
Chapter 18 Party dress

Mia's POV

After everything that happened yesterday, Alexander agreed... More like Lilly insisted I took a day off.

It had been a relaxing day... Doing absolutely nothing just staying in bed, food being brought to me whenever I needed... It was the kind of life I wanted for myself, though it was only for a day. 

But now I was already tired of it. 

I got up from the bed which I had lying on since morning 

Ouch... My back had started to hurt. 

I did a few stretches to relive my tensed muscles before walking out of the room. 

Alice had not come to visit me the entire day because apparently, Victoria was throwing a party later this weekend and she needed everything to be perfect. 

I had spent the early part of my day thinking about this.

Victoria was throwing a party... Which meant that there would be a lot of people, which also meant that the gate would be opened and I could escape. There was only one problem, I was yet to get an answer from Amelia. 

I had confided in her yesterday and told her everything, but she was still unsure whether she would help me or not before she left. 

It was a hard decision, I knew considering that she wanted me to end up with Alexander... But she had to make a choice and that to very soon because the party was this Saturday and today was Thursday. 

" Oh there you are... I've been looking all over for you" There she was... My newly found nemesis in all her glory.

She was wearing an off shoulder body hugging knee length flair green gown... Pardon my long explanation of the dress, but wow... The lady was god-damn gorgeous. 

She had a beautiful smile on her face which highlighted her perfect face, I was tempted to look at what I was wearing.

A brown shirt and pants... One of the few clothes Lilly got for me when we began getting along. 

But what was she looking for me for?

She finally reached where I was, then she clasped her hands on mine. 

" As you may have heard, I'm having a party this weekend and I need all hands on deck, including yours... So let's get you ready". She said as she began dragging me.

Get me ready?

"Ready for what?" I asked her allowing her to drag me about. To be honest, I was too tried to argue or struggle with her. 

" For the party of course, it's in two days and I doubt you have anything... " She paused to look at my clothes up and down before she continued 

"Well.. anything wear." 


Did she just insult my clothes?

But I knew she was right so I kept quiet and allowed her to drag me out of the house and to her car. 

" James, get the car ready, we're going to the mall". She ordered the driver that I had always seen drive Alexander. 

All through the drive to the mall, I keep quiet. What was I going to say anyways? I kept my face glued to the window watching as we speed across the tall buildings and trees by the road. 

Ahh... I sighed quietly. It's been a long time since I had seen nature... Actually anything other than walls and the people in Alexander's mansion. Ever since I came to the house, I had never been out. 

But one thought keep recurring over and over in my brain. 

Why was she nice to me? 

Because it smelled suspicious, just few days ago we were at each other's throat but now she was acting like me had been best friends for like ten years... What was her motive?

" Ms Victoria, welcome back to Hamiltons Mall... How can we help you today?" An older woman with a nice respectful smile came to greet us immediately we stepped foot in the mall. 

Hamilton mall? They owned the damn mall? 

My eyes widened as I saw the difference clothes those....Dargh... I forgot what they those tall people like dolls... Anyways they were all so pretty.... And expensive!

"Ai... Yes, I'm here to pick out some clothes for my friend". Victoria said with a smile bringing me forward for the woman to see. 

The lady looked at me from top to bottom, she had the same look in her face Victoria had when she first saw me, disgust and annoyance. 

I didn't even mind it. Infact, I've gotten used to it, plus I was still in shock. 

Just how rich we're the Hamilton family for them to own a freaking mall? And it was really huge. 

" Right this way ma'am... " The older woman asked me to follow her and I did, all the way to the VIP lounge.

My mouth opened in awe as I stared at the clothes in the VIP section. 

They were even more prettier and much more expensive than the ones I saw when entering the mall. 

I walked around about till my eyes caught one of the dress the tall human like lifeless doll... I need to remember what it's called. 

It was a reddish black body hugging dress floor to length gown which had splitting from the mid thigh 

" This officially the most beautiful dress I've ever seen" I breathed out in wonder. 

I raised my hands slowly to touch the fabric. 

" Hey... Don't touch that! " The sudden yelling I heard made me immediately retract my hands. 

The old lady from before walked up to me, her face red with furry. 

" How dare you touch something like that... Do you know how expensive this dress ". The old lady yelled at me.

" What's your problem I was only checking it out! " I yelled back. Their no way in hell I'm letting this old bitch talk me down. 

" Checking it out... Check it out! " She said hysterically while I just kept looking at her like...

' What's your problem? Are you okay? '

" This is the Jackson's latest design... And you were just checking it out? What if you had ruined it?"

Ruined it?

How could I ruin it with my eyes?

I rolled my eyes at her stupid statement. I wasn't blind to know the cloth was expensive, I just wanted to see it well. 

Who was this Jackson anyways? I asked myself stepping away from the cloth. 

The old lady had a point... I could accidentally destroy the cloth and then I would be completely finished. 

" Fine I'm stepping away from it... Happy? " I asked rolling my eyes at her, but my heart was beating at fast as they could. 

A crowd had begun to form and I wanted at this moment was for them to disperse. 

" Mia... Oh, what's going on here?" Victoria walked up to me holding a dress in her hands. 

Was she shopping for me or for herself? Because even though I was no expert in fashion or anything, I could tell the dress was way to expensive... But she was holding it, in her hands!

My eyes widened at my realization. I looked at the old lady, but the didn't say anything. Instead a kind smile appeared on her face when he looked at Victoria. 

" Nothing much ma... It's just that your friend here almost ruined this new dress that only recently arrived to our mall, I was only correcting her". 


Almost ruined? I didn't even touch the thing!

My breathing flared up in anger, but I kept my mouth shut. If I opened it, it was possible that I would get kicked out. 

Victoria looked at the dress in question, her eyes sparkling as she watched it. 

"It's gorgeous... Don't tell me it's Jackson's latest?" She asked getting closer to the dress. 

A huge smile came to the old lady face as she walked joined Victoria to look at the dress.

" Yes ma'am. We only have one this design... And I bet it would look perfect on you". 

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