's on good terms with all the staff at the hospital, but I heard that she doesn't donate all the funds from the donation at the charity event, it's her personal money. It seems like the company has a different vision of where the money is going. Education and healthcare are equally important, and only Mrs. Michelle understands that. She doesn't want children to get sick, and she donated a lot of money to this hospital."

Nicholas and Noel exchanged glances, while Peter who was sitting behind them both could only look at his two seniors without speaking.

Noel then continued. He took out his cell phone, showed the screen and showed Ben a photo of Jason. "Yesterday, I had a chance to talk to a nurse at this hospital. But, I wonder, do you know this man?"

"I don't know him. Is he one of the parents of these children?"

Noel looked at Nicholas, before swiping the screen with his thumb. There was a picture of Jill there. "What about this man? Do you recognize him?"

"Ah! This man! He is the parent of Lily, a very enthusiastic and smart little girl. Lily is famous here, so I also know her father. But that day, it seems Lily was taken home by her father without any confirmation. It was actually an illegal act, but we couldn't do anything because Madame Michelle forbade us to do anything."

"Mrs. Michelle knows about this man? This man took her away from the hospital and Madam Michelle knows about it?" There was shock in Nicholas' tone when he asked Ben, and Ben nodded his head without any hesitation.

"Sure. We reported many things to our major donors. And it was Mrs. Michelle who paid off all of Lily's outstanding payments," Ben continued to explain.

Nicholas and Noel exchanged confused glances, trying to comprehend the depth of the tangled web they were in. The revelation that Mrs. Michelle was aware of Jason's actions and even settled Lily's outstanding bills added more complexity to the case. It seemed like the line between legality and Mrs. Michelle's influence was becoming blurred making it difficult to see the true motivations at play.

Noel pressed further, "So, Mrs. Michelle knew about Lily and Jason leaving without permission, but she didn't want any action taken against them?"

Ben nodded. "Exactly. She insisted that Lily should be with her father, and she alone took care of the financial aspects. Mrs. Michelle has a soft spot for Lily; she sees her as a symbol of hope, a child who managed to overcome adversity. Lily's story touched her deeply."

Peter, the junior detective, who was quietly observing, spoke up, "But why did she let Jason take Lily without following the correct procedure? Something doesn't seem right."

Ben sighed, his eyes reflecting a mixture of admiration and sadness. "Mrs. Michelle has her own way of doing things. She believes in the power of personal connection and compassion. It's not just about funding the hospital; she wants to make a direct impact on children's lives. Sometimes, she bypasses bureaucratic procedures to ensure the well-being of the children she cares about."

Noel, taking the information into consideration, said, "We need to find Jason and Lily. If Madam Michelle's trust in him is misplaced, there could be unforeseen dangers. Do you have any leads on their whereabouts?" it was a rhetorical question to bait Ben.

And Nicholas understood that, so he remained silent as he waited for an answer from the head of the children's hospital.

Ben shook his head. "Sorry, we lost contact with them after the incident. Mrs. Michelle handled the situation personally, and it seems Jason and Lily disappeared from our radar."

Nicholas stood up, a stern look in his eyes. "Thank you for your cooperation. We will do our best to find Jason and Lily. If you find anything or hear from them, please let us know immediately."

As the detectives left the hospital, the weight of the ongoing mystery hung in the air. The relationship between Mrs. Michelle, Jason, Lily, and the missing children becomes increasingly complicated, leading them down a path where personal relationships clash with the boundaries of the law.

Nicholas then muttered to Noel and Peter who walked beside him, "The hospital doesn't know that Jill and her daughter are dead yet. They're completely hands off."

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