
Chapter 26 She's gone

I winced shutting my eyes immediately after opening then because of how bright it was. 

"What's the time?" I asked myself before checking my watch which was still tied to my hand. 

"Shit!" It was half past seven. I had falled asleep in my study thinking about what I had to do to keep Victoria from saying anything about Mia to my old man.

This was the longest I've ever slept ever since my wife, Lilly's mother died. My body some how managed to develop an insomnia after Grace died. 

I had to take bunch of sleeping pills ever night, but even with that I wasn't able to sleep past 4am in the morning. Only on one occasion, and Mia also happened to be the same person I was thinking of, the day she told me of Lilly coming back home crying. 

She was so close to me... Just like last night. 

A smile unconsciously creeped on my face when I thought of yesterday's kiss. 

It was short, extremely brief but I could still remember vividly how her lips felt on mine. 

It was soft and her lip gloss tasted like strawberry. I never had a favorite fruit, but now I did, Strawberry. It was sweet as well as soft.

" Oh God. What has this girl done to me?" She has completely clouded my thoughts. To the point that my insomnia vanished anytime I thought of her. 

Standing up from my chair, I stretched my body flexing my arms to relieve my tensed muscles. I had been sitting in the in the same position for hours now. 

" Ring ring". I heard a vibrating sound and looked down at my desk, my phone was ringing. 

' Old man '. The caller ID read and I rolls my eyes. 

" What could be possibly want from me now?" The last time we spoke, it was when he asked me to go to that stupid auctioning event. 

" Hello? "

" Come to the office right now! " My father weak but loud voice thundered the moment he heard my voice. 

The office? 

" Isn't it too early? " I said with sarcasm trying to fuel the old man's anger even more. 

" You... "

It worked, he was enraged. 

" I heard you. I'll be there in two hours". 

"No, be here in the next thirty minutes". He said angrily before ending the call. 

I glared at my phone in anger. 

That man just knew how to ruin my mood. 

I walked out of the study and straight to my room to get ready, everyone who saw me knew very well that I was upset my face showed it. 

They made sure to avoid me, and if they couldn't they just greeted me and ran away. 

Good for them. 

I walked out of my room fully dressed. In my regular designers three-piece black suit with a inner long blue shirt, my long black hair was styled to the back with some strands which refused to fall back gently styled to the side at the front. 

This was the first time after Grace died that I had taken so much time to style my hair. 

I felt like a teenager again. 

As I walked past Mia's room my feet paused by the door. 

"Maybe I should just check if she's in". 

I had an internal battle between my head and my heart before my heart finally won and I knocked on her door. 

" Mia... "

" Mia? ". I knocked for almost five minutes but still no answer. 

Could she be angry with me for something? I wondered. 

I'll just check if she's okay. 

My hands held the knob, and I was about to open the door when my pocket vibrated. 

I removed my hands from the knob to bring out my phone. It was my father again. 

I checked my watch. The thirty minutes he gave me were up, I had to leave now. 

I glanced back at the door, and then at my phone. 

' Mia would have to wait. I'll just talk to her when I get back ' I told myself before walking past her room and down the stairs. 

" Good morning, Mr Hamilton I..." The maid that I always see around Mia rushed towards me.

I glanced at her disinterested in whatever she wanted to say. 

" I'm in a hurry". 

"I know, it's just that... Mr Hamilton". I heard her call but I was already in my car ready to leave. 

Whatever she had to say could wait after I answer my old man. 


Third person POV

Alice watched as Alexander left without even hearing her out. 

" Gosh... This is so frustrating ". She exclaimed glaring at the car that drove out of the mansion's gate. 

She only wanted to tell him that she couldn't find Mia anywhere!

She had woken up early this morning and went to Mia's room so the latter would give her the gist of everything that happened yesterday night with Mr Hamilton. 

She had seen the way he looked at her, with so much adoration, so much... So much love. 

Alice excused herself yesterday so something might actually happen between the two, and she was the damn sure something did. 

Mia was wearing a sexy fucking hot dress, Alexander was literally undressing her with his eyes already. 

She knocked on the door several times but there was not answer. Then she tried to open the door, but it was locked. 

Alice sensed something was wrong and ran to get the spare key. She opened the door with a sharp thud and her eyes widened at what she saw, or what she didn't see. 

There was nobody in the room. 

She ran to check the bathroom, the closet even under the fucking bed, but nobody was there. 

Alice panicked as she searched around the huge mansion, at least where she could and thought Mia would be. 

From the gardens to the kitchen, even though she doubted the girl would go there considering how much the kitchen staff hates her, the music room, which she doubted Mia even knew apart, the painting room, which she was about to tell Mia about today, and even her little witch's room, but she was not there. 

Her panic level increased. 

Where could Mia possibly have gone? 

Her eyes widened when she thought of what she had overhead Mia telling Amelia. 

That she was going to escape.

She had thought it was all a joke, but now it was looking like it wasn't any longer. 

She ran down the stairs to ask the guards if they saw Mia leave the mansion, when she saw Alexander walking towards her direction. 

She immediately ran to him. 

" Good morning, Mr Hamilton I..." He looked like he was in a bad mood, but when was he never? It scared the hell out of Alice to even be in the same room as him, but this concerned her friend. 

" I'm in a hurry". He replied taking big strides to the door. Alice had to run to catch up with him, and even with that he was still faster than her. 

"I know, it's just that... Mr Hamilton". And he was gone.

Now she just stood there watching the dust that Alexander's car created when it zoomed off. 

" What is Mia is gone forever? ". She asked as realization dawned on her that Mia was truly gone from the mansion, and from Alexander's life. 

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