


Mr and Mrs Logan never had an idea that they have a manipulative daughter as Rita.They mistook Ruth as the low life daughter who doesn't have something to offer to the Logan's.Of course they decided to nurture the brilliant one whom they referred to as Rita,they stood by her side and always put her first in everything they do!.

They introduced her as the future heir of the Logan's to their various business partners.None of them had an idea that Rita was a twin because their parents never speak about having another child.

Mr. Logan glared at Ruth coldly, whose gaze was fixed on the floor,a look of disappointment crossed his face and he regretted not strangling her when she was small.

She has grown up to disobey his orders and at the same time talk back at him which she has never done before,they always see her as the weak and lunatic one who does everything she was told to do with questioning,but at the moment reverse was the case,she had refused to listen to their opinions.

“No one should know about this,not even Lawrence.If anyone gets to hear about this, Logan's reputation will be ruined with ease,you all should be aware that we have enemies trailing behind us!”. Mr.logan snorted coldly and rolled his eyes on Ruth.

Ruth sighed heavily and drifted backwards,before fleeing to her room.Mrs. Logan shot her a disgusted look before hissing in disappointment.Ruth is too stubborn to obey the instruction they tagged “simple”.

“Honey,What are we going to do about the pregnancy?”. Mrs. Logan asked as she sat quietly on the couch,Rita followed suit.

“What do we have to do about it?. Your insolent daughter has decided not to listen to us,I'm not ready to cut ties with Lawrence either!!”.

Mr. Logan knows that if Ruth has refused to marry Matthew Lawrence, their business partnership might end up crumbling within a twinkling of an eye and he wasn't ready for it.

“We can't protect the baby bump”. Rita added,her voice laced with worry,it was obvious that Ruth's baby bump will start going bigger as days go by.

Mr. Logan sighed frustratedly before sitting on the couch opposite the other Logan's.He was confused and disoriented at the moment with a train of thoughts running through him.

Rita tapped Mrs. Logan lightly on the shoulder and said.

“I have an idea mom and dad,We can get a private doctor to get the job done,and nobody would be aware of it!!”. A placating smile played on her lips as she spoke.

Mr and Mrs Logan's eyes narrowed in surprise,how did they think of this !.

“You're such a brilliant child since your young age,and that has always made us proud of you! .And please don't disappoint us by turning to an insolent daughter like your sister!”. Mr. Logan said proudly, causing Rita to hold her shoulder high.

“No Dad, you've always trusted in me and I won't disappoint you!”. Rita replied and smiled widely at her father,her mother held her hand gently and placed a quick peck on her forehead.

“We are proud of you daughter”. Mrs. Logan said and Rita chuckled in response.

“Come on mother. I'm doing what I'm supposed to!”.

“I will protect you with my life!. You're safe with me my baby”. Ruth muttered to herself,as she caressed her baby bump gently.She slammed her door open and hurriedly locked the door with layers of padlocks.

She slumped on the bed and exhaled deeply,her eyes darted through the walls with her hands still placed on her tummy.

Not less than three hours later,A doctor and two nurses who were his workers arrived at Logan's suite to get Ruth's child aborted.

“It's my pleasure meeting you”. The doctor said to Mr Logan as he bowed his head in acknowledgement,the two nurses were behind him smiling widely.

“Your business here shall not be heard by anyone, make sure it doesn't escape the Logan's”. Mr. Logan warned the doctor coldly.

“Trust me on this, let's get the job done immediately”. The doctor smiled and nodded in response.

Rita led the way to Ruth's room while Mrs.logan walked closely behind them.

They got to Ruth's room and knocked on the door gently.

“Hi my baby,come in, it won't hurt a bit”. Mrs. Logan's voice from her end,her voice resonating.

They waited for a few minutes and yet there was no response from Ruth.

“Where could she be?”. Rita asked Mrs.logan who signed in confusion.Rita's heart was beating wildly against her rib cage,She desperately want to terminate the pregnancy,for the fact she's still breathing she won't withstand Ruth carrying Williams Richard's child in her,not under her watch,not with her dream man either!.

“Mother let's……”. Rita's word hung on her throat when Mr. Logan came into the picture,his face impassive.

“What's going on here?”. He asked the other Logans who were still standing outside with worried expressions on their faces.

“Dad, she refused to open the door”. Rita replied,her gaze still fixed on the locked door.

“Go get the keys!”. Mr. Logan commanded and Rita ran off to the bunch of keys.Few minutes later she was back with the keys,Mr. Logan impatiently took the key from her and opened the door immediately.

“It's Open”. He said and Mrs Logan exhaled the breath she had been holding in.

Rita pushed the door but it couldn't open,she pushed it over and over again but her effort was futile again.

“What's wrong again?!!”. Mr. Logan roared and Rita flinched at his sudden question filled with anger.

“Dad,I guessed she kept something behind the door,”Rita said after peering through the keyhole.

“What sort of insult is this!!. Servants come and get this door opened!!”.Mr. Logan commanded and the servants gathered immediately,using some force on the door and they succeeded in opening it.

They barged into Ruth's room without a second thought,Ruth brandished a kitchen knife and quickly placed it on her neck.

“Don't come closer!. Stay away from me or I will kill myself this instant!”. Ruth threatened and they stopped in their tracks.

“Ruth, are you insane?. How could you play with your life when we're just here to help you!!”. Rita said, their eyes narrowed in shock at Ruth's sudden behavior.They never thought Ruth would endanger her life for her unborn child.

Mr. Logan's eyes were busy shooting daggers at Ruth,a wave of anger washed over him and he balled his hand into a fist.

“Bring down the knife,we are not here to hurt you”. Mrs. Logan said,her voice laced with concern,but it was obvious that she was fabricating it,she never cared for Ruth in any ways.

“I said go away now!!!”.

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