
Author: Nikky

Defended By The Hockey Player

**Fancy's POV**

I stood at the entrance of the party hall with my twin brother Jacob. It's a party for the victory of the hockey players in my school who won against their rivals. And God help! This will be my first party to attend in my entire life. 

My heart was beating quite fast and I can't seem to control how nervous I am. I was literally trembling with sweaty palms. 

“Fancy, relax… It's just a party, don't feel as though you're being carried to the abattoir for slaughter.”

“Jacob, I think this is a bad idea. I never should have come with you," I said, looking around, nervously. 

“Jesus! Fancy, stop acting like a nerd for once, will you?” 

“But you of all people know that they hate me.”

“Nobody hates you, it's just in your head. Can you stop feeling inferior about how you look?”

I shook my head. Jacob doesn't understand a thing about what I'm going through right now. I mean, how can he when he's not in my class? Though we are twins, Jacob is ahead of me in class. He's one smart ass unlike me who isn't that smart and fat!

For this reason, I prefer to live in my shell. I'm an introvert to stupor and that's because of my body shape and mass. 

“Ready?” Jacob asked. 

I took my gaze towards my brother and faked a smile. 

“R…ready,” I muttered, with a shaky voice. 

“Let's go!” Jacob marched ahead of me into the party hall. I tried to keep up with him but goodness, I was terribly nervous. I plopped my head downwards with my hoodie covering my entire head and face. This will help me a little, at least I don't have to see the faces of my schoolmates. 

I followed my brother until he came to a halt. I paused just a few steps away from him and slowly raised my head up. I almost fainted from anxiety when I saw the crowd of students flocking the hall. I know for a fact that it would be filled with students, but I was never expecting such a crowd. 

“Fancy, isn't it beautiful?” Jacob asked while looking around. Judging from his facial expression, I could tell that he loved the setting, meanwhile I was dying and wanted to just disappear like smoke. 

“Come close,” he said, stretching his hands towards me. He managed to grab a hold of my hand and pulled me closer to him. I blinked, trying to hide away from the lights. 

“Look, the cheerleaders are astonishing aren't they?” My brother asked in delight. I slowly raised my head up and traced his gaze towards a particular cheerleader by the name, Amanda. I rolled my eyes knowing my brother wasn't talking about how awesome the cheerleaders looked, but he was rather complimenting his crush.

I adjusted my cardigan, while looking around. My God, the hall was filled with half naked girls, and I don't understand why they all had to look this way. Though I turned 18 just last week, I still don't think I'll ever have the stomach to wear a revealing dress. 

“Fancy, wait here let me go get you a glass of juice.” 

"Please don't leave me here!" I begged anxiously. 

My brother smiled and patted me on the back. 

"I wouldn't stay that long. let's say five minutes, and I'll be right here with you, okay?" 

I nodded my head and watched my brother disappear into the crowd. 

I heaved a long, deep sigh watching the cheerleaders perform as the DJ played different jams. I liked such jams but dared not dance to it because I was in public and I felt naked. 

To be honest, I envy their flat stomach, slim and well proportioned sexy body. Unlike me who's fat and ugly.

My brother was right, I have a serious inferiority complex. I guess even someone who doesn't have such would develop this syndrome as long as they attend Future Champions High. 

I waited for my brother for only God knows how long, but he was nowhere to be found. I pulled my sleeve up to check the time and goodness! It's been up to an hour since my brother left to get me a glass of juice. Just where did he go?

I became worried, and so I decided to go searching for him. Though, I was still scared, but I just can't stay here and wait for him forever. 

I searched the crowd, suddenly I caught sight of someone, and it was none other than Kyle Emerson, our number one Hockey player, making out with a girl in the dark. 

My jaw dropped, seeing what was going on.

My goodness! I knew he was loved by so many girls, but I had no idea that he wasn't just a hockey player but a lady player as well. 

I shook my head in disgust. To have thought that I admired him ever since I saw him for the first time. I guess there's no reliable man on earth, not even my brother!

Why am I this mad? Because I've long had a crush on him even though I know he'll never look my way. I was stupid, I know and seeing him making out with some girl made me realize just how foolish I had been all these while. 

Just as I was drowning in my foolishness, someone suddenly bumped into me from behind, and I almost fell on my face but quickly regained my balance. 

“Oops! Who do we have here?”

I quickly turned around only to see Tanya, the cheerleader in my class and her minions. Immediately, my stomach turned and I felt like Hades had finally come for my life. 

“Wait a minute, did you actually wear that here?” She asked, eyeing the clothes I was putting on. 

Currently I feel so terribly embarrassed and light headed. I just wished the ground would just open up and swallow me. 

“She looks like a pig!” One of the girls said, and the others burst into laughter. 

I blinked, holding back the tears that threatened to spill out of my eyes. 

“Wait since we are here, how about we play our usual game with our fat soul?” Tanya asked as she walked up to me, grabbed my jacket and tried to pull it off me. 

“What do you think you're doing, Tanya? Stop!” I yelled with a shaky voice, but this only amused her and her minions. 

Just then, I noticed the crowd had begun to focus on me and Tanya. 

“Hey! One among you should grab her by the hands. I need to help her embarrass herself, since she's not aware about what to wear and what not to wear to a party.” Tanya said to her girls. 

Immediately, two of her minions came over and began pulling my hair and my Jacket. 

“No, stop it!” I tried to fight them off but couldn't since I was being dragged by three of them, including Tanya. 

Tanya is my nemesis. She hates me simply for being fat, and she spares no effort to rub it in my face that I was an ugly duckling. When I noticed all eyes were on me and about to watch me get embarrassed, I realized that it was now or never and so took the bold step by attacking Tanya, pulling her hair with all my might. 

“I told you to fucking leave me alone!” I yelled, while Tanya also screamed as her hair was being pulled by me. 

Suddenly, someone splashed a glass of juice on my face during the process and I was pushed so hard that I fell to the ground. This was more than embarrassing. I thought fighting back would save the last shred of dignity I had left but I was wrong. I had only just made things worse. 

“The next time you try to fight back, you'll be dead meat!” The girl, whom I recognized to be one of Tanya's minions, threatened. 

Now all students were focused on me rather than the party. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore and the tears ran down my cheeks. I was so overwhelmed by how embarrassing things turned out for me. I should have listened to my intuition and never step foot in a party. 

"I want her to pay for what she did to me. Girls, attack het!" Tanya commanded. Seeing how they charged towards me made my life flash before my eyes. It was as if death had finally visited me. I shut my eyes as I designed myself to my fate. But suddenly I heard a deep voice yell out. 

“Don't you dare!" The voice echoed in the room, bringing utmost silence. I slowly opened my eyes only to see my bullies all shivering, giving way to someone who walked towards me. And to my greatest shock, it was Kyle Emerson, the Hockey captain and my long time crush. 

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