
An Unforgettable Humiliation

**Fancy's POV**

“Here,” he stretched his hand towards me. At first I hesitated, just staring at his delicate hands. I was scared to give him my hands especially in the sorry state I was in. I feel so ashamed.

“Come on,” he said calmly. When I noticed I was being looked at, I shyly stretched out my hand to him which he took and pulled me up gently. 

Everyone seemed to be under a freezing spell just watching what Kyle was doing. 

Suddenly he pulled the jacket he was wearing and wrapped it around my slightly torn cardigan. 

At that moment, my heart stopped for a brief second and began beating at a high speed. Did he just take out his jacket for me?

"T...thank you,” I whispered, looking up at him for the first time. I held my breath when I saw his eyes. It was the most beautiful dark green eyes I've ever seen. I slowly took my gaze down to his thin lips which were dark pink in color. 

My goodness! How can he be so handsome!

“Now listen, all of you. This party isn't for bullies, so if you know you can't have fun without trying to bully your fellow student then you had better see yourself out of the party." 

He warned sternly, and I was greatly appalled by this action of his. Not in my wildest dreams did I ever think that the almighty Kyle Emerson would actually stand up for me, and protect me with his jacket. I felt like I was in a dream world. 

Tears trickled down my eyes at that moment, but I quickly wiped them off with the back of my hand. This can't be real. It must be one of those numerous dreams I've had in the past. I had always dreamt of him saving me like a knight in charming armor. To think that this happened in reality seemed more like a dream to me. 

“Fancy, what happened to you?” I quickly turned around only to see my brother, looking perplexed at the mess I had become. I was mad at him. If I hadn't gone searching for him, I wouldn't have faced such horrible embarrassment. I told him that I wasn't interested in the party, he convinced me only to leave me out here for the vultures to consume. 

In anger, I walked out of the room. It was only after I was outside, I realized that I took Kyle's jacket with me. I heaved a deep frustrated sigh. 

My goodness! What's wrong with me? What if Kyle thinks I'm ungrateful after walking out of the room without thanking him? I slowly took the Jacket off my shoulders like it was a delicate child. I brought the jacket to my nose and damn it smelled like him. This was the exact scent I perceived on him whenever he walked past me with his teammates. 

Immediately I shook my head, trying to empty my thoughts about Kyle. I should return the jacket and thank him quickly. 

Just as I went back into the party hall, I overheard my brother and Kyle having a conversation. I paused on my tracks to eavesdrop on them.  

“Woah, bro! So she's your twin sister?”

“Yes she is. You must be surprised.”

“Yes I am. I mean, you two don't look alike at all. You're tall, slim and handsome while she's uhm, you know, chubby and all that,” Kyle stated. 

I felt like a train had just run over my heart when he said this. I staggered backwards but quickly regained my balance. My heart which I had mended a few minutes ago, even though he kissed a girl had completely been broken by those few words he said. So, he also thinks I'm ugly. I bit my bottom lips so hard that I began to taste something rusty which I perceived as my blood. 

He was right about me being fat, but I never thought that he'd actually describe me in such a way. 

“You see, I always tell Fancy to go dieting and exercising more, but she just wouldn't listen to me. Now she's fat and getting bullied all the time.”

“It must have been hard work, having to see your sister that way.”

Another blow to my chest. D...did he just say mere seeing me was a shore. I wanted to scream out in pain but I couldn't do that, I was helpless and broken. I had been reduced to nothing by my very own crush. 

“You never know, man. Occasionally, I just wish she'll listen to me for once. She's just too clumsy and always eats unhealthy food.”

I stood right there on my tracks and cried my eyes out. 

To realize that Kyle actually thinks of me in such a condescending way made me suffer from terrible heartbreak. My brother is no exception. He literally downgraded me in front of Kyle. How was I supposed to appear in front of him from now on? How am I supposed to go to school when everyone hates me?

I had wanted to thank him properly for saving me and give him back his jacket, but right at this moment, I don't know what to do anymore. Why did he save me? It would have been better if he never came to my rescue when his thoughts about me are no different from my bullies. I guess he only did that to make everyone like him. Once again my foolishness knows no bounds. 

I slowly turned away and walked out of the area. My vision had become blurry from the tears I cried. The fact that the two guys I had admired in my life, consider me to be the ugliest human being on earth. 

After getting home, I decided to go up to my room without speaking to Jacob. 

“Fancy, are you okay?” he asked as soon as we got down from the car. 

I didn't say a word to him and rather stormed into the house. 

“Hey honey, you're back!” My dad said, but I didn't pay any mind to him either. I walked past him and headed straight to my room. 

“Fancy, are you still upset over what happened earlier?” Jacob asked trailing behind me. As soon as I got into my room, I banged the door shut against his face. With a heavy heart, I dived into bed and sobbed under the sheets. Life is cruel to me. Was it my fault that I'm fat? Did I create myself this way? How could the world be so cruel towards me? 

I cried and cried until there were no tears left to cry. 

I didn't bother about dinner because I had no appetite for food.  

After an hour, I heard a knock on my door. 

“Honey, I bought you ice-cream, your favorite vanilla flavor.”

That was my dad. 

“I'm not hungry,” I said amidst tears. Vanilla ice cream was my favorite, but presently, I don't think an ice-cream will help me. 

“Dad, does she not want ice-cream?” I heard Jacob's voice in the background. 

“No she doesn't. Jacob, can you tell me what exactly happened to your sister at the party?”

“Dad, she was bullied like always, nothing new.”

Overhearing my brother say this made me hate the crap out of him. I wouldn't be this sad if it was just ordinary bullying. Jacob spoke bad about me to my crush, and I can't take it. It's not like Kyle liked me from the beginning, but I believe he'll be more disgusted with me now, especially after what my brother said. How can I be okay in this situation? 

I don't even think I can ever show my face at school either. I see Kyle almost every day at school but with what's happened, I'm sure he will notice me from now on, not because he likes me but rather be reminded of the ugly fat girl he saved at the party. The same girl whose brother spoke so badly about. 

I cried more just thinking of what my life would be from now on. I can't stay here anymore. I have to call mom, she's in New York after her separation from my dad. 

I picked up my phone and dialed her number, while sniffling back my tears. As soon as my mom picked up the call, I cried louder. 

"Mom, please help me!"

“My goodness, darling. What's going on? What happened to you?”

“Mom, can you please come pick me up? I don't think I can stay here anymore. I want to live with you in New York…"

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