

Kyle King

It's been two months since Tessa left and Ava moved into the King's family. Ava had been so nice and kind to me, and I was grateful I made the decision to let Tessa go.

However, there was a little problem. Ava had suddenly turned me to her money machine, and my mom had approved it. She didn't care that the profits of the company were reducing since there wasn't any reasonable business idea or strategy to use to draw in customers. 

A message popped up on my laptop screen. A notification mail on a business proposal was submitted to one of our crucial clients. I hurriedly read through the document and paused when I saw the usual apology I have been getting all week from other clients.

I needed to think outside the box; if not, the company would crumble and my dad`s relatives would be on my neck.

I started reading through the latest business projects when I came across a headline talking about my divorce from Tessa. The article reviewed the progress of the company while Tessa was still around and its downfall after she left. The writer also talked about Ava, and there were some sarcastic statements about the King's family choices and the way they treated people who weren't predestined like them.

I threw the paper into the trash can and called my mom immediately. I knew she was the only one who could have talked to the press and informed them about the divorce after I begged her to keep it confidential.

`Hello, Kyle,` she answered after the fifth dial. `Hope you`re on your way home? Ava invited me for dinner and hinted that it was my specialty.

Mrs. Dahila and food. If you wanted to kidnap my mom, just invite her to an expensive banquet, and she would appear immediately without thinking of the consequences.

`I didn't call you about the dinner plans, but the Western Post. Have you read their editor`s article today? They destroyed me and Ava on that piece and praised Tessa for being a patriotic wife.` 

She gasped, "That stupid Tom. I am sorry. for that. Tom called me for some information on the company's latest developments, and I had nothing to give him. Then he brought up the idea of using the divorce to increase the visibility of the company. How was I to say no?`

Wow. He couldn't believe her. How could she think his divorce would increase the company's visibility? How?

`Mom, please fix this before our clients start nosing around. You are aware we didn't treat Tessa right, and once they get to know this, they will be quick to cut off ties with us. Do you want your fashion labels to be auctioned? Or an end to your spa trips?

She gasped in horror again. `Don't threaten your mother, Kyle. I would rectify my mistake while you take care of your clients and put out a statement to the public debunking the article.`

`Alright,` I replied, `I will also be missing dinner. I have to see Xavier and some other business partners. You two and Ava should have fun.`

She muttered a threat and hung up immediately. I needed to speak to somebody about what was going on in my head. Ava wasn't that person at the moment, nor was my mother. They were similar in attitude and character. It wasn't a mystery why she liked Ava more than Tessa.

I managed to get some work activities done before I closed for the day. Ava had sent messages, but I had been busy thinking about the next business plan I could execute to increase the present status of the company.

I quickly sent a text, apologising for missing dinner and making a promise to make up for it. I checked the time and called Xavier. We were to meet at my favourite bar, Cella`s Hub.

`Hello, bro. Where are you? The boys have been waiting for your grand entrance. Did Ava come up with a chore for you?` He taunted, laughing harshly into the mouthpiece.

I scoffed, ignoring his taunt, `I am almost there. Work activities came in, and you know the business hasn't been doing so well, so I had to stay behind and do them.`

`Alright, workaholic. Just get here fast before the boys leave. I have done my best holding them down for an hour.`

The `boys` were actually some Asian investors who just came into town. Xavier, who worked as his part-time business developer, was able to follow up with them and book a meeting. He was surprised when they insisted on doing the meeting in a bar. I checked through the plans I had created to convince them on my laptop while I sent some files to Xavier. He would need them to keep the investors busy. 

The car finally stopped at Cella`s hub, and I instructed the chauffeur to stay until the meeting was over. I couldn't afford to order an Uber or trust Xavier to drive me home. He would be too drunk to even decipher the traffic light.

The bar was filled with people who were dancing to the loud hip-hop song playing. I saw Xavier before he saw me, and he walked towards the section they had chosen for the meeting.

`Good evening, gentlemen. I apologise for the delay. Shall we start?` I asked, shaking one of them, who seemed to be the head.

He whispered to them, and soon we were laughing over drinks.

`Well, the meeting went well,` Xavier said, taking a long sip of his favourite bourbon.

I shrugged, pretending not to listen. We had lost the deal after they found out about the divorce and the fall of the company. They couldn't risk their investment in a business that wasn`t stable. Xavier tried to convince me, but it seemed they had made up their minds about me and the meeting.

`You should have stood up with your mom when she demanded you divorce Tessa. Now, see where you are.` he said, giggling.

That got me, and I nudged him hard. `Don`t you dare use that to make fun of me. I told you it was my choice to divorce Tessa, and I'm glad I did. She wasn't useful anymore to my future plans.`

He groaned, rubbing his shoulder. `Indeed. Next time you nudge me, I will put you on the floor, okay? As for your decisions, I think they were wacky, but never mind. My opinion doesn't account for your family matters, but don`t forget that someday you`re going to regret your actions.`

I chuckled, `I won't regret anything. Tessa is gone, and Ava is here. Why not get to know her and appreciate her good qualities? Trust me, bro, you would like her instantly.`

He shrugged. `I bet I will. What has she done so far to help with the company issues, or did you not tell her?`

I murmured, `It's not her place to make decisions or give advice on business matters, Xavier.`

`But it was Tessa`s place to work hard for your company's successes? You amaze me, bro.`

`Just shut up, Xavier, and don't talk about Tessa anymore. She's never coming back, okay?` I yelled, ignoring his amused stare. `What do you think we should do about the inventors? We can lose them just like that.`

Xavier paused, typing into his phone. `You have to let them go and find a way to change the word going around in the company. Maybe you should jump in for the Roberts projects? They`re looking for reputable companies to partner with, and you know the Roberts are generous people.`

I sighed, suddenly remembering Tessa`s relationship with Robert. Although they disowned her for five years, he still didn't want to have anything with them or her.

`You know that Tessa is related to them. She's their daughter, even though they disowned her. I don't think it will be wise to jump in on their project. My mom won't approve it.`

He grinned. `You amaze me sometimes, Kyle. You know it's easy to apply for a space in the project, right? You don't have to use your company's full name; just Jordan Kyle will do, and you can put your executives in charge.`

I nodded, thinking about his plan. That can work if my mom doesn't know. Although Ava would be aware because I will be putting her as one of the executives.

`Alright, we can do this, Xavier. Please do all necessary research and let me know the details of the project, alright?`

Xavier smiled, getting up. `Okay, bro. I need to find a baby to help with the night, so goodnight.`

I laughed. Xavier was, and will always be, a playboy. I watched him speak to a blonde, then took the last sip of my drink and walked out.

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