
Chapter 23 And I'm gone

Mia's POV

I felt my entire body froze up as I heard that. 

Look here Ria... There's nothing going on between Mia and I, and there would never be.

Look here Ria... There's nothing going on between Mia and I, and there would never be

Look here Ria... There's nothing going on between Mia and I, and there would never be

There was nothing going on...

There would never be...

Alexander's words kept ringing in my ears over and over again. 

He openly just said there was nothing going on between us!

But that was the truth, wasn't it? 

We only kissed and for just a split second and that was it. There wad indeed nothing going on between us. 

I bit my trembling lips trying to keep it still.

" I've told you this before... I'm not over Grace yet, and even if I was, I can't date Mia". Alexander added breaking my heart even more. 

My eyes turned red and my lips I was trying so hard to stop from trembling released silent sobs. 

He was not over Grace... His wife, his fucking dead wife, and even if he was, he could never date someone like me. 

I walked away from there staggeringly, trying to keep my feet steady but failing miserably. I almost fell but I quickly held the stairs railing for support. 

What was wrong with me? Why the fuck was I crying?

Alexander just said the truth. The plan truth, but why does it hurt so much. 

Nothing happened between us, unlike me who thought the two seconds kiss meant something, Alexander was indifferent. 

I was the fool to take meaning to just a kiss.

Alexander didn't lie... But why did he have to say it like that. 

Why did he have to say it like I was the most unlovable person in the world?

The tears that had gathered in my eyes began falling slowly like rain drops to the ground. 

No... I can't cry, not here. 

I wiped the teats from my eyes and raced outside the house. 

Victoria shouldn't see me crying... I can't give her that satisfaction. 

When I was sure no one was around and would be coming for at least a few minutes, I looked up to the dark sky, trying hopelessly to blink the tears back. 

'Look here Ria... There's nothing going on between Mia and I, and there would never be ' Alexander's words came back to me, hunting me and I just couldn't do it. 

I brought my face down and sobbed. My knees gave way and I fell on the floor holding my face in my hands. 

I was such a fool.

I already planned everything... I should've even been gone by now, but Alexander's kiss gave me hope that maybe, just maybe he could possibly have feelings for me like I now know I have for him.

But I only risked my heart, something I swore never to do again. 

" Mia, there you are... Holy shit, what happened to you?" I heard someone's voice, a female, and I buried my face deeper into my hands. 

"Mia..." The voice sounded familiar


I looked up at her. She was wearing a blue t-shirt and black jean, didn't look like she came for the party. 

" Oh Amelia..." I cried sitting down beside me on the floor and hugging me. 

"Shush... You can cry all you want, I'm here". 

That was all I needed to release all my pent up frustration and hurt and pain into tears. 

I just felt so hurt right now. 

" He doesn't feel anything Amelia... He would never want to be with me. You were wrong, Alexander does not feel anything for me". I cried and Amelia held me tighter in her arms. 

We sat there like that for a few minutes before I released myself from Amelia's comforting hug. 

" What really happened? " She asked after I had calmed down. 

I took a deep breath. 

" You were wrong... Alexander doesn't like me, he can't date a girl like me". 

" Well... Did something happen for you to assume that?" I could tell by Amelia expression that she was confused. She really wanted me and her brother in law to end together... But I was not willing to give explanations right now. 

" I want to leave... Today, right now. I want to get out of here". I said standing up. I stretched a hand to Amelia and she took it to stand herself up. 

" That's why I came". She reached out into the back pockets of her jeans and brought out some papers. 

" I didn't want to do this because I really feel that Alexander has feelings for you, and I thought you might change your mind after today, but I'm glad I brought it, because if not... You might just run out blindly seeing how desperate you look". She said with a chuckle giving me the papers. 

I didn't find it funny. She was right, if she hadn't brought this I indeed would have ran out not caring where the hell I would end up, as long as I'm far away from Alexander and his bitch of a sister.

I glanced at the papers. It was really dark already, but with the light coming from Victoria's party I was able to make out a few words 

It was my passport and Visa to another country. 

I looked back up to Amelia. 

"Thank you ". I said with a smile, though she was not able to see it. 

"Oh... And I bought you this too, so I could at least still talk to you". 

She said shoving her hands into the back of the other pocket before bringing out a brand new phone. 

I blinked to confirm if it was real. 

"I've saved my number already in it, I don't want to lose contact completely with the one lady who has my sister's personality". She said with a smile before shoving the phone in my hand because I was too surprised to move. 

I just stared at it

" Why did you..."

"I just told you my reason. Even if you won't tell me what Alexander did today to hurt you..." Her voice gradually became a whisper towards the end. 

I clenched my jaw trying to hold back my emotions. 

" Alexander did nothing to me, I only thought too much of things". 

I could tell Amelia didn't believe me, but it was the truth. 

Alexander really did nothing wrong. There was nothing doing on between us, and there would never be... He would never date someone like me, no matter what. 

" You better start going... I called for a cab already and he should be here any second now". Amelia said interrupting the long silence. 

I gazed at her. 

She was an actual angel to me, had a face like one and a heart like one. 

I wrapped my hands around her giving her a tight hug. 

" Thank you". I whispered before pulling away. 

"I'll miss you". I heard her say as I began running towards the gate. 

"Me too". I muttered but I refused to look back. Not at the huge mansion I was leaving behind, not at the little people in the house that cared for me, and most definitely not at Victoria who would have a smudge look when she heard I was gone. 

The gate was left unmanaged and did sneaked out and ran...until I was completely out of the main estate which housed most of the richest men in the city, and I was gone. 

I was free...


Oh for now... 

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