
Author: Preshy


Ruth whimpered in pain as she landed hard on the floor due to the impact of the push she got from a stranger,she tilted her head to see who had pushed her so hard on the floor,but the door was slammed at her face.

She staggered to the washroom where she was hearing a sound of running shower,the smell of alcohol filled the room but she didn't care.

“Who's that!!?”. Williams Richard who was having a soothing shower in the washroom, asked from the washroom.

Ruth ignored him and headed back to the king sized bed on the right hand side of the room,with her body wreaking of alcohol she tossed herself on the bed and laughed hysterically.

Williams Richard came out of the bathroom and saw a woman who looks in her early twenties lying comfortably on his bed,he arched her a confused brow and hissed frustratedly.

He gasped in surprise and walked towards the entrance. He slammed it open and glanced at the hallway wondering how a drunk lady ended up in his bedroom.

“Woman, why are you here?”.Furrowing his brows in anger,he asked and he walked back to his bed, feeling confused and disoriented.His bathing towel was still tied across his chest.He sat of on the bed and watched Ruth sleep peacefully,with a mesmerizing beauty.

Williams Richard sighed In exasperation and stood up but his wrist was grabbed firmly by Ruth, Williams gasped in surprise at the sudden behavior of the stranger whom he thought was sound asleep.

“What do you think you're doing?”.He asked,in a confused voice as anger seethes through him,he doesn't like women who threw themselves at them.

Ruth dragged him to the bed making his bathing towel fall off his waist,his manhood sprung to life before her and she didn't hesitate to grab it.

William moaned as he landed on the bed softly,his manhood still in Ruth's grip.

“Don't start what you can't finish woman!!”.He warned, Ruth let go of his dick and flashed a quick smile.

Williams’ dick became erect and couldn't resist the urge to satisfy the woman on his bed,he didn't request for any one night stand,but he had to make use of the opportunity before him.

Ruth began to undress herself impatiently,the room was still filled with wreck of alcohol, Williams watched Ruth as she undress leaving herself completely naked on his bed.

“You started this woman”. William said,his eyes full of lust.He lay on the bed and began kiss Ruth on her shoulder, leaving a trace of love bites.

“arhhhhhh” Ruth moaned and placed her hand on Williams’ head as his mouth trailed from her neck to her shoulder.

“I……want….. you inside me”. Ruth moaned,as she squint her eyes close.

“Here you go!”. Williams replied and inserted her first two fingers in Ruth's pussy and screamed in pleasure, Williams withdrew his hand and began to insert his member gradually in Ruth's pussy.

“Ha….r…der….”. Ruth moaned as she found herself in cloud nine due to the constant thrusting in of Williams dick into her, Williams didn't stop he kept on hitting it harder almost reaching Ruth's womb.

“Please…. don't…..stop….ahhhhh”. Ruth moaned her voice breaking, she jerked her hips up and held Williams back so he could not withdraw from her, Williams didn't stop thrusting in Ruth's pussy,he cupped her right breast and sucked the order breast,Ruth didn't stop moaning in pleasure as she begged Williams not to stop.

The sex continued between the two with so many styles while they moaned pleasure!.


Outside the presidential suite,a lady was seen with a smirk on her face,she looked exactly like Ruth and once could barely differentiate them.

“Enjoy your night little twin sis,big sis loves you”. She said and laughed hysterically, covering her mouth to avoid the lookers of the passersby,she wouldn't like to create scene,she glanced at the presidential suite for few more minutes before entering the black SUV jeep which pulled before her and they zoomed off.

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