
Chapter 21 First and last kiss

" You're what?" I asked again to confirm if I had only just imagined it. 

Alexander rolled his eyes, which I must admit was a bit sexy. 

" I said I'm sorry. I should have at least listened to your side of the story, I could have heard you out but I believed my sister". He said with his head bowed. This was the first time I was seeing this side of him, nervous and uncertain. 

My lips twitched. I wanted to smile but I had to stop myself from doing so, but he looked so funny that I couldn't help myself. 

"Ha... Ha... Ha..." I burst into laughter.

"God... You should see your face right now..." I said in midst of my laughter. He looked like a child who was just told he'll never eat ice cream in his life ever again, pitiful.

" What's so funny huh?" He scoffed, his face turning back to his usual cold and expressionless demeanor. 

I shook my head trying to contain my laughter by biting my lips. 

" Really?" His voice turned low as he walked towards me, taking one slow step after the other.

My laughter subsided and I stepped back. He was looking at me funny and I was starting to notice it. 

His eyes darted from my eyes to my lips, and then down to my chest which was not entirely covered because I was wearing such a revealing cloth, then back to my eyes again. 

There was an emotion in his eyes, one I've never seen before. I felt heat rush to my face. 

I must look like a blushing bride right now. 

 I stepped back as I tried to avoid his ferocious gaze on me. 

" Mr Hamilton..."

He raised a finger to his lips to stop me from speaking.

" Call me Alexander, please". 

My heart began racing inside my chest, my breathing became uneven. He was too close to me, way too close. 

I kept walking back until my back hit an actual wall restricting my movement. This wasn't the first time I was cornered by Alexander, but this time it felt different.

He came closer, if not for the fact that he was taller than me, I could've sworn that our face would have been touching by now. 

" Alexander, you're..." Before I could complete my statement I felt his hard uneven breathing on my neck and he bent his face lower to meet mine. 

What the heck!

I was just about to complain when I heard him take a deep breath. 

" You really don't know what you do to me, Mia..." He said in a deep hoarse voice. 

What I do to you? What do I do to you? I wanted to ask, but for the first time, my tongue refused to work. 

He came closer and closer to the point our nose touched. 

My eye lids went down to his lips and up at his face again. 

Maybe I should allow it, my body already has... And so has my heart, why not my head? It was just a kiss

But there was a catch... I've never been kissed before. 

I instinctively shut my eyes as I await what would happen next. I didn't have to wait too long because before I could begin to imagine what he might do, I felt a soft sensation on my lips. 

Before I could fully comprehend what was happening, it was gone and so was the hot breath on my neck.

I opened my eyes in an instant... Alexander was now far away, breathing heavily and pinching the bridge of his nose. 

I just stared at him, one question going on and on in my head. 

What the fuck just happened?

" I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." He looked at me and I couldn't say a word. 

Alexander shook his head, before removing his gaze from me. 

" I shouldn't have done that... " But then he returned it.

" But I don't regret it". I heard him whisper before walking past me incredibly fast. 

I stayed in the same position for five while minutes after he left, I was still shocked. 

He just kissed me... Alexander just fucking kissed me! I shouted in my head. 

The loud sound of the music coming from downstairs made me blink coming back to my senses

Shit! I touched my lips. 

Anyone could have seen us. 

The thought was scary but it wasn't scary enough to make me forget what just happened. 

Could it be that Amelia was right? Does Alexander really have feelings for me?

A smile broke on my lips... It started small then it became bigger and bigger until I was freaking grinning at myself. 

Alexander just kissed me!

This changes everything. 

I took a few seconds to compose myself before walking out into the party. 

" Holy shit". My mouth opened wide as I walked into the said party. 

It was really a full blown party. There was lights and music and dancing, it was like I was at a club. 

I looked around for Victoria, and I found her, talking to some group of people. 

She wore the pretty red gown and her hair was styled to the side making her look like a princess... Her makeup was gentle giving her the white lotus vibe. 

She was gorgeous, not like she wasn't always. 

" Victoria..." I called out to her, walking towards her. 

She was giggling three other people, two boys and a girl. When she saw me, her eyes widened and she gestured for me to come over at the same time whispering something to her friends. 

It looked kind of suspicious, but I put a smile on my face walking towards them. 

What's the worst that could happen, I told myself.

"Hey... There she is, guys, this is who I've been talking to you about..."

She was telling them about me?

What exactly? 

The boys looked at me, literally undressing me with their eyes, while the other girl only scoffed and Victoria giggled. 

The girl kind of looked familiar though...

" This is Mia..."

I was about to smile at them, but then Victoria continued. 

"...My niece's maid"

My smile froze and it turned out awkward. 

They all giggled as if something was funny while I tried to keep my temper at bay. 

What was wrong with this girl? Can't she introduce me without adding I was Lilly's nanny?

My niece's maid... She was literally mocking me. 

But I covered my thoughts with a composed fake smile, before giving them a slight wave of the hand.

" Mia, this is Kenzie... My bestie". Victoria said giving the lady a hug while the lady smiled. 

Kenzie was dressed in a tight body hugging long gown that exposed one of her hands while the other was sleeved. 

" Her dad is the mayor of a small town like that... Yeah, Queens ". Victoria added and I saw the smile on Kenzie's face freeze. 

I almost laughed. 

Why did she add that.

" Oh, and those two are Eric and Jafar... Jafar is my boyfriend ". She said pointing at the two guys. 

Eric was a blonde with brown eyes and a good looking face, while Jafar... Jafar had brown hair and blue eyes, but his was not even nearly as pretty as Lilly's.

But he was way more handsome than Eric. 

" You don't have to tell everyone ". Jafar laughed eyeing me before looking back at Victoria, who I could swear noticed because her smile froze before coming back up again. 

"Oh... I do". She answered walking towards Jafar, then she ran her hands around his chest. 

" I want every other bitch to know his taken". 

I rolled my eyes. She said that to me, that was sure. But she was the one who bought the dress for me, why was she mad. 

" I'll just help myself to a drink". I nodded walking out from their midst and to the counter which was just few steps away. 

I walked just a few steps away from them when I hear them giggle again 

" OMG, you were right Victoria... I saw her eying Jafar already" I heard Kenzie say. It sounded like a whisper, but I could bet she wanted me to hear it. 

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