
Chapter 2


“Alpha Logan.” Ausha murmured, staring at Logan. My heart skipped for a moment. That happened so suddenly. Logan dashed to him and pinned him by his throat to the wall.

“She’s my mate now. You and your pack members don’t get to bully her anymore. Am I clear?” Logan growled.

Bully, how did he know?

Ausha struggled and shivered under Logan’s grip.

“I-I wasn’t...” Ausha stuttered.

He left Ausha and held my hand, checking the bruises I sustained from Ausha’s grip.

“Danica is Luna of the Blood Moon Pack. You’ll accord her the respect you accord me.” His eyes shot daggers at Ausha. Whatever was going on now was beyond my understanding. He told me he didn’t want me too. Why was he defending me?

“She was my mate.” Ausha managed to make the words escape his lips. 

“Till you rejected her. She’s mine now. None of you better mess with her before she leaves this place.” Logan clasped our palms together and left Ausha standing.

I wondered how he knew all of that. Could he read minds? Ridiculous. I discarded the thoughts immediately. No wolf could do that. I was flattered that he stood up for me—not that I couldn’t do it myself, but no one had ever stood up for me before. 

I stole glances at him as we walked down the stairs, with him holding onto my hand. His hand was warm, sending a tingling sensation to my skin. I couldn’t deny that I loved his touch. I wanted more of it. My lungs trapped his exotic scent deeply as my nose inhaled it. It was blowing my mind away.

He halted, his cold face glancing at me. His breath burst in and out. Was he angry at me or what?

“Do you have something on your mind to say to me?” He paused and then continued, “You know what? Never mind.”

"Thank you!" I lowered my head. I was ashamed to admit being flattered by his little kind gesture. It was at that moment that I realized that I wanted someone's love and attention.

“Why do you let them bully you as they please?” He abruptly stopped, staring at me with a reddened face.

“What are you talking about?” My breath hitched.

“Tristan gave me the gist after the pack’s council meeting. The way the pack members hit you, the terrible punishment Luna Myla subjects you to, and all the maltreatment you go through. Ausha would have pulled your arm out of your body.” He glared at me.

“Luna is my mother figure. Every mother disciplines their child, and as for Ausha, I had it under control.” I knew I lied. Nothing I did was ever good enough for Myla, so she spent most of her time looking for my error. I couldn't recall her ever laying hands on Tristan, her one and only precious daughter, or Ausha, her son, who messed around way before he became Alpha.

“It didn’t seem like you did,” Logan said, staring at my bruises again. “He could have hurt you more than this.”

He looked so concerned. Why? I couldn’t help but wonder.

“Tristan wasn’t reporting the pack members and her mother, so you could punish them. Was she?” I stared into his blooming eyes.

“No, she was reminding me that you aren’t good enough for me.” He held back my hand as we exited the pack house.

I forced out a smile. Tristan wasn’t lying. Logan was a successful Alpha. He succeeded his father’s Alpha position four years ago and has changed the status of the North from increasing their territories to their chains of businesses and trades, earning them even more power and respect. Even though the success all came at the price of murdering people and capturing their women, which made the rumors about him worse and scarier. 

“Where are you taking me?” I shuddered, looking around. He held onto my hand. I loved it, but I was more curious and scared.

The pack members gazed with their mouths open. The news of us being mated must have flown to every corner that existed in the pack. As unbelievable as it might sound to them, Logan holding my hand would be a beyond-doubt confirmation. I hated it and everything else that had happened that day. I felt like the ground should open up and swallow me as their eyes lingered on me.

“You’ll see.” He replied, staring back at me.

When we exited the pack house, we met Tristan and her friends laughing hysterically. Their laughter disappeared when they saw Logan and I holding hands.

“Alpha Logan, what are you doing?” Tristan frowned, staring at our hands.

“I must say I don’t quite understand your question, Tristan.” Logan's sarcastic voice, feigned ignorance. He locked his fingers with mine, making the evil bitch even more furious.

“You’re holding hands and locking fingers with an omega.” She smiled scornfully. “You are Alpha and of the North, for that matter. My parents picked her up from the street and raised her. You deserve better. The council crossed their boundary, trying to make you mate with her, an omega. You are the Alpha of the North; you could have objected. My brother even rejected her not to talk of you.” She pouted her lips at me in disgust.

The bitch knew not to cross me, but she took her chance because we were in public. I held myself back as much as I could. She would get the shock of her life if she kept on ranting like the stupid brat that she was.

“What gives you the right to decide what I deserve and what I don’t?” Logan sneered at her. “Thanks for letting me know the situation here. You made me even more interested in getting to know her.” He looked into my eyes. His brightened eyes locked with mine, making my heart flutter. 

He was a good actor. Was he trying to get Tristan jealous or what? Why put on a show in front of people when he doesn’t want me?

“See the look on everyone’s face. She disgusts us. She’s a rude and crazy omega who doesn’t know her place. It’s only a matter of time before you get to see her for the garbage that she is and throw her where she belongs—the trash. I look forward to that time.” Tristan chuckled.

“Your...” Logan was replying when I interrupted him.

“Maybe I should show you more of what a rude and garbage omega can do, um, before I land in the trash?” I snapped at her and punched her nose. She fell to the ground, holding her bleeding nose.

“Tristan!” Her friends rushed to her.

I sighed, feeling relieved. Tristan thought I would stay silent after she insulted me. What a joke. Not staying silent when people threw their shit at me got me punished a lot of times. But I wouldn’t mind giving them the taste of their own medicine before I got punished. That way, I held my head up, and most of them hated my guts and wouldn’t dare come close to me.

Her friends helped her stand up from the ground. Her nose bled really well. She checked her hand and saw the blood. “Bitch!” Tristan glared at me. One of her friends placed a scarf on her nose.

“I should have broken your teeth instead.” I took a step toward her, staring into her eyes. Her glare could have murdered me if glares could kill.

Her friends frowned at me. That was all they were capable of doing to me—frown. They were birds of a feather and would have joined hands in beating me if I cowered like the other omegas.

“Want to say something?” I scowled at them.

“Let’s get her to the clinic.” One of her friends gestured to the others, ignoring me.

“Yeah, help her get lost. The bandages will look good on her.”

“Bitch!” Tristan murmured.

“Learn a few new words.” I shot back at her.

They held her arms and took her out of the garden. “Spoilt brat.” I muttered, sighing.

I froze, recalling that Logan was there the whole time. He stared at me with his eyes widened and his mouth opened.

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