
29. Mae

"I don't know if I can..."

"You can. You're sexy and you look innocent but you're not, that's Lade's kind of woman; innocent face, risky to deal with." Leo smiled reassuringly like he didn't just almost dislocate my jaw.

"I might be sexy but I don't know how to seduce a man. I've tried that with you, did it work?" I asked him as I remembered that night when I was in his room alone with him and he was on top of me.

"It did, slightly." He shrugged and my eyes widened at him.

"You don't really know how sexy you are, do you?" He smirked and rubbed his hands on my thighs. It was then I realized his hands were actually on MY THIGHS.

I became uncomfortable and tried to adjust the way I sat but he didn't let me. He grabbed my thighs now to let me know that he knew exactly what he was doing and that his hands weren't on my thighs by mistake. My breathing got hitched and it became hard to breathe.

"Relax," I heard him. Relax? I couldn't relax, his hands were on my fucking thighs, what is he pl
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