

Ruth woke up yawning repeatedly,she glanced at the man whose face was faced on the pillows,she wasn't interested in seeing his face,the only thing she was interested in was knowing how she ended up on the same bed with a stranger.

Tears welled up in her eyes as her eyes trailed from her head to toes,she realized she was naked,she quickly grabbed her clothes to fit in but damn! Her shirt was torn,she quickly wear her boyfriend's jeans which looks a bit bigger on her,she grabbed a jacket that was on the couch,with a silver bracelet.

“I will take this as a compensation!. Bitch”. She said and spat on the sleepy Williams before scurrying out of the suite.


Williams Richard groaned loudly as he tossed on the bed,he fluttered his eyes open to glance at the woman whom he had an intimate night with but she's nowhere to be found.

He reluctantly stood up from the bed and headed towards the washroom hoping to find her,but no one was in the washroom,his gaze mistakenly caught the sight of the couch where he had kept his bracelet

He realized that his bracelet was no longer there as Ruth had left it,so he scoffed and slumped back on the bed.

“That was the only thing she could take”. He muttered to himself and smirked.


Ruth's heart was beating inhumanely quicker as she approached Matthew Logan's mansion,she knew they had never slept outside of their house,her mind was filled with many scenarios her father might hold towards her if she eventually gets caught sneaking into the house.

“Mom and dad are still asleep!I had to hasten my steps”. She muttered to herself and made her ways up the stairs.

“Where were you last night?”. Her steps were suddenly halted when her father's deadly voice echoed through her ear walls.She felt a shiver run down her spine as she swallowed the growing lumps in her throat.Holding in her breath,she squirmed to face her father.

“Good Morning Dad”. She greeted,her voice breaking,she wouldn't dare to meet Logan's Matthew gaze,she fixed her gaze on the floor.

“Where were you last night!!?”. Her father screeched,and took a step towards her.Ruth drifted back,her body was shivering vigorously.

Her father isn't the kind of person that would let her slide on this especially when she isn't his favorite daughter.

“Our birthday’s party father,I was there with Rita……”. Her words were cut short when she saw Rita coming out from her room,with their mother trailing behind her.

Her words were hung on her throat because she never expected Rita to be home so early, though she couldn't find her in the party. The only thing she could remember was ending up on a stranger's bed but couldn't fathom how it happened.

“Say something now!!’. Her father's voice brought her back from her reverie and she flinched.

“We went to the party dad”. Rita said from behind,as she was standing behind Logan Matthew with her mother.

Logan's chest began to rise and fall,as a wave of anger washes over him,the rage on his face knew no bonds as cast Ruth a long scrutinizing gaze.

“Whose house did you sleep at last night,your sister came home earlier than expected!!”. Mr Logan said pointing at Rita, Ruth's twin sister.

“Father…..I slept in Sarah's house”. Ruth said she wouldn't dare to tell her father the truth,as they always maintained dignity and held the family's status high.

Rita raised her brows skeptically at Ruth,a wicked smirk appeared on her lips and she scoffed.She realized Ruth has lied to their father,and that will make Ruth's case worse.

“Good morning everyone!!”. Ruth arched a confused brow at her twin sister when she noticed a familiar voice from downstairs,the voice was becoming more audible, indicating how close it is.

“Sarah?”. Ruth muttered to herself and froze in her spot,Sarah climbed up the stairs to meet them.

Taaaa- before Ruth could open one more word to defend herself,a thunderous slap landed on her face which sent her to the floor as she wheezed and gasped for air.

Sarah quickly helped Ruth to her feet, Ruth's vision was blurry,she could barely stand on her feet,her face etched with worry.

“Where were you last night, you spineless wrat!!!”. Her father roared,Mrs. Logan couldn't say anything as she interlocked her fingers with Rita while watching her husband and Ruth,as if they were kind of entertainment to her.

“Dadddddd,I went to a friend's house”. Ruth replied,her voice low and husky as she swallowed hard,she struggled to stand on her feet,her legs were shaking fervently.

Mr Logan wanted to follow up with a kick,but Rita came into the picture immediately.

“Dad please stop…..she doesn't have much energy left,give her some time to explain herself”. Rita said to her father as she gave her father an intense gaze.

“Yes darling, give her some time to explain herself”. Mrs Logan added, though they might have loathed Ruth so much,they still have the same blood that flows in their veins.

Mr. Logan sighed in exasperation and took a step backwards.

“Why are you here?”.Letting out a whoosh of breath,She asked as he turned to face Sarah, her childhood best friend who was like a family to her.

“I came back with Rita last night”. Sarah replied,her face was etched with worry.She realized Ruth was doomed and her father won't spare her for lying to him.

“Ruth”. Taking a step forward to where Ruth is, Mr Logan called in a deadly voice, Sarah held Ruth's hand gently, assuring her that she will be fine.

“I'm sorry mum and dad for making y'all worry”. Ruth apologized as she went on her knees before everyone.

Her father looked at her bewildered while Sarah kept on tapping her shoulder frantically.

“You should at least learn from your sister”. Mr Logan snorted coldly,just as he was about to leave for his room,Rita held Ruth's shoulder and pulled down her collar, exposing exposing some bruises as well as numerous live bites on her collar.

“God!,who could have done this you dear?”. She asked and drifted back.Mr Logan's eyes widened as he saw the love bites.

He charged toward her but Sarah was quick to intervene.

“No father, you can't be doing this,Ruth will have to explain herself now”. Sarah begged and held Mr Logan by his wrist.

Sarah isn't the kind of person to be tampered with nor treated less,her parents are of high caliber so she's well respected even in Logan's family.

Mr Logan rolled his eyes at Ruth before taking a step backwards,his heart boiled in anger as he gave Ruth a deadly glare,if glare could kill,Ruth wouldn't have been alive.

“Say something dear”. Sarah said as she helped Ruth on her feet.

“I don't know him”. Ruth said,her voice was barely above a whisper but everyone could hear her,as she choked on her tears.

“You have choosed to ruin the reputation of this family!!. speak up now who is the brat!?”. Mr. Logan snarled at Ruth.

“I don't know him father!”. Ruth yelled as she choked on her own tears.

“What!!!?”. Logan asked in a demeaning way as she approached Ruth,but she was still in Sarah's arms.

“Father! Ruth has to get well so you can throw your numerous questions at her, she can't even stand on her feet!”. Sarah cried out in confusion.

“I will take her to her room for now”. She said, without waiting for Logan's response she held Ruth's wrist and led her carefully to her room.

Ruth's eyes was welled up with tears,she couldn't remember a thing about the mysterious man she has slept with neither would she recognize him even if they mistakenly bump on each other.

Hey heart was heavy and lumps kept on growing in her throat which she swallowed repeatedly.

“Thank you Sarah”. She muttered to her best friend.

“Come on!! nothing,your energy is deteriorating.You need some fucking rest!!”. Sarah replied still holding Ruth's wrist so she could not miss her step.

With the anger seething through Mr.Logan’s,he balled his head into fist and watched Ruth as Sarah took her out of his sight.

He smirked and left for his room without uttering a word to his wife and Rita.

Rita watched in awe as a disappointed look crossed her face,she didn't expect Sarah to save Ruth from her father's worst at that instant.

“Mom!”. She called as she rested her head on her mother's shoulder.

“Ruth should be given some time”. She said,a faint smile played on her lips as Mrs. Logan nodded her head in agreement.

She held her mother's hand gently and they left for their rooms.

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