
Chapter 20 I'm sorry

Mia's POV

I stared at the mirror looking at myself in the mirror. It was Saturday night, the day if Victoria's 'Welcoming' party. 

She had woken me up early in the morning to 'prepare' me for her party. 

When I say early... I don't mean like around 5 or 6, fucking 4am in the morning! I normally woke up around 6 to prepare Lilly for school but by that time I had to drag myself up, but now?

And what does she mean by prepare me? 

I was about to ask her what that meant when suddenly about three different ladies carrying a lot of bags barged into my room and began setting up occasionally talking to Victoria about where to drop some things. 

What the fuck?

It's my room... What are you... Another one just brushed past me setting up some make-up equipments. 

' This us absurd! '

Before I could even open mouth to ask what they were doing here... One of them pushed me on a chair, while the other began working on hair. 

What the...

I looked to Victoria asking her what was going on with my eyes, but she just gave me a nod. 

"Go with the flow". I later heard her say as I turned back to face the mirror. 

It didn't take much contemplation before I agreed to it, they were already doing it and I was starting to like what I was seeing. 

As one of the ladies was styling my hair, the other doing my nails while the last one was arranging my make-up. 

But there was something suspicious about everything...

Victoria was just sitting down on my bed watching keenly. 

I had asked why she wasn't having all this done for herself and she just told me that her's would come later. 

After the lady was done styling my hair, which took about two hours by the way...

This wasn't the first time I sat at the same position for three hours... I was an artist for Christ sake, I could stare at an object I want to paint for an even longer period, but there was a difference. 

When I was painting or drawing my head wasn't being pulled and dragged in the name of fucking styling!

But I stayed... Why? It looked nice. 

After the long styling the lady doing my manicure began to complain that my hands were not soft enough and I was too hairy. 

Now that is when I stared to complain but Victoria just smiled and told me

"She's right, you do need a little shaving and probably a full body massage... This is my party we're talking about here, anyone who's anyone in this country would be there". 

Victoria was helping make me look pretty and since this was the my last day in Alexander huge mansion why not. 

So I bit back the witty remark I wanted to say and allowed all of it.

Up until the shaving part which really hurt... And this was the result. 

I stared at the mirror admiring who was staring back at me. 

The woman in the mirror was wearing a black handless short gown that stopped just at the mid thigh, showcasing my long fair legs I never knew I had. My shoulder length hair was styled into a bun with few strands falling here and there. 

The dress revealed some skin around my slim waist, giving it the sexy vibe. 

My face... Oh my face... The makeup artist really tried. She spent almost an hour on this and this beauty was the result. She even added a finishing touch... A daring red lipstick.

I stared in awe at myself

Damn! I was hot! 

" Mia... This is unbelievable". I whispered to myself turning around at the mirror trying to look at myself from all angles. 

I heard the door open all of a sudden and turned to check who it was. My

"Mia, Victoria asked me to call you down whoa... Whoa... Whoa...... " The rest of Alice words went into her throat as she stared at me 

"You look amazing Mia". She commented staring at me in wonder. 

" I know right..." I turned around for her to see the dress completely. 

" I'm still shocked. "

"Anyways, Victoria asked me to call you down, the guest are arriving and she wants you to meet some of them". Alice said snapping out of her daze on me. 

Me them? What for?

That girl was planning something I could feel it, but this was my last night here, what's the worst she could do?

" I'll be down in a minute. " I responded then it dawned on me that I had not seen Lilly the entire day. 

"Before I forget, what about Lilly?" 

" Your ' little witch '?..." Alice jested, air coating the little witch. 

" Yes... Her". I answered with a soft giggle. 

But thinking of it now... I know longer thought of Lilly as a little devil or even a witch, instead the girl had became a close friend, one I would most definitely miss after I'm gone. 

" I overheard from Mr Hamilton that she went to stay with her his parents, her grandparents for the weekend". 

I nodded my head. 

That was good. At least that way it would make it easier for me to leave. 

"Let's go then". I smiled at her before leading the way out of my room.

I kept my head low in fear of meeting anyone that would jeopardize my plans of escape, i.e the head of the kitchen staff, who I must guess was still angry with me for not helping out in this party. 

And was even invited as a guest, or maybe Amelia. She might want to talk me out of it and I feared I might just give in. 

I could already heat the sound of the music coming from downstairs. 

Alice held my hands and escorted me out of my room and down the stairs, we were about crossing the last corner before arriving at the party when I suddenly came in contact with a brick wall. 

I crunched my eyebrows in confusion. 

There was not supposed to be a wall here, even of I wasn't looking I knew. I had been through this halls countless times I could even wall pass them with my eyes closed. 

"Em... Mr... Mr Hamilton". Alice stammered causing my eyes to widened and my heart began beating loudly in my chest. 


I slowly raised my gaze from the ground, first to his black shiny expensive looking shoes, then to his ironed black suit pants then to his broad chest which was neatly covered in a black shirt that outlined his arm muscles and finally to his face... Which was apparently fixed on me. 

His dark black eyes staring at me with an emotion I couldn't decipher. 

We kept staring at each other for a few seconds before Alice coughed uncomfortably. 

"Em... I... Er... I guess, I'll leave you, Mia". Alice gave me a slight nod before walking out, leaving me with Alexander. 

I immediately retracted my gaze from his face. 

The atmosphere around us became awkward, he was staring at me, and I was trying to look anywhere else but him. 

After a few minutes and still no word from him, I couldn't take it anymore. 

I shuffled between both my feet. But the way, I was wearing heels... Heels I tell you!

I myself didn't even know how it happened, all I knew was by the time the people Victoria called to my room to doll me up were done, I was in a pretty short tight dress and nude heels. 

" If you're not saying anything, I'm just going to le..." I began but he cut me off. 

"I'm sorry" 

I blinked. 

Did I just hear him right? 

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