

Time flew so fast,but to Ruth it was stagnant.She was under house arrest for two months,she didn't have a glimpse of what the outside world looks like,the party she found absurd was having to see what's going on in the internet because of her cell phone Rita took against her will.

Her physical appearance began to increase rapidly, Rita noticed all of this and unfortunate thoughts began to course through her,she wouldn't even imagine what she was thinking to come to reality,so she died off the matters and moved on.

A faint knock came through Ruth's room,she was sitting on a chair opposite the dressing mirror,a lot was going through her mind because she doesn't understand the sudden change of her physical appearance.

The knock again,this time it was longer.Sbe sighed in exasperation before walking reluctantly to doors,she wasn't in the mood to welcome anyone so she opened the door and held the doorknob.

“Mr. Logan requested you come downstairs for dinner”. A lady in her late forties said,with her head bowed slightly low,she was the head servant of Mr.logans family.

“Coming soon”. Ruth replied and slammed the door shut,it was time for lunch and she couldn't disrespect her father,she inhaled deeply before changing to something more presentable,She made her way down the stairs,each step filled with exhaustation and sadness.

Everyone's gaze was fixed on her the moment she came into view, Rita's gaze was filled with hatred and venom,she literally wished she could strangle her to death!,but she ignored them all and pulled out a chair and sat opposite Rita.

“Good day dad,Good day mum”. She greeted before uncovering her food,but her greetings were met with silence,Mr. Logan and wife hissed in response before eating their foods in silence.

Ruth glanced at the food she has uncovered but there was no trace of appetite in her,she exhaled deeply and relaxed her back on the chair.

“Ruth are you okay?”. Rita who held a worried expression on her face asked.

“Yes I am”. Ruth replied and shook her head negatively.

“You!! eat this”. Rita said as she dropped a pieces of rib in Ruth's plate,she smiled faintly her before shoving hers into her mouth.

“Gosh”. Ruth muttered to herself and picked out the pices of ribs.

“Ruth what have I done to deserve this!. I have always treated you as my little twin sister,but you despise me so much!!”. Rita yelled,a false tears welled up her eyes.

“Dad what did I do to deserve this?!”. She asked mr.logan who shot Ruth a cold gaze.

“Why did you discard what your sister gave you?”.Mr.Logan snarled at Ruth and asked.A storm could be seen brewing on his face.

Mrs.Logan held Rita's hand gently as she caressed her cheeks.

“Don't cry my baby, your father will handle it”. She assured her and hugged her passionately, Rita's false tears didn't stop streaming down her cheeks.

“Ruth!!!!”. Mr.logan yelled her name because his previous question with silence,it was obvious Ruth wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

“I don't have appetite”. She replied nonchalantly and sighed.

“Go pick it and eat it now!!”. Mr. Logan command,Ruth narrowed her eyes in surprise at her father's statement.

“What??”. She couldn't help but ask.

“I said go and pick the rib you discarded now!!”. He replied,his gruesome voice eoched.

A smile curved at Rita's lips as the scene unfolds before her.

“I have discarded it father”. Ruth replied,her voice barely above a whisper,she didn't expect her father to say such thing to her.

“How dare you…..”. Agitated Mr.Logan was about pulling Ruth on the hair when suddenly she covered her mouth and run toward the rubbish bin to vomit,she vomited till she was lost of breath.

The glanced at each other in surprise,Rita quickly ran to where Ruth is started patting her shoulder frantically.

“Ruth what is wrong with you??”. Her mother asked,her face impassive.

“I don't know mum”. Ruth muttered and sat quietly on the bare floor, Rita's face was etched with as she walked over to her mother.

“Let's run test on her”. Rita said and her parents nooded positively.

Few hours later Ruth was dragged to the hospital for a pregnancy test,Mrs. Logan's eyes narrowed in surprise as he held the pregnancy results which turned out to be positive.

“Ruth how could you ruin the family's reputation?!, You're supposed to marry Thomas!!”. Her mother's words echoed through her ears.

“Congratulations!. You will soon be a mother!”. The doctor complimented as he smiled brashly at them.

“I will soon be a mother??”. Ruth asked as she placed her hands on her small baby bump, tears brimming in her eyes,a look of disappointment crossed through her mother's face as she glare at her coldly!.

“You're two months pregnant”. The doctor replied,with his lips curved into a smile.

“Thanks doctor”. Mrs. Logan said and dragged the teary Ruth out of the doctors office.

“What? Ruth is Pregnant?!”. Mr. Logan retorted,his intergorating eyes piercing through Ruth's body.

He grabbed Ruth harshly by the wrist,She winced in pain but Mr.Logan cared less.Rita and Mrs. Logan trailed closely behind them.

“Get this bastard aborted!!”.Mr. Logan stormed into the doctor's office and yelled.

“My innocent child??”. Ruth asked unbelievably,as she swallowed the growing lumps in her throat.

“Your innocent child is a bastard!!. Get rid of it now!!”. Mr. Logan's voice echoed through the doctor's office.

“I won't take the life of my child!”. Ruth said confidently and withdrew her hand from her father's painful grip, leaving some bruises on her grip.

“You belongs to Thomas family you can't spoil the relationship we have build so far?!”..Mr. Logan snarled coldly,he had wanted to shove Ruth off to Richard as marriage.

“Then…..I'm sorry to disappoint you…..”. Ruth said and broke into tears,Mr. Logan raised her hand to hit her but the doctor's voice eoched and his hand was hung in the mild air.

“Don't be hard on her,she will decide by herself!”. The doctor said,with a hint of anger lacing his voice,he has seen enough of how Mr. Logan was pushing her daughter to get an abortion,which may in turn endanger her life.

Rita watched in enthusiasm,with her mother standing by her side, Ruth is carrying the child of the Richest man in the whole world!!.She regretted ever sending her to a strangers bed!.

If this secret is exposed she Rita would definitely lose the position of being the favorite child to Ruth.

“Nobody will know about this!. Not even my mother!. Carrying Clinton's child clearly indicates that Ruth would be the richest man's wife if Clinton's becomes aware of it!.

And the only way she could stop this is to persuade Ruth to abort the child!.

No I won't let it happen!. I must stop this,I can't sit and watch this whore be with the man I have been longing so hard to be with,the only man that could decide the faith of the world,this little secret will never be leaked out!. Never!”. She said inwardly and walked up to Ruth,who was on her knees sobbing profusely.

“Ruth”. Rita said and squat to meet her sister's gaze,she held her two hands,her eyes locking into hers.

“You're my twin sister and I love you so much!. Same with mum and dad,we will never take any decision that would hurt or endanger you!. What ever you hear us say is obviously for your good!. We love you so much so please…….abort the baby”.

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