
Marriage Of Convenience With My Ex
Marriage Of Convenience With My Ex
Author: Dream

So-called future husband

Ashley's POV

“I have fixed your marriage. Go meet him tonight at our restaurant at 6.p.m.” My hands instinctively stopped slicing the steak in between as I heard my father declaring my lifetime prison with a nonchalant expression. 

The lavish dining room, with its intricate gold design and marble floor, faded in the background, as I looked at the man sitting across the table. His gray hair seemed to blend with his dark hair, his face spotless of any emotion as he took a bite of his steak in the most aristocratic manner. 

I place down my cutlery, with a polite smile lingering on my lips. If I learn one thing from those expensive aristocratic mannerisms in class it's the fake polite smile. “I don't wish to. I would be grateful if you turned him down yourself, Father.” I calmly stated, returning to slicing my meal and taking a bite even though it just stood like a stale piece of carrot. 

I did my best to hide my inner turmoil, a mask was better than letting the man sitting across from me see my vulnerability and weakness. There were a few things we learned from birth such as our parents, our identity, and our looks, but other than that I have always known my fate. My fate was to get into an arranged marriage and give birth to male heirs. 

I always knew this was my fate but what I didn't know was the fact that it would come this soon. No matter how much I deny at the end I only had one choice that was to accept the marriage my father chose for me. But if you ask me I am not going down without a fight. 

I didn't have to look at my father to know he was already fuming in anger. My father never loved anything other than discipline and submission to his rules. To him, he was the owner and we are puppets to his show. No one else that better than me, he was the man who divorced my mother just at the mere fact she couldn't bear him a male heir. That was my father. The man who was devoid of emotions.

“Honey, your father means to say he found someone you might like to settle down with.” Cynthia, my stepmother, spoke up. The animosity between me and my father must have been too obvious.

I glanced in her direction, in a sapphire dress with diamond studs and hairs tied up in a bun, she didn't look anything older than someone in their twenties. Before marrying my father, she was a diamond heiress who had only known how to order around but now she had become a puppet to my father. A trophy wife, submissive, and there just for show. 

“Of course.” I nodded letting out a smile. “But as you know Mom, I don't marry for money. I will marry when I find my true love.” I continued, it was a bunch of lies but they didn't have to know that. I am a firm believer that marriage should be nothing other than transactional. Emotions sounded good when we were children and having relationships but marriage was a different case. Love ruins things, I have seen it ruin people with my very own eyes.  

I stood up to leave when my father took my bait and spoke up, “ Get married to him. If you wish to see your name on the boards of directors by the end of the year.” I stopped on my track glancing back at him. Of course, we were blood-related, using my desire as a bribe to be his puppet. 

“Not enough. If you want me to work better, give me the title CEO of the restaurant chain.” I argued back, keeping a calm face and polite smile. 

“Don't ask more than you deserve!” He yelled, slamming the table and getting up. His glare almost pierced my soul, I could notice veins throbbing on his forehead, but I was not going to back down. Not so soon, not so easily.

After twenty-eight years, I knew my father. He has no plans to let me be on the board of directors, it was my so-called future husband who would become part of it. I can't let it happen, years of hard work just for a stranger to take my place. 

“I have been working for the company for years now. I have shown you that I am competent enough to be in that position. Then what's the problem?” I calmly inquired, head held high. I refuse to bow down, just because I am a woman doesn't make me incompetent. 

“If you are that competent, marry the guy I choose for you and give birth to a male heir!” His words echoed through the room. My stepmom stood up trying to get in between us. 

“Honey…” She called out, grabbing my father's arm. 

Getting married, giving birth to a male heir, is that only I can do? No, I can't show my emotions. Weaknesses are not allowed. I tried to keep myself calm, hiding my shaking hand. 

“If you want me to do my job properly, then do yours-” 

My words were cut short when I had a sharp stinging pain on my right cheek, my stepmother's face filled with horror before worry gushed over her evergreen face as she ran up to me. 

“Ash! Are you ok? Maria, bring the first aid kit!” She called out to our housekeeper Mariah. I still had utter belief, when I felt something wet tingling down my cheeks. No way…my fingers touched my cheeks. The crimson liquid stained my fingers, as I stared at my father. 

Like a block of ice stood there, his face calm and not a sign of emotions. I was not surprised at his reactions to my refusal but what shocked me was how quickly he got angered. Something was going on with him. 

“Just marry him and stop thinking of stupid stuff.” He informed me, leaving the room, and walking past the shattered plate he threw at me. 

I let out a small laugh, concerning Cynthia who was cleaning my wound. It was always like this, my father made a mess and Cynthia cleaned up after her. 

Unlike those stories of stepmother being cruel and vicious, Cynthia was quite the opposite. She married my father right after he divorced my mother. Cynthia naturally molded into my life, maybe she was more of a mother than my mother could ever be.

“I am fine, mom.” I looked at her. She was not even related to me by blood yet here she was cleaning the blood left by my father. 

“Mariah, call the doctor. Why do you anger your father, you know how he is.” She nagged, cleaning the wound. 

In this house, only my father had the right to speak. We are just nothing but slaves to him and I refuse to be that. “Mom, I am fine.” 

More than this, I am curious to meet my so-called future husband who can cause such havoc in my life. 

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