


Emily Tamara Jacobs

It wasn't just any Monday to me especially as I got to resume work today. Now, don't get me wrong. It wasn't like I didn't have a job before now. I did but now, I had to work for another family as a nanny and for some reasons known to me, I was suddenly nervous.

“So, what were you saying again?” My maternal cousin, Selene, asked as she placed on the island the basket she had been bringing with her from the bedroom. She turned toward me as she wiped her hand clean with a napkin.

“I was asking you to give me a preview of what my soon-to-be boss looks like. I mean, who he is.” I explained. She sighed and dumped the napkin back in its place before walking over to her son who was settled at the breakfast bar happily munching on his cereals. We were both shitting ourselves.

“David, eat slowly.” She muttered as she ruffled his brown curls. Six-year-old David glanced up from his meal and stuck out his tongue at me. I smiled and waved back at him.

“I thought you told me that you were going to look that up on the internet, ” Selene mumbled as she went about trying to prepare the lunch boxes for her kids.

“G****e doesn't do well enough with the news. All I saw were his achievements and other accomplishments.” I rolled my eyes as I leaned forward on the island, arching my body against it.

“Goddamn Emily!” Selene shut the fridge close with a loud bang that had David flinching. I didn't flinch since I kinda of expected it. Selene doesn't work well under pressure. And she was always under pressure every morning when she prepared her kids for school.

“Language, Sel.” I chided her softly, sending her a soft scowl. She sighed and patted her long blonde hair which she had packed into a high ponytail. 

“You had the whole night to talk to me about it. Why now?” She said through tight lips as she gestured to the open lunch boxes before her.

“I couldn't have spoken to you about it, not when you were tangled up in the sheets with Dan,” I mumbled, grimacing slightly at the image in my mind. I really should learn to stop snooping around to avoid seeing the things I didn't want to see.

“Jesus, Emily!” Sel screamed face-palming which made me laugh. David stopped eating to glance at his mum and I saw the worried look that immediately took over her face.

“Mom, are you seeing Dan now?” The boy looked hopeful, his large brown orbs twinkling as he looked up at his mum. Selene placed her hands on her hip before glancing at me for a split second.

“Thank you, Emily.” She gritted and I passed her a mischievous grin. Rolling her eyes, she walked away from where she was standing over to where David was seated having his breakfast.

Crouching low in front of him, she ruffled his hair while smiling. “No, sweetie. Mommy is not seeing Dan.” She told him.

David looked like he wanted to say something but he held back. He always did that, always holding back on what he wanted to say. He turned that way last year after his father left. He glanced down at his bowl of cereals and nodded slowly. Selene sighed before planting a small kiss on his cheeks.

I moved away from where I was standing, grabbing a medium-sized apple alongside me as I walked toward her to help her finish packing the kid's lunch boxes.

“Eleanor!” Selene screamed her lungs out as she called out to her youngest child. I chuckled as I watched her walk over to the bottom of the stairs to yell the little child's name again.

“Eleanor!” She yelled again. “You come down here young lady and have breakfast!” She added in a firm tone.

“Leave me alone, mom.” I heard her tiny, whiny sharp reply. I knew she was standing up there and looking back at her mum. She was rebellious even though she was just four.

“I said come down here, have breakfast, and get to school right now. I don't care if you can't find your teddy.” Selene screamed, holding her forehead. After that, nothing was heard. Not until moments later when her tiny approaching footsteps on the staircase resonated across the room.

Soon, she was standing in front of her mum, sulking loudly. Her small eyes were a replica of Selene's puffy; a sign that she had been crying. Her well-packed hair already had tendrils framing her face. She tucked her lips out and folded her arm across her chest. Small-sized and very stubborn, Eleanor.

Selene's gaze softened as she stared down at her. “I will get you another one, ” She promised. 

Eleanor did not say anything again. She just walked away to her small chair where a bowl of cereal was already waiting for her.

