
Chapter 17 I'll escape

Mia's POV

" I want you to date him" 

My eyes widened at Amelia statement. She wanted me to do what?

Any normal person would be jumping in joy to be able to date such a hug profile man like Alexander Hamilton, but to me it only sounded like a suicide.

I shook my head in disagreement. 

" I can't do that."

"Why?" Amelia asked me with puppy eyes. 

I would have agreed if my mind wasn't so made up on what I wanted to do. 

"I'm sorry I just can't. You said it yourself Alexander is yet to recover from loosing his wife... Your sister". I emphasized. 

" But it's been over four years. He needs a woman in his life, Lilly needs a mother. I had thought it would take time for you both to get along but I saw worried she was this morning about you... She cares for you".

My mind went to the little girl I had started to get attached to. 

Her beautiful cute face popped into my head. But yet I shook it away, I had made up my mind. 

" Amelia, did Alexander ever tell you how we met? " I asked her changing the topic.

I could tell she was not happy with the way I changed the topic and was yet to give her the answer she wanted, but she shook her head anyways. 

"No. But that's because I never asked. Is there something special in how you guys met? " She asked raising a brow at me. 

I let my head fall back and relaxed by the bed's headrest. 

" He bought me". I muttered in a low voice. 

" What did you say? " Amelia asked din surprised. It was like she heard me, but didn't believe. 

"He... bought... me" I repeated a bit louder dragging each of the words. 

" My family sold me because my dad was deep in dept, and the people he owed promised not only to release him of his debts, also to give him a lot of money if he gave up one of his daughters, so he gave me up. "

Amelia eyes widened in shock, she blinked at me once to confirm if I was telling the truth. 

" Alexander saved me, from those bastards who only wanted to use me for their sexual pleasure, and for that I owe him. I don't think I can ever repay him in this life... Because he payed a huge sum of money to get me. And he hasn't even tried anything funny with me... Not like I would argue if he did". 

He had a hot face and body, it was so people life dream to be bought by a guy like that. 

But unsurprising not mine. 

I looked at the shock Amelia, my face pleading. 

" I want to leave." I said shocking her even more. 

She shook her head vigorously on disagreement, I had to place my hand on hers to get her attention. 

" Look... I never tried to escape not even once since the day Alexander brought me here. But I'm tired. I'm tired of being constantly wrong, I'm tired of not having a say in my life. I've lived like that all my life until the day I summoned courage and left my parents house, but just coming back there for less than three days and I've been sold. "

" Amelia listen to me. I really appreciate everything you, Alexander and even Lilly have done for me, but I don't want to stay here anymore and I want you to help me escape. "

Amelia shook her head again. She was really contemplating the matter. 

I myself had thought about it just last night before Alexander called me to his study. 

This wasn't my house, it wasn't my place. I was more or less a servant, no a slave in the house. As much as I want to agree living here was my life now, I just couldn't bring myself to completely accept it, and it was Victoria who opened my eyes to that fact. 

She was so proud and could raise her head up high because Alexander was her brother, and he would always take she side. 

For God sake the man didn't even allow me to speak, he just believe everything the bitch said. 

It was then and there the thought of escaping came to my mind, and now I was so sure about what I wanted. 

" Mia... Please, you need to rethink this. If you are telling the truth and indeed you were bought by Alexander, if he doesn't want you to leave, you can't". She argued her eyes already filled with tears.

Ah c'mon why the hell was she crying, we don't even know each other that well. I've been here for less than two months and I've seen her only twice. 

But what she said was right. From what I knew about Alexander, he was a rich dude with incredible amount of power. 

Was there a place I could run to and he wouldn't find me?

But then again, he would only find me if he wants to, and judging by his actions of late, he wouldn't want to. 

"Amelia... Alexander would only want to find me because of the money he spent to get me... One fucking millions dollars is no joke". I explained. 

" Wait are you saying he bought you for only one million dollars?"

Only? She called one million dollars only!

" If that's the only reason you think he would want you back, then I think I think you can actually pull this your escaping plan off. You see one million dollars is nothing to Alexander, but I think he likes you". 

I tried to hold it but I couldn't resist scoffing. 

Alexander? Like me?

I've never heard a funnier joke. The only think that proud man likes me for is to take care of his daughter. 

" Trust me I know if someone likes me. It's really rare so it's easily spotted. Alexander doesn't like me". I stated as a matter of fact. 

Amelia was about to argue when the door to Alexander's study suddenly opened and Lilly came bursting in. 

"Mia". She yelled before jumping on the bed to hug me. 

She was still dressed in her school clothes and it was still very early. 

" Lilly what are you..." Before I could complete my statement the door opened again but this time it was the head of the kitchen maid with a tray in her hands. 

" Master Hamilton asked for food to be brought to you". She said dropping the food on the table. 

Amelia looked at me in a manner that said, 

' I told you so '

But I shook my head refusing to believe it. 

How can Alexander like me? It was so laughable to even think of something like that. 

" Mia how are you feeling now? I heard something happened to you last night. Tell me was it my dad? If it was... " The girl got down from the bed. Her expression showed how ready to fight she was. 

" It wasn't your dad". At least not fully. 

" I have ulcer and it acted up because I was hungry". I said looking at the head of the kitchen maid. 

Why don't I know her name anyways?

I looked at her even more so she would feel guilty for not giving me food, but I knew it wasn't her fault. She was only doing her job.  

" You can leave". Amelia ordered the woman before getting up to pick the tray from the table and brought it to the bed. 

She lifted the cover and I moaned in hunger when the beautiful aroma of the food hit my nose. My stomach rumbled in hunger. 

" Can I join you?" Lilly asked with a cute pout. 

I wanted to refuse, but the girl was so cute. 

"Fine... But don't eat too much, it's mine".

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