
Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Alex’s POV

It had been two hours after Ethan and Dr. Carter had started their session, I was seated in the living room with Maria who was on edge, she had been pacing and she looked absolutely restless, I was getting dizzy just seeing her move around like that.

“Can you calm down please? You are making me dizzy with all your pacing” I said to her when I could no longer bear it.

she turned to look at me and I realized she had been nibbling on her nails as well “Really Maria? Nibbling on your nails?” I said with a small smile.

“Oh shut up you, leave me alone” she said as she finally collapsed into a sofa close to her.

I simply smiled and carried on with what I was doing on my phone, she will calm down eventually.

“How do you think it’s going?” she asked me after she had been silent for exactly 2 seconds.

I had to resist the urge to exhale loudly “I am sure its going fine which is why everywhere is still quiet, if it was going otherwise, chaos would have filled the mansion by
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