

Ruth shot a deadly glare at Rita after she laid out her unbelievable opinions to her,she never knew her twin sister would be this cruel to tell her to abort an innocent child.

She inhaled deeply and placed her two palms gently on her tiny baby bump,and she began to smile sadly at her.

She has been stuck between her parents and twin sister,they desperately want the pregnancy aborted.Rutg knows her family was never by her side ever since she was born,they have always neglected her and took her as a stepping stone to their destination.

But on the other hand, she's grateful for the little human growing in her,even if Logan decides to throw her out of the house she would have someone that would stick by her side and she will never feel lonely as she always feels!.

“Please doctor,we need your help on this!”. Mrs. Logan said desperately,as she walked over to the doctor's desk and held his wrist.Rita realized that her twin sister had already made up her mind and she herself wouldn't change it. With a heavy heart,she gave Ruth a disgusted look before walking away from her.

“Doctor please,we really need your help!”. Mr. Logan added,he realized the doctor has been quiet for a while and hasn't uttered any words to them.

“Help on what?”. The doctor asked as he withdrew his hand from Mrs. Logan's grip,he literally asked the question he already knew the answers to.

Mr. Logan arched his confused brow and dragged Ruth by her wrist, pushing her to the doctor's desk.She was able to get hold of herself by quickly grabbing the doctor's desk.

She stared at the Logan's whose eyes were busy interrogating her,they all held a disappointed look on their faces,she averted her gaze and placed her hands protectively on her tiny baby bump,she was ready to do everything she could to protect her innocent child.

“Have she accepted that?”. The doctor asked as he raised his brows skeptically at the Logan's.

“Ruth, look at me!. You know we have always loved and cherished you! .The only way to appreciate the love and sacrifices we did for you is to abort the pregnancy!. Trust me you'll be okay.Having a child without a father is a burden and trust me we wouldn't do anything that will hurt or displeases you.No one would get married to a woman who already had a bastard!.”.Mrs. Logan blurted out as she gave Ruth a scrutinizing gaze,he voice was filled with venom.

“Mother……pleaseeeeee….”. She was interrupted when the doctor suddenly cleared his throat,an envelope of silence echoed through the room as everyone turned their gaze to meet him.

“We can't force an abortion on her,she has the right to make a decision and only her decision will be granted.Persuading her wouldn't work in any way if she has already made up her mind not to abort it,In this case there's nothing I can do”. The doctor said,a hint of finality lacing his voice.He had seen how helpless Ruth was and of course he wouldn't do anything she didn't give consent to.

“There's nothing you can do? But the baby is a bastard!!”. Mr. Logan yelled, pointing at Ruth's baby bump which wasn't noticeable.

“Dad please,can I ask him a question?”. Rita cut in and Mr. Logan sighed in exhaustion.He never knew Ruth would terminate the relationship be has

built with Lawrence even before the birthing of his daughters.

“If you were in our shoes,I mean if you were to wed someone next week and your fiance came up with a pregnancy that doesn't belong to you would you still go ahead and wed her?. I mean after the shame and disgrace she has brought upon you?”. Rita asked the doctor who was listening attentively to her questions.

“If I truly love her,I will love everything that belongs to her including the child that wasn't mine”. The doctor answered and began to flip the files on his desk,that alone made them realize he's done with them and it was time they left his office.

Mr. Logan's words hung in his throat when Mrs.logan tapped him frantically on the hand. They realized some of the reporters had gathered and were ready to take photos of what's going on.

If Ruth's pregnancy gets to the hearing of the reporters, Logan's image and reputation would definitely be wrecked.

“We have to go in,You can keep the pregnancy if you wish to, besides it's my grandchild”. He muttered and walked out of the doctor's office,with Mrs. Logan and Rita trailing closely behind him.

Ruth exhaled deeply before walking out of the doctor's office,she was scared of what her father would hold for her when they got home,as she was to slam the office door shut,the doctor's voice came through, halting her steps.

“Nobody would compel you to do what you don't want to,and trust yourself to be a good mother to the baby!”. The doctor said and Ruth smiled brashly at him,she bowed her head to show some courtesy before slamming the door shut.

For the first time in her life,she had someone who stood by her side, assuring her all will be well and believing in her decision.

Each step was filled with exhaustion and sadness as Ruth approached the living room,Mr. Logan who was a few meters away from him stopped in his tracks while Mrs. Logan and Rita settled on the couch.

Ruth was about walking past them when her father's voice echoed in the living room.

“Where do you think you're going,you unfilial child!!”.Mr. Logan screeched and yanked Ruth by her hair pushing her hard on the couch.Ruth winced in pain as she landed hard on the couch with her back,She quickly placed her hand on her stomach to protect the growing little human in her.

“The Matthews and I have been very good friends for a very long time! .Not even you! Will eliminate our relationship!. You must marry Matthew in any way and I will make sure that happens!!”. Mr. Logan roared at Ruth,who was still catching her breath from the impact of the fall.

“I'm not the kind of toy to be sold off!. Matthew and Rita had been dating for a very long time then what suddenly happened?. You want me to marry someone I don't have any ounce of feelings for?. What makes you think I would do that!. Matthew belongs to Rita,they should get things sorted out by themselves!!”. Ruth yelled,her voice breaking as she choked in her own tears.

!!!. A slap landed on her cheeks which made her cheeks turn red immediately without a second thought.

“How dare you talk to your father like that?!!”. His father roared, another fist was about landing on her when Mrs.logan suddenly called!.

“Honey,I will talk to her”. Mrs. Logan said and walked over to meet Ruth who was wailing bitterly.

“My baby girl,I carried you ten good months in Mt womb,I have cherished you ever since you were born and trust me I will go mile to make you happy,but before that consider your sister's happiness.She’s the future heir of the Logan's foundations and they only way you could help her is to get married Matthew,do that for me,for your father and sister!”. Mrs. Logan pleaded at Ruth whose anger flared up.

Her parents only considered her sister's happiness but no hers,they have always chosen Rita over her ever since they were young and now she's sitting beside her to spurt out deadly lies.

“Mom!!. Would you please stop now!. Please stop getting on my nerves!. Have you ever considered my happiness for once?. You and dad basically want me to be Rita's fodder!. I have had enough hatred from you all and I will abstain from it!. You can't tell me to do what I don't want to!. Not even you will do that!”. She said, pointing at her father whose jaw dropped in shock.

They never expected their dumb and bizarre daughter to be this smart,and at the same time she was talking back at them without any fear!. She must have grown wings!.

Mr and Mrs Logan swallowed hard as they realized Ruth was saying nothing but the truth, they took her as the unfilial child of the family,but unknown to them Rita had switched their IQ test results when they were six!.

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