“This girl, ” Selene shook her head before walking back toward their lunch boxes where she added the juice boxes she had taken from the fridge earlier. She zipped the box and placed it beside their respective backpack. Then, she took a step back and watched it.

The life of a single mum with two kids.

“Stop drinking the milk like that, David. It's disgusting.” Barely five minutes into the meal and she–Eleanor was already complaining.

“I will eat whatever way I want.” David fired back sharply as he met her expression with a death glare.

“But it's irritating. Eww, ” She whined, scrunching up her pretty face. David didn't mind her cos he picked up his bowl and drank his milk directly from it. “Mum, ask David to stop drinking like that, ” She whined, calling the attention of her mum.

“Eleanor, eat your food.” Her mum chided softly.

“But it's so, ewww. I'm going to puke.” She made a gagging noise and I laughed. She was such a cute devil. Selene sighed and turned to me for help.

“That's enough Eleanor. See, Dave is done. Now, finish up so you can go to school. Your school bus will be here any moment from now.” I told Just about the same time a loud familiar horn blared outside to get our attention.

“Great! Your school bus is here.” Selene said in sarcasm before walking toward Eleanor. She scooped a spoonful of the cereals into the spoon and quickly spoon-fed her. Thankfully, the tiny girl did not protest.

While she did that, I helped David get into his backpack. Soon, he was ready to go and he told his mum before running out. Selene grabbed a bottle of water and handed it to Eleanor before picking her up in her arms. I handed her Eleanor's school bag and lunch box before she walked away… from the house.

While she was gone, I settled for cleaning the kitchen and doing the dishes. I was still on it when Selene walked back in.

“Finally, they are gone.” She breathed and I couldn't help snickering in reply. “That girl is a handful.” 

“She is her mother's daughter.” I chuckled as I finished rinsing the last bowl, dried it, and put it back where it belonged. Then, I turned toward Selene.

“I don't know much about my big boss because I don't work directly under him. You and I know I'm just a manager. But I know enough for your use.” She started when she saw the look on my face.

“I'm listening, ” I urged her to continue.

“William Blakes, cold arrogant thirty-five-year-old dangerous CEO of the Blakes INC. Most people like to call him Blades because well, he is dangerous and ruthless. His tongue has no filter. He says what he wants when he wants it. He detests being questioned, hates women.” She relayed and I nodded, taking it all in.

“So, he is a misogynist?” I asked as I arched my back against the counter still watching her.

“Not a misogynist. He just has a personal feud with women because his wife left him. He has a daughter whom you will be taking care of, you already know that.” She concluded and I sighed.

“Well, I've had to put up with a lot of nasty clients. This can't be hard.” I sounded like I was trying to convince myself more than I was convincing her this time.

“Just do your part and you will be fine. That's all I can say.” She advised me. “Do you think this is a good idea though?” She narrowed her eyes down at me.

“It doesn't matter. I'm Emily now, not that goddamn name I hate!” I seethed.

Her expression softened and she sighed. “Just be careful.” She advised me.

“Thanks, Sel.” I exhaled.

“I will miss you. The kids will miss you too.” She pouted softly. I knew that she would miss me. It was the reason why I didn't want to take the job in the first place but my agency referred me and there was nothing I could do except I wanted to stay idle for more than three months. That, I wasn't ready to do.

“I know right? I will miss you guys too. But don't worry, I will pop in once in a while.” I smiled and she nodded. “Things seemed to be moving fast between you and Dan.” I wiggled my brows at her and she laughed, suddenly turning shy.

“It just happened. We honestly weren't planning to.” She tried to defend herself but I just scoffed. When she saw that nothing she could say could convince me, she shook her head and walked away to grab her bag.

When she came back down, ready to go to work, she stopped to stare at me. “I will see you at the company, okay?” She breathed.

“Okay, ” I nodded. She blew me a kiss before she turned on her heels and walked out of the house, slamming the door shut behind her.

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