
Chapter 0052


I headed back home alone after the interview. Drained from the hassle, I was ready to lose myself in my bed.

Lisa turned as I walked into the living room. She was sprawled across the settee.

“I saw the interview and you and Lucas looked beautiful together,” she said, smiling at me but I didn't return the smile.

“Thank you for looking after my mother,” I uttered first because that was all I could think.

“That's not a problem, love. Your mom was an absolute doll. Pretty much occupied doing her stuff. Are you alright?”

I nodded my head in answer, my gaze straying to the focus of our discussion. She was sitting on a recliner, embroidering on a piece of fabric, acting oblivious to my presence.

“Mom,” I called, occupying the empty seat in the room.

“You're back,” she cocked her head to stare at me. Her eyes glazed over as they settled on me.

“How did it go?” she asked absent-mindedly.

“It went well. Everyone was pleasant. We were getting congratulated with every step we… Mom, your han
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