
Two Hundred and nine


Nicholas sensed a connection being made between Madame Michelle's past and her current actions. "So, this charity event isn't just about public relations for Alpha Company?"

Anna nodded. "Exactly. It's an extension of Madame Michelle's mission to make a positive impact on society. She wants to leave a valuable experience to her business colleagues, that business is not just about profit and money. It is also about humanity and caring."

As the detectives continued their conversation with Anna, a picture came to light of Madame Michelle as a woman driven by a deep sense of purpose. The threads of her life, intricately interwoven with family ties, corporate responsibilities, and a commitment to social causes, paint a complex portrait that is difficult to categorize easily.

Noel, wanting to explore the potential relationship with the Golden Group further, asked, "Did Mrs. Michelle ever mention any specific issues or disagreements with Wilson Blake that could explain their tense relationship?"

Anna hesitated, her brow furrowed. "Madame Michelle didn't go into specifics, but I could sense a change in her demeanor after that charity event. It was as if something was going on between them, something beyond the usual business negotiations. She became more cautious, more selective in her dealings."

Nicholas ponders the implications. "We need to dig a little deeper into the events surrounding the charity event and Mr. Sullivan's entry. There may be clues there that connect the dots in this intricate network."

Anna then cleared her throat and tried to mediate the conversation between the two detectives in front of her, "Is there anything else you want to ask?"

The two detectives seemed to think for a moment, and then Nicholas spoke up again. "Did you work with Japanese when you worked with Mrs. Michelle, I heard she was a doctor from Japan?"

The woman in the black and white blazer nodded in the affirmative, not covering anything up as the questions continued to be directed at her. With a small smile, Anna explained, "He is a scientist from Japan who has many contacts in New York, due to language difficulties, I work for him as his personal secretary and translator to help him communicate. He's a nice guy and his business is doing well in New York."

"Can we find out what business he is doing in New York?"

But Anna declined the request. She smiled politely and said, "Sorry about that. But I can't tell you the details of the work and business that my client is doing, it's the client's right to privacy which I can't divulge, it has nothing to do with Mrs. Michelle's case."

"Um, well, we appreciate that," Noel said.

"Is there anything else you would like to ask?"

Nicholas and Noel exchanged glances. They had had enough of the information they had gotten from Anna Parker. "I think that's enough. We'll call you if we need anything about Mrs. Michelle."


As the detectives left Anna's office, they knew that the next step in their investigation would take them down a path where corporate rivalries, personal vendettas, and commitment to philanthropy converged. Little did they expect that they would find the revelations that awaited them, hidden in the shadows of Mrs. Michelle's legacy.

Noel got into the car first, he sat in the driver's seat and got ready with the seat belt across his chest. While adjusting the position of the inside mirror, Noel said, "I don't like dealing with those officials, they have dirty business relationships. They are good at covering things up, that's why I avoid crime cases involving politicians and businessmen."

Nicholas looked out the window, the Star Corporation building was not as tall as Alpha Company. But Nicholas knew that Star Corporation was a large agency with many professionals working in it. "Anna seems very professional and articulate. She knows a lot of things, but is good at covering things up too."

Noel's foot stepped on the gas. The car began to drive away from the Star Corporation office towards the bustling city streets. "Don't we have to be articulate to cover things up?"

"I feel something's wrong with Anna."

"Should we investigate that too?"

Nicholas looked at Noel who was sitting next to him. "For the time being, let's focus on Jason's family. We need to find those children. Because it seems like we know that Michelle donated personal funds to the hospital."

The city streets bustled with activity as Noel navigated the traffic, pondering the newfound information about Mrs. Michelle's philanthropic efforts. The revelation about her donation to the hospital and her possible connection to the missing children adds a layer of complexity to this already complicated case.

Nicholas, who was deep in thought, broke the silence. "Noel, we need to find out more about the hospital where Mrs. Michelle made the donation. If there is a connection between her donation and the missing children, we might find something important."

Noel nodded in agreement. "I'll look at the hospital records, cross-reference them with recent cases involving missing children. If there's a pattern, we might be able to connect the dots."

"I've asked Peter to check further, maybe we can meet him at the hospital to connect the dots."

Nicholas, with a sense of urgency, said, "Let's visit the hospital. Talk to the staff, see if they can provide any information about the circumstances surrounding Mrs. Michelle's donation and if it has anything to do with the missing children."

The detectives headed to the hospital, a place that held secrets that could unravel the mystery further. As they approached the reception desk, a middle-aged nurse greeted them with a warm smile.

"May I help you, gentlemen?"

And at the same time, Peter appeared. He joined in and whispered. "Sorry I'm late."

Nicholas patted Peter's shoulder, as if to say that it was no big deal and not a problem. He then looked at the nurse in front of him.

"There's something we'd like to ask you, it's about Mrs. Michelle Hathaway."

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